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File metadata and controls

135 lines (105 loc) · 4.36 KB


Here goes the example for a change password popup. When user clicks on menu icon, a change password popup shows with current password and new password. The popup has button send to send new password to server.


Since change password uses django User model, you have no changes in model for this example

Visual Components

Define components in template myproject/myapp/templates/xpsite/popup/change_password.html:

<div id="id_changePassword">
<form id="form_userChangePassword" action="" method="post" data-xp="{}">
<!-- ximpiaId -->
<div id="id_username_comp" 
        data-xp="{tabindex: '1', label: 'XimpiaId', 'readonly': 'readonly'}" >
<!-- password -->
<div id="id_password_comp" data-xp-type="field"  style="margin-top: 10px"
        data-xp="{type: 'password', info: true}" >
<!-- newPassword -->
<div id="id_newPassword_comp" data-xp-type="field" style="margin-top: 10px" 
        data-xp="{type: 'password', info: true, class: 'passwordStrength'}" >
<!-- newPasswordConfirm -->
<div id="id_newPasswordConfirm_comp" data-xp-type="field" style="margin-top: 10px"
        data-xp="{type: 'password', info: true}" >

All components are field type. You include attributes in data- html5 attrs.

Form would need to have _XP_FORM_ID equal to changePassword, the id for the div element.


class ChangePasswordForm(XBaseForm):
    _XP_FORM_ID = 'changePassword'
    _dbUser = User()
    username = UserField(_dbUser, 'username', label='Username')
    newPassword = PasswordField(_dbUser, 'password', minLength=6, 
        label='Password', helpText = _('Your New Password'))
    newPasswordConfirm = PasswordField(_dbUser, 'password', minLength=6, 
        label='Confirm Password', 
        helpText = _('Write again your password to make sure there are no errors'))
    errorMessages = HiddenField(initial=_jsf.buildMsgArray([_m, ['ERR_change_password']]))
    okMessages = HiddenField(initial=_jsf.buildMsgArray([_m, ['OK_PASSWORD_CHANGE']]))
    def clean(self):
        """Clean form"""
        return self.cleaned_data

The form has cross validation for new password and confirmation for password. Template must reference _XP_FORM_ID.

Next step would be implement view for popup.


def view_change_password(self):
    """Change password form with current password and new password
    self._put_form_value('username', self._ctx.user.username)

We need to insert user from context. In this case we have no database value since we have user in context. Otherwise, we would not need to call _put_form_value and method would only have pass command.

For database fields cases, form would populate your field data from database without need to code inside view.


Code to run when Save button is clicked by user:

def _validate_user(self):
    """Validate user: Check user password"""
    self._ctx.user = self._authenticate_user(self._ctx.user, 
        self._f()['password'], 'password', _m.ERR_wrong_password)

def change_password(self):
    """Change password from user area
    self._dbUser = self._instances(UserDAO)[0]
    user = self._dbUser.get(username= self._ctx.user)
  1. Get user data instance with context inyected
  2. Validate user: Will show message ERR_wrong_password in case user does not authenticate.
  3. Call set_passworddjango method with new password and save changes


# view
self._reg.registerView(__name__, serviceName='Users', viewName='changePassword', 
    slug='change-password', className=SiteService, method='view_change_password', 
    hasAuth=True, winType='popup')
# template
self._reg.registerTemplate(__name__, viewName='changePassword', name='changePassword', 
# action
self._reg.registerAction(__name__, serviceName='Users', actionName='changePassword', 
    slug='change-password', className=SiteService, method='change_password', 
# search
self._reg.registerSearch(__name__, text='Change Password', viewName='changePassword')