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The Ripple payment network consists of a collection of peers running rippled. Each peer maintains multiple outgoing connections and optional incoming connections to other peers. These connections are made over both the public Internet and private local area networks. This network defines a fully connected directed graph of nodes where vertices are instances of rippled and edges are persistent TCP/IP connections. Peers send and receive messages to other connected peers. This peer to peer network, layered on top of the public and private Internet, forms an overlay network. The contents of the messages and the behavior of peers in response to the messages, plus the information exchanged during the handshaking phase of connection establishment, defines the Ripple peer protocol (protocol in this context).


Each connection is represented by a Peer object. The Overlay manager establishes, receives, and maintains connections to peers. Protocol messages are exchanged between peers and serialized using Google Protocol Buffers.


Each connection between peers is identified by its connection type, which affects the behavior of message routing:

  • Leaf

  • Peer


Depending on the type of connection desired, the peers will modify their behavior according to certain roles:

Leaf or Superpeer

A peer in the leaf role does not route messages. In the superpeer role, a peer accepts incoming connections from other leaves and superpeers up to the configured slot limit. It also routes messages. For a particular connection, the choice of leaf or superpeer is mutually exclusive. However, a peer can operate in both the leaf and superpeer role for different connections. One of the requirements

Client Handler

While not part of the responsibilities of the Overlay module, a peer operating in the Client Handler role accepts incoming connections from clients and services them through the JSON-RPC interface. A peer can operate in either the leaf or superpeer roles while also operating as a client handler.


To establish a protocol connection, a peer makes an outgoing TLS encrypted connection to a remote peer, then sends a HTTP request with no message body. The request uses the HTTP/1.1 Upgrade mechanism with some custom fields to communicate protocol specific information:

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: rippled-0.27.0
Upgrade: RTXP/1.2, RTXP/1.3
Connection: Upgrade
Connect-As: Leaf, Peer
Accept-Encoding: identity, zlib, snappy
Public-Key: aBRoQibi2jpDofohooFuzZi9nEzKw9Zdfc4ExVNmuXHaJpSPh8uJ
Session-Signature: 71ED064155FFADFA38782C5E0158CB26

Upon receipt of a well-formed HTTP request the remote peer will send back a HTTP response indicating the connection status:

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Server: rippled-0.27.0
Upgrade: RTXP/1.2
Connection: Upgrade
Connect-As: Leaf
Transfer-Encoding: snappy
Public-Key: aBRoQibi2jpDofohooFuzZi9nEzKw9Zdfc4ExVNmuXHaJpSPh8uJ
Session-Signature: 71ED064155FFADFA38782C5E0158CB26

If the remote peer has no available slots, the HTTP status code 503 (Service Unavailable) is returned, with an optional content body in JSON format that may contain additional information such as IP and port addresses of other servers that may have open slots:

HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
Server: rippled-0.27.0
Content-Length: 253
Content-Type: application/json


  • URL

    The URL in the request line must be a single forward slash character ("/"). Requests with any other URL must be rejected. Different URL strings are reserved for future protocol implementations.

  • HTTP Version

    The minimum required HTTP version is 1.1. Requests for HTTP versions earlier than 1.1 must be rejected.

  • User-Agent

    Contains information about the software originating the request. The specification is identical to RFC2616 Section 14.43.

  • Server

    Contains information about the software providing the response. The specification is identical to RFC2616 Section 14.38.

  • Remote-Address (optional)

    This optional field contains the string representation of the IP address of the remote end of the connection as seen by the peer. By observing values of this field from a sufficient number of different servers, a peer making outgoing connections can deduce its own IP address.

  • Upgrade

    This field must be present and for requests consist of a comma delimited list of at least one element where each element is of the form "RTXP/" followed by the dotted major and minor protocol version number. For responses the value must be a single element matching one of the elements provided in the corresponding request field. If the server does not understand any of the requested protocols,

  • Connection

    This field must be present, containing the value 'Upgrade'.

  • Connect-As

    For requests the value consists of a comma delimited list of elements where each element describes a possible connection type. Current connection types are:

    • leaf
    • peer

    If this field is omitted or the value is the empty string, then 'leaf' is assumed.

    For responses, the value must consist of exactly one element from the list of elements specified in the request. If a server does not recognize any of the connection types it must return a HTTP error response.

  • Public-Key

    This field value must be present, and contain a base 64 encoded value used as a server public key identifier.

  • Session-Signature

    This field must be present. It contains a cryptographic token formed from the SHA512 hash of the shared data exchanged during SSL handshaking. For more details see the corresponding source code.

  • Crawl (optional)

    If present, and the value is "public" then neighbors will report the IP address to crawler requests. If absent, neighbor's default behavior is to not report IP addresses.

  • User Defined (Unimplemented)

    The rippled operator may specify additional, optional fields and values through the configuration. These headers will be transmitted in the corresponding request or response messages.

Ripple Clustering

A cluster consists of more than one Ripple server under common administration that share load information, distribute cryptography operations, and provide greater response consistency.

Cluster nodes are identified by their public node keys. Cluster nodes exchange information about endpoints that are imposing load upon them. Cluster nodes share information about their internal load status. Cluster nodes do not have to verify the cryptographic signatures on messages received from other cluster nodes.


A server's public key can be determined from the output of the server_info command. The key is in the pubkey_node value, and is a text string beginning with the letter n. The key is maintained across runs in a database.

Cluster members are configured in the rippled.cfg file under [cluster_nodes]. Each member should be configured on a line beginning with the node public key, followed optionally by a space and a friendly name.

Because cluster members can introduce other cluster members, it is not necessary to configure every cluster member on every other cluster member. If a hub and spoke system is used, it is sufficient to configure every cluster member on the hub(s) and only configure the hubs on the spokes. That is, each spoke does not need to be configured on every other spoke.

New spokes can be added as follows:

  • In the new spoke's [cluster_nodes], include each hub's public node key
  • Start the spoke server and determine its public node key
  • Configure each hub with the new spoke's public key
  • Restart each hub, one by one
  • Restart the spoke

Transaction Behavior

When a transaction is received from a cluster member, several normal checks are bypassed:

Signature checking is bypassed because we trust that a cluster member would not relay a transaction with an incorrect signature. Validators may wish to disable this feature, preferring the additional load to get the additional security of having validators check each transaction.

Local checks for transaction checking are also bypassed. For example, a server will not reject a transaction from a cluster peer because the fee does not meet its current relay fee. It is preferable to keep the cluster in agreement and permit confirmation from one cluster member to more reliably indicate the transaction's acceptance by the cluster.

Server Load Information

Cluster members exchange information on their server's load level. The load level is essentially the amount by which the normal fee levels are multiplied to get the server's fee for relaying transactions.

A server's effective load level, and the one it uses to determine its relay fee, is the highest of its local load level, the network load level, and the cluster load level. The cluster load level is the median load level reported by a cluster member.


Gossip is the mechanism by which cluster members share information about endpoints (typically IPv4 addresses) that are imposing unusually high load on them. The endpoint load manager takes into account gossip to reduce the amount of load the endpoint is permitted to impose on the local server before it is warned, disconnected, or banned.

Suppose, for example, that an attacker controls a large number of IP addresses, and with these, he can send sufficient requests to overload a server. Without gossip, he could use these same addresses to overload all the servers in a cluster. With gossip, if he chooses to use the same IP address to impose load on more than one server, he will find that the amount of load he can impose before getting disconnected is much lower.


The peers command will report on the status of the cluster. The cluster object will contain one entry for each member of the cluster (either configured or introduced by another cluster member). The age field is the number of seconds since the server was last heard from. If the server is reporting an elevated cluster fee, that will be reported as well.

In the peers object, cluster members will contain a cluster field set to true.