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an opensource python work office focus on data management and machine learning


the goal of this project is to build an easy to use office to manage data, analyze and further machine learning, exposing powerful features of python library to end users through GUI.

another main concern is to bring machine learning to people who do not know how to code.

powerful functions and features of the python library is by used of people who knows programming. End users lack the necessury knowledge to make use of them and may not even aware of the existance of such thing.

everyone should learn how to code :)

py-office-sheet : a gui spreadsheet based on numpy to process data efficienly

py-office-learn : a gui for machine learning base on keras (constructing)


command line install:

python3.X -m pip install py-office

optional desktop icon install(GUI entry):

python3.X -m pyOffice setup

pip will install every component of the py-office listed above

standalone py-office component is also avaliable on pip, such as:

pip install py-office-sheet

installer install:



mac os:

not yet


not yet


Linux and Windows:

$ py-office command

mac os:

$ python{version} -m pyOffice command

type -help for help