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File metadata and controls

1363 lines (904 loc) · 51.2 KB

Build My First Xamarin App

Estimated completion time: 60-75 minutes

In this lab, you will create a new cross-platform mobile application using the Xamarin tools for Visual Studio and Xamarin.Forms.

The app you will build is called Minutes; a tracking application which can be used to take notes during meetings, keep track of things assigned to you, or log your own personal thoughts.

Final app running on UWP

Table of Contents

  1. Create solution
  2. Explore the project
  3. Run on Windows
  4. Run on Android
  5. Run on iOS
  6. Code the NoteEntry class
  7. Add a storage interface
  8. Code the MemoryEntryStore class
  9. Build the list of notes in XAML
  10. Improve the visualization for the notes
  11. Add the edit screen
  12. Create a new note
  13. Delete a note
  14. Add persistent storage


This lab uses Visual Studio on Windows with the Xamarin mobile workload installed. It demonstrates projects for Windows, Android, and iOS. You can also use Visual Studio for Mac; however, this will only create projects targeting Android and iOS and a few of the steps might not match exactly.

Note This lab assumes you are running Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. If you are using an older version of Windows, you may not be able to run the UWP version of the application. In this case, you can skip those sections and deploy on iOS and/or Android.

What you will learn

You will create a new Xamarin.Forms application and see how to construct a basic UI using XAML, connect the UI to behavior in C# code, and navigate between multiple screens, sharing the data between them.

1. Create solution

You will create a new Xamarin.Forms application using the Visual Studio 2017 New Project wizard.

Select template

  1. Launch Visual Studio.

  2. Navigate to File > New > Project...

  3. In the New Project window, navigate to the Installed > Visual C# > Cross-Platform section.

  4. Select the Mobile App (Xamarin.Forms) template.

  5. Enter "Minutes" in the Name field.

  6. Enter a folder in the Location field.

Select the Cross-Platform App template

Note: On Windows, it's recommended to use a location close to the root to avoid path-length issues.

  1. Click the OK button.

Choose project options

  1. Select the Blank App template.

  2. Select the Android, iOS, and Windows (UWP) platforms.

  3. Select .NET Standard as the Code Sharing Strategy.

Choose the solution options

  1. Click the OK button to create the solution.

2. Explore the project

The wizard will create four projects: one for the shared code (as a .NET Standard library) and three for the platform-specific apps which can be run on the actual devices or simulator/emulators.

Solution Explorer

Project Description
Minutes The .NET Standard shared code project. This is shared between all the target platforms and is where most of your code will go.
Minutes.Android The Xamarin.Android project which generates the Android-specific binary package which can be deployed and run on Android devices.
Minutes.iOS The Xamarin.iOS project which generated the iOS-specific binary package which can be run on iPhone and iPad devices.
Minutes.UWP The Universal Windows project which can be run on Windows 10 devices. This project is only available when you create the solution with Visual Studio on Windows.

3. Run on Windows

Execute the Minutes.UWP app on Windows. Make sure to select Local Machine so it runs locally vs. in a simulator. This will give you a much quicker deployment and startup time which is convenient during development and testing.

Note: This requires Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.

Set Startup Project

  1. In the Solution Explorer, locate the Minutes.UWP (Universal Windows) project.

  2. Right-click on the Minutes.UWP (Universal Windows) project.

  3. In the context menu, select Set as StartUp Project.

Set Minutes.UWP as Startup Project

Run the UWP app

  1. On the Standard toolbar, locate the Debug Target button.

The Debug Target button

  1. Verify that the text on the Debug Target button is "Local Machine". If it is not, select the disclosure arrow on the side of the Debug Target button and choose "Local Machine" from the context menu.

Select Local Machine

  1. Click the Debug Target button to run the app.

UWP app

4. Run on Android

Execute the Minutes.Android app on an Android device or emulator. The instructions will show using an emulator, however, if a physical device is plugged in via USB, it should show up in the devices drop down as well.

Set Startup Project

  1. In the Solution Explorer, locate the Minutes.Android project.

  2. Right-click on the Minutes.Android project.

  3. In the context menu, select the Set as StartUp Project entry.

Set Minutes.Android as Startup Project

Run the app

  1. On the Standard toolbar, locate the Debug Target button.

The Debug Target button

  1. Verify that the text on the Debug Target button is some version of an Android emulator. If it is not, select the disclosure arrow on the side of the Debug Target button and choose an Android emulator from the context menu.

Select an Android emulator

If you don't see any Android devices, you might need to do additional setup:

  1. Click the Debug Target button to run the app.

Run Android app

5. Run on iOS

Run the Minutes.iOS app from either macOS or Windows. You can use the iOS simulator to avoid the need for a physical device. You can also use a physical iOS device if it's been provisioned for development.

Note: You need a network connected Mac for this step; part of the build process and execution of the iOS simulator must occur on a Mac.

You can run the iOS app directly through Visual Studio for Mac, or through the remoted simulator when using Visual Studio for Windows. To create the network connection from Windows to the Mac, see the setup page.

Set Startup Project

  1. In the Solution Explorer, locate the Minutes.iOS project.

  2. Right-click on the Minutes.iOS project.

  3. In the context menu, select Set as StartUp Project.

Set the Startup Project

Run the app

  1. On the Standard toolbar, locate the Solution Platforms drop-down.

The Solution Platforms drop-down

  1. Verify that the text on the Solution Platforms drop-down is "iPhoneSimulator". If it is not, select the disclosure arrow on the side of the Solution Platforms drop-down and choose "iPhoneSimulator".

Select the iPhoneSimulator platform

  1. Open the Tools > Options... menu.

  2. Navigate to the Xamarin > iOS Settings section.

  3. In the "Simulator" area, choose where the simulator window will be displayed.

    • Check Remote Simulator to Windows to display the iOS simulator on the Windows PC.

    • Uncheck Remote Simulator to Windows to show it on the Mac.

Select simulator display location

  1. Select the disclosure arrow on the side of the Debug Target button and choose your preferred iOS simulator from the context menu.

Choose simulator version

  1. Click the Debug Target button to run the app.

Debug Target button

Run the iOS app

6. Code the NoteEntry class

Next you will implement the NoteEntry data-model class that holds the data for each entry put into the app.

Create the C# class

  1. Create a new Data folder in the Minutes shared-code project.

Data folder

  1. Add a new class to the Data folder named NoteEntry.

Create a new Class Entry class in the shared-code project

  1. Add public to the class definition.
namespace Minutes.Data
    public class NoteEntry

Add public properties to hold the data

  1. Add a public, read-write property of type string to the Entry class named Title.

  2. Add a public, read-write property of type string to the Entry class named Text.

  3. Add a public, read-write property of type DateTime to the Entry class named CreatedDate.

  4. Add a public, read-write property of type string to the Entry class named Id.

The completed code is shown below:

public class NoteEntry
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
    public string Id { get; set; }

Initialize properties

  1. Add a public, default (no-argument) constructor to the NoteEntry class.

  2. Initialize the CreatedDate property to the current time. Use DateTime.Now.

  3. Initialize the Id property to a string derived from a System.Guid object. Use Guid.NewGuid().ToString().

The completed code is shown below:

public class NoteEntry
    public NoteEntry()
        CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
        Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

Override ToString

  1. Override the ToString method in the NoteEntry class.

  2. Concatenate the entry's Title with the CreatedDate and return the result.

  3. Build the solution to check for syntax errors.

The completed code is shown below:

public class NoteEntry
    public override string ToString()
        return $"{Title} {CreatedDate}";

Note: For single-line methods like this, you can condense the code by using C#'s expression bodied member syntax. As an example, the below code is exactly the same as above to C#, just shorter! You can use either approach based on what is easier for you to read and understand.

public class NoteEntry
    public override string ToString() => $"{Title} {CreatedDate}";

7. Add a storage interface

Next, you will define an abstraction for the storage class that collects all the notes together. You will start with a basic in-memory implementation so you can build the UI and test the logic. Later, you can switch to a persistent file so the NoteEntry data is saved to the device.

Add a new interface

  1. Create a new interface in the Minutes shared-code project. Name it INoteEntryStore.

  2. Use the following definition for the interface:

using Minutes.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Minutes
    public interface INoteEntryStore
        Task<NoteEntry> GetByIdAsync(string id);
        Task<IEnumerable<NoteEntry>> GetAllAsync();
        Task AddAsync(NoteEntry entry);
        Task UpdateAsync(NoteEntry entry);
        Task DeleteAsync(NoteEntry entry);

Notice the code is using System.Threading.Tasks.Task for all the return types. This is preparation for a later step where you will switch to a file-based storage model that uses asynchronous I/O APIs.

Method Purpose
GetByIdAsync Returns a specific note entry by looking it up via the unique Id property.
GetAllAsync Returns all the note entry objects as an Enumerable list.
AddAsync Adds a new entry to the collection.
UpdateAsync Update an existing entry in the collection.
DeleteAsync Delete an existing entry in the collection.

8. Code the MemoryEntryStore class

Now, you will code the MemoryEntryStore class, which will store a collection of NoteEntry objects in memory. This will implement the INoteEntryStore interface.

Create the class

  1. Add a new class to the Data folder in the Minutes shared-code project named MemoryEntryStore.

  2. Add public to the class definition.

  3. Add the interface to the class definition.

public class MemoryEntryStore : INoteEntryStore

Implement the methods

  1. Add a private, readonly dictionary field of type Dictionary<string, NoteEntry> to the class. Name it entries.
private readonly Dictionary<string, NoteEntry> entries = new Dictionary<string, NoteEntry>();
  1. Add using statements for the System.Linq and System.Threading.Tasks namespaces to the top of the file. We'll need some of the extension methods and classes that are part of those namespaces.
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
  1. Implement the GetAllAsync method by returning all the objects in the dictionary's Values property. Use ToList() to turn the value collection into an enumerable collection.

  2. Use Task.FromResult to turn the List result into a Task return type to match the interface. Here's the code for convenience:

public Task<IEnumerable<NoteEntry>> GetAllAsync()
    IEnumerable<NoteEntry> result = entries.Values.ToList();
    return Task.FromResult(result);
  1. Implement the AddAsync method: add the passed NoteEntry to the dictionary, and return Task.CompletedTask to indicate success.
public Task AddAsync(NoteEntry entry)
    entries.Add(entry.Id, entry);
    return Task.CompletedTask;
  1. Implement UpdateAsync by returning Task.CompletedTask. The code isn't storing the data anywhere except memory so there's no work to do.

  2. Implement DeleteAsync just like AddAsync; remove the item from the dictionary and return Task.CompletedTask.

  3. Implement GetByIdAsync by looking up the proper NoteEntry and returning it using Task.FromResult. Here's the code for convenience:

public Task<NoteEntry> GetByIdAsync(string id)
    NoteEntry entry = null;
    entries.TryGetValue(id, out entry);
    return Task.FromResult(entry);
  1. Build the solution to check for syntax errors.

Create sample data

  1. Add a new class to the Data folder in the Minutes shared-code project named MockDataExtensionMethods.

  2. Add public and static to the class definition.

  3. Add the code given below into the MockDataExtensionMethods class.

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Minutes.Data
    public static class MockDataExtensionMethods
        public static void LoadMockData(this INoteEntryStore store)
            NoteEntry a = new NoteEntry
                Title = "Sprint Planning Meeting",
                Text = "1. Scope 2. Backlog 3. Duration"

            NoteEntry b = new NoteEntry
                Title = "Daily Scrum Stand-up",
                Text = "1. Yesterday 2. Today 3. Impediments"

            NoteEntry c = new NoteEntry
                Title = "Sprint Retrospective",
                Text = "1. Reflection 2. Actions"


Instantiate the store

  1. Open the file App.xaml.cs in the shared-code project.

  2. Add the static property shown below to the App class. This will allow us to access the note storage from anywhere in the application.

public static INoteEntryStore Entries { get; set; }
  1. In the App constructor, instantiate a MemoryEntryStore object and assign it to the Entries property. You will need to add using Minutes.Data;.

  2. In the App constructor, invoke the LoadMockData extension method on Entries to fill it with sample data.

  3. Build the solution to check for syntax errors.

The code is shown below:

public partial class App : Application
    public static INoteEntryStore Entries { get; set; }

    public App ()

        Entries = new MemoryEntryStore();

        MainPage = new Minutes.MainPage();

9. Build the list of notes in XAML

The next task is to create the UI to display all the NoteEntry objects. This will replace the default UI you saw earlier.

You will display the list of NoteEntry objects in a ListView using the default visualization. The ListView class is used in Xamarin.Forms to display a scrollable, selectable list of data items. You see this style of UI in many mobile applications, and it's straight-forward to create in Xamarin.Forms.

Add a ListView

  1. Open MainPage.xaml in the shared-code project. This is the main page for the application which is setup in App.xaml.cs as part of the constructor.

  2. Remove the contents of the ContentPage added by the starter template. When you are finished, the file should like the XAML shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""

  1. Add a ListView inside the ContentPage tags.

Note: Please use traditional start and end tags for the ListView instead of a self-closing tag; you will add code inside the ListView tags in a later step.

  1. Use x:Name to assign the name entries to the ListView.
<ListView x:Name="entries">


Set the ListView ItemsSource

  1. Open MainPage.xaml.cs.

  2. Override the OnAppearing method in the MainPage class.

  3. You will be calling a Task-based method so add the async keyword to the OnAppearing method in front of the return type (void).

  4. Inside OnAppearing, load the list of entries into the ListView. Make sure to use the await keyword as shown below:

protected override async void OnAppearing()
    entries.ItemsSource = await App.Entries.GetAllAsync();
  1. Run the app on at least one platform. You should see the output of the ToString method displayed for each NoteEntry object.

Running on UWP

10. Use a better visualization for the notes

Next, you will customize the display of NoteEntry objects in the ListView. Currently, it is calling the ToString implementation to get a textual representation and displaying it within a Label for each NoteEntry.

You'll change this by using a DataTemplate to direct the ListView on the proper visualization to use for each item.

There are two options available to us: First, (and best if it works for your app), is to use a built-in template; these are optimized and often correspond directly to a platform's native representation. This approach allows for one or two text items and an optional image.

If your app has requirements for displaying each item that cannot be fulfilled with these templates, you can define a fully custom view.

Since the NoteEntry objects just have text, you can use a built-in template: the TextCell.

Specify the DataTemplate

  1. Open MainPage.xaml in the shared-code project.

  2. Locate the ListView in the XAML.

  3. Add open and close tags for ListView.ItemTemplate inside the ListView.

  4. Add open and close tags for a new DataTemplate inside the ListView.ItemTemplate.

  5. Add a TextCell inside the DataTemplate.

All your subsequent work will be done inside the open tag of the TextCell so can use a self-closing tag for the TextCell.

  1. Inside the TextCell element tag, assign the string "Title" to the Text property.

  2. Inside the TextCell element tag, assign the string "Text" to the Detail property.

  3. Inside the TextCell element tag, assign the color Goldenrod to the DetailColor property.

  4. Run the app on at least one platform. You should see the hard-coded values "Title" and "Text" displayed for each item in the ListView.

The code is shown below for convenience.

<ListView x:Name="entries">
                DetailColor="Goldenrod" />

Add the data bindings

The goal is to display the data from each NoteEntry object. To do this, the app will utilize a built-in feature of Xamarin.Forms: data binding.

  1. Open MainPage.xaml in the shared-code project.

  2. Locate the TextCell in the XAML.

  3. Replace the hard-coded assignment to Text with a Binding expression that displays the Title property of the underlying Entry object (see below).

<TextCell Text="{Binding Title}" ... />
  1. Replace the hard-coded assignment to Detail with a Binding expression that displays the Text property of the underlying NoteEntry object. The full code is shown below for convenience.
<ListView x:Name="entries">
                Text="{Binding Title}"
                Detail="{Binding Text}"
                DetailColor="Goldenrod" />
  1. Run the app on at least one platform. You should see the values from the NoteEntry objects displayed in the list.

Running on UWP

11. Add the edit screen

Now that the app is displaying notes, let's add a new screen to add / edit items so the user can customize the data.

Create a new XAML ContentPage

  1. Right-click on the Minutes shared-code project in the Solution Explorer and choose Add > New Item.

  2. Select Visual C# Items > Xamarin.Forms in the left-hand panel. This will display all the Xamarin.Forms classes you can add.

  3. Select Content Page, there are two of them; make sure the details screen indicates that the page uses XAML.

Add New ContentPage

  1. Name the new page NoteEntryEditPage.xaml.

  2. Click Add to add the page.

This will add two files to the project: a XAML file which has the UI definition, and a C# code behind file where the page-specific behavior can be coded.

Navigate to the new page

Now, update the code to display the new page when the user taps on one of the items in the ListView.

  1. Open the MainPage.xaml.cs code behind file.
  2. Locate the constructor, after the call to InitializeComponent, add an event handler to the entries.ItemTapped event. Name the method OnItemTapped.
entries.ItemTapped += OnItemTapped;
  1. Add the OnItemTapped method; you can auto-generate it with Visual Studio (right-click on the method name with the red-underline and select Quick Actions and Refactorings... > Generate Method) or type it yourself using a standard event handler signature with an ItemTappedEventArgs.

  2. Get the item you have tapped on from the passed ItemTappedEventArgs - it's in the Item property and cast it to a NoteEntry object. You will need to add using Minutes.Data; either manually, or by right-clicking on the NoteEntry and selecting Quick Actions and Refactorings... > Using Minutes.Data).

  3. Call Navigation.PushAsync and pass it a new instance of your NoteEntryEditPage.

  4. That method is async, so apply the async and await keywords.

  5. The page needs to know about the selected NoteEntry, an easy way to do this is to pass it into the constructor. Modify the constructor of the NoteEntryEditPage to take a NoteEntry and cache it into a private field. You will need to add using Minutes.Data; either manually, or by right-clicking on the NoteEntry and selecting Quick Actions and Refactorings... > Using Minutes.Data).

private async void OnItemTapped(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e)
    NoteEntry item = e.Item as NoteEntry;
    await Navigation.PushAsync(new NoteEntryEditPage(item));
private NoteEntry entry;

public NoteEntryEditPage (NoteEntry entry)
    InitializeComponent ();
    this.entry = entry;
  1. Xamarin.Forms uses a standard paradigm for navigation; you used the method above (Navigation.PushAsync). To work on all platforms, you will need to add in a NavigationPage into the UI structure. Open the App.xaml.cs source file.

  2. Locate the assignment of the MainPage property in the constructor.

  3. Change the main page to be a NavigationPage object and pass in the existing MainPage object into the constructor of the new NavigationPage.

public App ()
    MainPage = new NavigationPage(new Minutes.MainPage());
  1. Run the app on at least one platform and tap on an entry in the ListView. It should navigate to your second page and display "Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!". You can go back using the built-in Back button located in the top-left corner.

  2. You can customize the colors presented along the top of the NavigationPage. Let's update the page to use the same Blue as the launch screen. Open App.cs and on the NavigationPage class:

    • Set the static BarBackgroundColor property to Color.FromHex("#3498db")
    • Set the static BarTextColor property to Color.White
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new Minutes.MainPage())
    BarBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#3498db"),
    BarTextColor = Color.White

Add UI to display details

Next, let's change the second page UI to display the selected note's details.

  1. Open the NoteEntryEditPage.xaml file and examine it's contents. It should have a Label that looks something like:
<Label Text="Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!" ... />
  1. Delete the Label, this should leave the following definitions. If yours is different, go ahead and replace it to look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""

  1. Now, let's add UI to display details for each note. Add the following between the open and close tags of the StackLayout:
<Label Text="Title" />
<Entry Text="Bind to Title" />

<Label Text="Bind to CreatedDate" TextColor="Gray" HorizontalTextAlignment="End" />

<Label Text="Notes" />
<Frame VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" HasShadow="False" Padding="0">
        <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="Color">
            <On Platform="iOS" Value="LightGray" />
            <On Platform="Android" Value="Transparent" />
            <On Platform="UWP" Value="Transparent" />
    <Editor x:Name="textEditor" Text="Bind to Text" />
  1. Next, add Binding statements to the Entry, Label, and Editor controls which have Bind to xxx on the Text properties. Remember that the binding objects take the form {Binding PROPERTY_NAME}.

  2. The Entry and Editor are both editing controls - the first for editing a single line of text, the second for multi-line editing. In XAML data binding, it's good practice to let the binding know you want to utilize two-way bindings and push changes from the UI element back to the data source. You can do this by specifying Mode=TwoWay on the binding itself. Make sure to apply this for both the Entry and Editor binding objects as shown below.

<Entry Text="{Binding Title, Mode=TwoWay}" />
<Editor x:Name="textEditor" Text="{Binding Text, Mode=TwoWay}" />
  1. The CreatedDate will display an (obnoxiously) long date format by default since it's a DateTime object. One cool trick you can use in Xamarin.Forms data binding is to provide a format string that's used when the object's ToString() is called. This is done through the StringFormat property on the binding. Use '{0:g}' for the CreatedDate so the app displays a "General" date/time string. The code is shown below for convenience.
<Label Text="{Binding CreatedDate, StringFormat='Created: {0:g}'}" TextColor="Gray" HorizontalTextAlignment="End" />
  1. Finally, let's supply the data to the page. Set the BindingContext property to provide the default binding source for any binding declared for the page. Open the NoteEntryEditPage.xaml.cs code behind file and locate the constructor.

  2. Assign the passed NoteEntry to the built-in BindingContext property.

public NoteEntryEditPage (NoteEntry entry)
    InitializeComponent ();
    BindingContext = this.entry = entry;
  1. Run the app on at least one platform and tap on an entry in the ListView. It should show the note details!

App running on UWP

  1. Try editing an entry's title and then pressing the Back button; it should be changed on the main page as well since it is referencing the same object in memory. However, this is actually a bug since the code isn't calling UpdateAsync; it's just lucky that it works in this case.

  2. Open the NoteEntryEditPage.xaml.cs code behind file.

  3. Override the OnDisappearing method. This is called when the page is being destroyed and the app is transitioning back to the main page.

  4. If the entry field is not null, then call App.Entries.UpdateAsync to update the values in the note storage. You will need to apply the async and await keywords.

protected override async void OnDisappearing()

    if (entry != null)
        await App.Entries.UpdateAsync(entry);
  1. Run the app again and set a breakpoint to see the behavior; the runtime behavior won't change, but we've corrected the oversight.

Setting focus

When the user edits an entry, they will often want to immediately begin typing. Currently, the user must tap on the field to begin editing. Let's change that behavior by setting focus automatically.

  1. Open NoteEntryEditPage.xaml.cs.

  2. Override the OnAppearing method and add a call to textEditor.Focus(). This will place focus on the Editor control when the screen is displayed.

  3. Run the app and show the details for a note; it should show the onscreen keyboard for that item.

On some devices, typically phones, you might not want this behavior since it can cover content on a small screen. You can restrict this to be desktop-only using the Device.RuntimePlatform flag.

  1. In the OnAppearing override, check the Device.Idiom property for either TargetIdiom.Desktop or TargetIdiom.Tablet and only change focus if it's one of those two platforms.

Note: We could also check the Device.RuntimePlatform property for a specific platform such as UWP if we wanted to be more specific.

protected override void OnAppearing()
    if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Desktop
        || Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Tablet)

Adding a title

Notice that the screen looks a bit crammed, and there's a blank bar across the top. This is due to the navigation support you just added to the app. This blank area is a convenient place for a Title to be displayed. Let's adjust a few properties on the main and detail pages to take advantage of this.

  1. Open NoteEntryEditPage.xaml and locate the ContentPage root element.

  2. Assign the Title property to {Binding Title} to use the title of the current NoteEntry object.

  3. Assign the Padding property to "20" to add a little space around the entire UI (20 units).

<ContentPage xmlns=""
             Title="{Binding Title}"
  1. Open the MainPage.xaml file and locate the same root element.

  2. Set the Title property to "Meeting Minutes", and the Padding property to "20".

  3. Run the app on at least one platform; notice the difference with the titles on each page.

On some platforms, you may notice that the MainPage title is being used as the "Back" text. Since that title is quite long, it can look awkward - however there's a cool trick in Xamarin.Forms that will let you address that.

  1. Open MainPage.xaml and locate the root ContentPage element.

  2. Set the NavigationPage.BackButtonTitle property to the text "Minutes".

  3. Run the app on iOS and notice that the back text on the details page is now "Minutes".

12. Create a new note

Now that the app can display and update notes, let's add support to Add a new note. You can do this by adding a new Entry edit box to the MainPage.

Add a New Text Entry

  1. Open MainPage.xaml and locate the ListView. It's currently the only UI element on the page.

  2. Surround the ListView with a StackLayout.

    <ListView x:Name="entries">
                    Text="{Binding Title}"
                    Detail="{Binding Text}"
                    DetailColor="Goldenrod" />
  1. Put an Entry element above the ListView, set the x:Name to "newEntry".
    • Set the PlaceHolder property to "Add a new Entry".
    • Set the Margin property to "0,0,0,20". This adds a 20 unit space below the control to separate it from the ListView.
<Entry x:Name="newEntry" Placeholder="Add a new Entry" Margin="0,0,0,20" />

Implement the logic to add a new Note

  1. Open the code behind file (MainPage.xaml.cs) and locate the constructor.

  2. After the InitializeComponent method, add a Completed event handler to the newEntry control. Wire it up to a method named OnAddNewEntry.

public MainPage()
    newEntry.Completed += OnAddNewEntry;
  1. Create the OnAddNewEntry method. It is a standard event handler.

  2. In the method, get the Text value from the newEntry control and store it in a variable.

  3. If the string is not empty, create a new NoteEntry object and use the text as the Title.

  4. Add the new note to the note entry store (App.Entries.AddAsync). Make sure to use the await keyword (which means you'll need to add an async keyword to the method!).

  5. Copy the code you used in OnItemTapped to navigate to the NoteEntryEditPage screen, passing it your new item. Make sure to use await.

  6. Finally, set the newEntry.Text property to an empty string to clear it out after the navigation call - this will clear the UI so that the Entry is empty when the app navigates back to this page.

private async void OnAddNewEntry(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string text = newEntry.Text;
    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
        NoteEntry item = new NoteEntry { Title = text };
        await App.Entries.AddAsync(item);
        await Navigation.PushAsync(new NoteEntryEditPage(item));
        newEntry.Text = string.Empty;
  1. Run the app on at least one platform and check out the new UI.

App on UWP

  1. Try adding a new item by typing some text in the field and pressing ENTER or RETURN on the keyboard.

Add a new note on UWP

13. Delete a note

The final missing feature is support to delete a note. You will do this by adding a button to the Details page.

Add Toolbar button on the Details page

  1. Open NoteEntryEditPage.xaml.

  2. After the ContentPage open tag, add a new ToolbarItem. This needs to be in the ToolbarItems collection; use the following XAML to define it:

<ContentPage xmlns=""
        <ToolbarItem Text="Delete" Icon="delete.png" Clicked="OnDeleteEntry" />

This will add a new Button to the navigation toolbar. Since the app is using a NavigationPage, this is a great area to put extra functionality relevant to the screen.

  1. Open NoteEntryEditPage.xaml.cs and add an event handler method named OnDeleteEntry to handle the button click.

  2. In the event handler, ask the user whether they really want to delete the note. You can use the built-in DisplayAlert method which is part of the ContentPage base class. It takes a minimum of three parameters, with an optional fourth if you need a cancel button:

    • Title - set this to "Delete Entry?"
    • Description - set this to $"Are you sure you want to delete the entry {Title}?"
    • OK Button Text - set this to "Yes"
    • Cancel Button Text - set this to "No"
  3. DisplayAlert is asynchronous and returns a true/false depending on which choice the user makes. Use await to get the value.

  4. If the user taps "OK", remove the selected note (entry field) from the note store (App.Entries.DeleteAsync).

  5. Set the entry field to null so the code doesn't try to update it later.

  6. Call Navigation.PopAsync to return to the main screen. This is also an awaitable operation.

private async void OnDeleteEntry(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (await DisplayAlert("Delete Entry", $"Are you sure you want to delete the entry {Title}?", "Yes", "No"))
        await App.Entries.DeleteAsync(entry);
        entry = null; // deleted!
        await Navigation.PopAsync();

Add the delete.png image

The ToolbarItem needs an image, particularly on UWP where no text is displayed by default. Images and graphics are often one of the areas where you will need to provide platform-specific values because the sizes change from platform-to-platform.

There are three folders in the assets folder included with this lab. You will need to copy the images from the ios, android, and windows folders into the project.


  1. Open the assets folder in an Explorer or Finder window.

  2. In Visual Studio, expand the Minutes.Android project and expand the Resources folder in the Solution Explorer. You should see several drawable folders:

Drawable Folders in VS

  1. Drag the contents from each folder in assets into the same-named folder in Visual Studio. On Windows, you can drag the entire folder, on the Mac you need to drag each file (folder drags replace the folder which isn't what you want!)

  2. Expand each of the folders in VS and verify that the delete.png file is there

Check for the delete icon

  1. Select each one and verify that the properties indicate the Build Action is set to AndroidResource

Check the build action


  1. In Visual Studio, expand the Minutes.iOS project in the Solution Explorer. Locate the Asset Catalogs node in the project; right-click on it and select Add Asset Catalog.

Add Asset Catalog

  1. In the dialog, make sure Asset Catalog is selected, and that the name is Assets since this is the first one. Click Add to add the item to the project.

New Asset Catalog

  1. If the new asset catalog (Assets) doesn't open on it's own, double click on it in the project.

  2. Click the (+) button in the top left corner to add a new asset and select Add Image Set from the popup menu.

New Asset

  1. Drag the three icons in the ios folder from assets into the new Image Set. You should match the name to the placeholder - for example, delete@2x.png should be placed into the box labeled 2x as shown below:

Final image set

  1. Close the asset catalog.


  1. In Visual Studio, expand the Minutes.UWP project.

  2. Drag the single delete.png icon in the windows folder from assets into the root of the UWP project.

  3. Select the icon in the Solution Explorer and verify that the Build Action is set to Content.

Test the delete function

  1. Run the app on any platform.

  2. Select an entry in the ListView.

  3. Tap the trash can icon in the top right corner. You should see your prompt.

Delete an Entry in UWP

  1. Selecting "Yes" should delete the entry and return you to the main page and the will be gone; selecting "No" should stay on the details screen.

14. Add persistent storage

The final step is to add a persistence data store so that the notes are saved when the user starts and stops the app. It will store the list of notes in an XML file with the following structure:

  <entry title="The Title" text="The description" createdDate="2018-04-16" />
  <entry title="The Title" text="The description" createdDate="2018-04-16" />
  <entry title="The Title" text="The description" createdDate="2018-04-16" />

This requires that you implement a new INoteEntryStore implementation to save to a file. You could also use SQLite, or a cloud service such as Azure to store your data.

Create the FileEntryStore

  1. Create a new C# class in the Data folder. Name it FileEntryStore.

  2. Have the class implement the INoteEntryStore interface. You can right-click on the interface itself, select Quick Actions and Refactorings... and get Visual Studio to stub out all the required methods.

  3. Add a field of type List<NoteEntry> to hold the loaded entries from the file. Name the field loadedNotes.

  4. Add a field of type string to hold the filename.

  5. Add a public, default (no-argument) constructor to the class and set the filename field using the following code and adding the appropriate using directive:

string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.InternetCache);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder))
   folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData);
this.filename = Path.Combine(folder, "minutes.xml");

This code stores the file into the proper location on all supported platforms. Each platform has different requirements, but luckily this API abstracts that knowledge away from us.

Add code to read the file from disk

  1. Add a static method named ReadDataAsync to FileEntryStore that takes a string filename and returns a Task<IEnumerable<NoteEntry>>. Since it will load from a file, it's more efficient to use the async file I/O features of .NET; add the async keyword to the method signature.
private static async Task<IEnumerable<NoteEntry>> ReadDataAsync(string filename)
  1. First check if the file exists using the File.Exists API, and if not, return Enumerable.Empty<NoteEntry>(). You will need to add a using directive for the System.Linq namespace.

  2. If the file does exist, use a StreamReader to load the file; use the ReadToEndAsync method and apply the await keyword.

  3. Next, check the returned string and make sure it has data; if not, return Enumerable.Empty<NoteEntry>().

  4. Finally, use the following code to parse the XML text with the XDocument class (from the System.Xml.Linq namespace, so you will need to add a using directive) to turn XML into an object graph:

IEnumerable<NoteEntry> result =
        .Select(e =>
            new NoteEntry
                Title = e.Attribute("title").Value,
                Text = e.Attribute("text").Value,
                CreatedDate = (DateTime)e.Attribute("createdDate")
  1. Return the enumerable data from the method.

The final code for the method is shown below:

private static async Task<IEnumerable<NoteEntry>> ReadDataAsync(string filename)
    if (!File.Exists(filename))
        return Enumerable.Empty<NoteEntry>();

    string text;
    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename))
        text = await reader.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
        return Enumerable.Empty<NoteEntry>();

    IEnumerable<NoteEntry> result = XDocument.Parse(text)
            .Select(e =>
                new NoteEntry
                    Title = e.Attribute("title").Value,
                    Text = e.Attribute("text").Value,
                    CreatedDate = (DateTime)e.Attribute("createdDate")

    return result;

Add code to write the collection to disk

  1. Add a static method named SaveDataAsync that takes a filename and an enumerable collection of NoteEntry objects and returns a Task.

  2. Take the collection of notes and turn it into XML with the following C# code that uses LINQ to XML:

XDocument root = new XDocument(
    new XElement("minutes",
        notes.Select(n =>
            new XElement("entry",
                new XAttribute("title", n.Title ?? ""),
                new XAttribute("text", n.Text ?? ""),
                new XAttribute("createdDate", n.CreatedDate)))));
  1. Use the StreamWriter class to write the XDocument to the given filename. Use the asynchronous WriteAsync method, and use the ToString() method on the XDocument to turn it into text.

The final code is shown below:

private static async Task SaveDataAsync(string filename,
                                IEnumerable<NoteEntry> notes)
    XDocument root = new XDocument(
        new XElement("minutes",
            notes.Select(n =>
                new XElement("entry",
                    new XAttribute("title", n.Title ?? ""),
                    new XAttribute("text", n.Text ?? ""),
                    new XAttribute("createdDate", n.CreatedDate)))));

    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename))
        await writer.WriteAsync(root.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);

Initialize the FileEntryStore

  1. Add a method named InitializeAsync that returns a Task. This method will be used to initialize the loadedNotes field. It will be called from each method to ensure the data has been loaded prior to doing anything else.

  2. Check the loadedNotes field for null. If it is not initialized, call the ReadDataAsync method to get the IEnumerable of notes.

  3. Use the await keyword and put the resulting IEnumerable into a List<NoteEntry> and assign it to the loadedNotes field.

private async Task InitializeAsync()
    if (loadedNotes == null)
        loadedNotes = (await ReadDataAsync(filename)).ToList();

Implement the Add support

  1. Add the AddAsync method to the class if you haven't already.

  2. Call InitializeAsync to ensure the notes are loaded from disk. Use the async and await keywords.

  3. Check whether the passed NoteEntry is already present in the loadedNotes. The easiest way to do this is by checking the Id property.

  4. If the entry is not present, add it to the loadedNotes collection.

  5. Call SaveDataAsync to write the data back to disk.

public async Task AddAsync(NoteEntry entry)
    await InitializeAsync();

    if (!loadedNotes.Any(ne => ne.Id == entry.Id))
        await SaveDataAsync(filename, loadedNotes);

Implement the Delete support

  1. Add the DeleteAsync method to the class if you haven't already.

  2. Call InitializeAsync to ensure the notes are loaded from disk. Use the async and await keywords.

  3. Remove the passed note from the loadedNotes collection. The Remove method returns a true/false whether any matching item was found.

  4. Call SaveDataAsync to write the data back to disk if an item was removed.

public async Task DeleteAsync(NoteEntry entry)
    await InitializeAsync();

    if (loadedNotes.Remove(entry))
        await SaveDataAsync(filename, loadedNotes);

Implement the Get support

  1. Add the GetAllAsync method to the class if you haven't already.

  2. Call InitializeAsync to ensure the notes are loaded from disk. Use the async and await keywords.

  3. Return the loadedNotes collection ordered by CreatedDate in descending order.

public async Task<IEnumerable<NoteEntry>> GetAllAsync()
    await InitializeAsync();
    return loadedNotes.OrderByDescending(n => n.CreatedDate);
  1. Add the GetByIdAsync method to the class if you haven't already.

  2. Call InitializeAsync to ensure the notes are loaded from disk. Use the async and await keywords.

  3. Return the specific note from the loadedNotes collection using the Id to find it.

public async Task<NoteEntry> GetByIdAsync(string id)
    await InitializeAsync();
    return loadedNotes.SingleOrDefault(n => n.Id == id);

Add the Update support

  1. Add the UpdateAsync method to the class if you haven't already.

  2. Call InitializeAsync to ensure the notes are loaded from disk. Use the async and await keywords.

  3. Add a test to ensure that the passed note is in the loadedNotes collection. If not, throw an exception.

  4. Call SaveDataAsync to push any changes to in-memory objects back to disk.

public async Task UpdateAsync(NoteEntry entry)
    await InitializeAsync();

    if (!loadedNotes.Contains(entry))
        throw new Exception($"NoteEntry {entry.Title} was not found in the {nameof(FileEntryStore)}. Did you forget to add it?");

    await SaveDataAsync(filename, loadedNotes);

Switch to the file-based storage

  1. Open the App.xaml.cs file and locate the line where the Entries property is assigned.

  2. Comment out the existing MemoryEntryStore and replace it with a new FileEntryStore.

  3. Comment out the LoadMockData call on the next line - there's no need to use test data anymore.

  4. Run the app on at least one platform. You should be able to add/update and delete notes just as before.

  5. Close the app (force it to close using the platform-specific gesture if necessary.

  6. Run the app again; you should still see your data.


You have completed this lab and built a Xamarin.Forms application that runs on multiple platforms, manipulates data, uses multiple screens, and stores data in a local file!

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