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03. Build a new Container Image

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Hands-on labs Introduction to Docker

Exercise 03: Build a new Container Image

In this exercise, you will go through the steps of creating a new Container image. First from the command line using Docker commit and in a second step by using a Docker file and the Docker build command. Accompanying files can be found I this folder.

Using steps on the command-line

  • Run a new container, add some files and exit the modified container
docker run -it --name mycontainer cmd
md builddemo
cd buidldemo
copy con myfile.txt
this is a text file
  • Get all running and stopped containers
  • Create a new images by committing a new layer
  • Run the new container
docker ps -a
docker commit mycontainer mycontainer2
docker images 
docker run -it --name myowncontainer mycontainer2 cmd
  • If everything went well, the file you created earlier is now part if the new container

Using the Docker build file

  • On your command line ensure you are in the folder 03. Build a new Container Image, that contains Docker file (Dockerfile)
  • Build the Docker image from the Dockerfile
  • Find all images on your machines
  • Find the running container ID
  • Find the IP address of the running container
Docker build -t mynewiiscontainer .
Docker images
Docker run -d -p 80:80 mynewiiscontainer 
Docker ps 
Docker inspect containerID
  • Start a browser and navigate to the IP address and see the new website running on port 80 serving the index.htm file that is in the current folder