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A factorization approach to multi-tissue multi-SNP QTL modeling

NOTE: We are restructuring analysis pipeline and documents. Results and codes are temporary.


Methods are designed by Yongjin Park, Abhishek Sarkar, Kunal Bhutani, and Manolis Kellis; maintained by Yongjin Park (


Install R package:


To successfully compile the Rcpp code, R must have been compiled with a compiler which supports C++14. Make sure your R development environment support C++14 by including -std=c++14 to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS in ~/.R/Makevars file. For instance,

CXX = g++-6
CXX14 = g++-6
CXXFLAGS = -O3 -std=c++14
CFLAGS = -O3 -std=c++14
PKG_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--no-as-needed

To speed up matrix-vector multiplication and vectorized random number generation, one can compile the package with Intel MKL or openblas.


Analysis pipeline and pre-calculated effect sizes computed in 44 GTEx tissues (v6p) can be found in separate repository.



Gaussian model

In Park and Sarkar et al. we define mean, variance and log-likelihood:

E[y] = η1,
V[y] = Vmin + (Vmax - Vmin) * sigmoid(η2)
L[y] = -0.5 * (y - E[y])^2 / V[y] - 0.5 * ln V[y]

Here we stabilized error variance, restricting on [Vmin, Vmax], with Vmax = observed V[y] and Vmin = 1e-4 * Vmax. A new version of the paper will soon be posted.

Negative binomial model

Robinson and Smyth (2008), Anders and Huber (2010) popularized negative binomial models for analysis of high-throughput sequencing data.

b[y] = exp(- η1)
E[y] = exp(Xθ + ln (1 + 1/φ))
V[y] = E[y] * (1 + E[y] / (1 + 1/φ))

L[y] = ln Gam(y + 1/φ + 1) - ln Gam(1/φ + 1)
       - y * ln(1 + exp(- η1))
       - (1/φ + 1) * ln(1 + exp(η1))

Like Gaussian model, we could bound variance model V[y] < observed V[y]. Probably most loosened model fit to the data is sample mean Ybar. If there were no association of covariates, sample mean would be unbiased estimation of rate parameter of the underlying Poisson distribution.

worst variance = Ybar * (1 + Ybar /(1 + 1/φ))
               < Ybar * (1 + Ybar * φ)
               < Vobs

Therefore we can claim that

φmax = (Vobs / Ybar - 1) / Ybar

Negative binomial model (redefined with psuedo-count)

We define negative binomial model adding pseudo-counts.

p(y|α,β) = Γ(α + υ + α0)/[Γ(y+1)Γ(α + α0)] (1 + 1/β)^-(α + α0) (1 + β)^-y


E[y|α,α0,β] = (α + α0)/β

V[y|α,α0,β] = (α + α0)β + (α + α0)β^{2}

μ = (α0 + 1/φ) / β = exp[ η{μ} + ln (α0 + 1/φ) ]

σ^2 = μ + μ^{2} / (α0 + α)

α = αmin + (αmax - αmin) sigmoid(- η(nu))

β = exp(-η(μ))

Voom model

Law et al. (2014) presents log2-transformed over-dispersion model. They derived mean-variance relationship of the transformed random variable by the Delta method. We reparameterized the model as follows.

E[y] = η1,
V[y] = exp(- η1) + φ
φ  = φmin + (φmax - φmin) * sigmoid(η2)

Statistical inference

We developed variational inference algorithm based on stochastic gradient algorithm (Paisley et al. 2012). Especially we tuned the method to better accommodate high-dimensional generalized linear models with data-driven sparsity.


Park, Y., Sarkar, A. K., Bhutani, K., & Kellis, M. (2017). Multi-tissue polygenic models for transcriptome-wide association studies. bioRxiv, 107623.

Robinson, M. D., & Smyth, G. K. (2008). Small-sample estimation of negative binomial dispersion, with applications to SAGE data. Biostatistics (Oxford, England), 9(2), 321–332.

Anders, S., & Huber, W. (2010). Differential expression analysis for sequence count data. Genome Biology, 11(10), R106.

Law, C. W., Chen, Y., Shi, W., & Smyth, G. K. (2014). voom: Precision weights unlock linear model analysis tools for RNA-seq read counts. Genome Biology, 15(2), R29.

Paisley, J., Blei, D., & Jordan, M. (2012). Variational Bayesian Inference with Stochastic Search. In J. Langford & J. Pineau (Eds.), (pp. 1367–1374). Presented at the Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning, New York, NY, USA: Omnipress.