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An implementation of node's ES6 inspect module.



Echos the value of a value. Trys to print the value out in the best way possible given the different types. Values may supply their own custom inspect(depth, opts) functions, when called they receive the current depth in the recursive inspection, as well as the options object passed to inspect.

Kind: Exported member
Returns: string - The string representation.

Param Type Description
obj Object The object to print out.
[opts] Object Options object that alters the out.


import inspect from 'inspect-x';

console.log(inspect(inspect, {showHidden: true, depth: null}));
//{ [Function: inspect]
//  [length]: 2,
//  [name]: 'inspect',
//  [prototype]: inspect { [constructor]: [Circular] },
//  [colors]:
//   { [bold]: [ 1, 22, [length]: 2 ],
//     [italic]: [ 3, 23, [length]: 2 ],
//     [underline]: [ 4, 24, [length]: 2 ],
//     [inverse]: [ 7, 27, [length]: 2 ],
//     [white]: [ 37, 39, [length]: 2 ],
//     [grey]: [ 90, 39, [length]: 2 ],
//     [black]: [ 30, 39, [length]: 2 ],
//     [blue]: [ 34, 39, [length]: 2 ],
//     [cyan]: [ 36, 39, [length]: 2 ],
//     [green]: [ 32, 39, [length]: 2 ],
//     [magenta]: [ 35, 39, [length]: 2 ],
//     [red]: [ 31, 39, [length]: 2 ],
//     [yellow]: [ 33, 39, [length]: 2 ] },
//  [styles]:
//   { [special]: 'cyan',
//     [number]: 'yellow',
//     [boolean]: 'yellow',
//     [undefined]: 'grey',
//     [null]: 'bold',
//     [string]: 'green',
//     [symbol]: 'green',
//     [date]: 'magenta',
//     [regexp]: 'red' } }