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Installing FileSorterX

Xanthus edited this page Apr 3, 2023 · 2 revisions


Installing FileSorterX is straightforward and really easy to do. The primary way to install our cli application is with rust's package manager Cargo. You will need to ensure you have rust and cargo installed; which you can do by following the steps on this website You can read more about each step below


All you have to do is simply run the command cargo install FileSorterX and the cargo package manager will handle everything for you its the primary way we encourage our users to download and install our application due to its simplicity and native support by the rust langague.

Binary release

You also have the option of obtaining the binary (premade) release in our releases page follow the link provided, and download the correct version for your platform. Once you have installed downloaded the application please follow the steps below.


After downloading the application you will need to map it to your "path" environment variable. This is a simple process but if not followed correctly can lead to issues so take our step by step guide.


  1. Navigate to your downloads folder and find FileSorterX
  2. Create a folder anywhere on your computer that you will not change/alter/delete
  3. Move FileSorterX to the new location
  4. Rename FileSorterX to filesorterx

Setting your path

  1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard
  2. Type the word enviroment into the search bar
  3. Select environment Variables on the lower right hand side of the application window
  4. Locate path on the upper most box
  5. Select path it will highlight blue from there click edit on the upper half of the application window
  6. Select New on the top right of the application window
  7. Paste the directory to your application exe
  8. Select okay on the lower right of the application window
  9. Click okay on the lower right of the application window
  10. Click okay on the lower right of the system properties window


After downloading the application you will need to map it to your "path" environment variable. This is a simple process but if not followed correctly can lead to issues so take our step by step guide.

Adding FileSorterX to your binary folder

  1. Open your terminal window
  2. Navigate to the directory FileSorterX is located in with cd/pwd/ls
  3. Type something along the lines of this sudo cp FileSorterX_<version>_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu /usr/bin/filesorterx

Older FileSorterX version

Depending on the version you've used in the past (v1.1.0+) you may be able to install the new version of filesorterx from within filesorterx itself. In version 1.1.0 we added the ability for the application to self update. All you need to do to update filesorterx is run this command filesorterx update and it'll pull the latest version from this github repo.

Verifying the install

Once installed you should verify that the package has been installed correctly. You can do this by opening a terminal/cmd window and typing filesorterx --help if a help menu appears then great! It worked and you can use the application. If not- something went wrong. Please ensure you followd all the steps above or open an issue here on GitHub