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Walks a given object and invokes a function on each iteration.

module.exports(object, props, supplier, [thisArg])

This method walks a given object and invokes a function on each iteration.

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Description
object * The object to walk.
props function The function that returns an array of the properties of value to be walked, invoked per iteration.
supplier function The function invoked per iteration.
[thisArg] * The this binding of supplier.


const objectWalk from 'object-walk-x';

const subject = {
  one: {
    a: true,
    b: true,
  two: {
    x: true,
    y: true,

objectWalk(subject, Object.keys, function(value, prop, object, depth) {
  object[prop + '_renamed'] = value;
  delete object[prop];

// {
//  one_renamed: {
//    a_renamed: true,
//     b_renamed: true
//   },
//   two_renamed: {
//    x_renamed: true,
//     y_renamed: true
//   }
// }

module.exports.BREAK : string

Kind: static property of module.exports
Default: "break"

module.exports.SKIP : string

Kind: static property of module.exports
Default: "skip"

module.exports.STOP : string

Kind: static property of module.exports
Default: "stop"