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Penumbra Node Installation Instructions

System requirements:

CPU: 4 Core
RAM: 8 Gb
SSD: 200 Gb
OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Network configurations:

Outbound - allow all traffic
Inbound - open the following ports :
1317 - REST
26656 - Cosmos
Running as a Provider? Add these specific ports:
22221 - provider port
22231 - provider port
22241 - provider port

Manual configuration of the Lava node with Cosmovisor

Required packages installation

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y curl git jq lz4 build-essential
sudo apt install -y unzip logrotate git jq sed wget curl coreutils systemd
sudo apt install make curl tar wget jq build-essential -y
sudo apt install make clang pkg-config libssl-dev -y 

Install Rust.

sudo apt install curl build-essential gcc make -y
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh   (SET 1)
source ~/.profile
source ~/.cargo/env

Go installation.

cd $HOME
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
curl -L | sudo tar -xzf - -C /usr/local
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source .bash_profile
go version

Install and start CometBFT.

cd /root
git clone
cd cometbft
git checkout v0.37.5
go mod tidy
go build -o cometbft ./cmd/cometbft
mv cometbft /root/cometbft/
make install
ulimit -n 4096
Apt install screen
screen -S cometbft
cometbft start --home ~/.penumbra/testnet_data/node0/cometbft

Install and start pcli.

git clone
cd penumbra && git fetch && git checkout v0.77.2 && cargo update
cargo build --release --bin pcli
cargo build --release --bin pd
pcli --version
cargo run --bin pd --release -- testnet unsafe-reset-all
cargo run --bin pd --release -- testnet join
screen -S pd
cd penumbra
cargo run --bin pd --release -- start --home ~/.penumbra/testnet_data/node0/pd

Becoming a Validator

Create wallet key new

cargo run --quiet --release --bin pcli init soft-kms generate
cargo run --quiet --release --bin pcli view address 0

We receive tokens from the tap in the discord

Go to the #testnet-faucet branch and specify your penumbra wallet(penumbra...)

Create the Validator

Before creating a validator, enter the command and check that you have false. This means that the Node has synchronized and you can create a validator:

cargo run --quiet --release --bin pcli view sync

Check the balance before creating for the presence of tokens

cargo run --quiet --release --bin pcli view balance

Please enter your details below in quotation marks where required

cargo run --release --bin pcli validator definition template

Copy and write the value value from the priv_validator_key.json file to notepad

grep -A3 pub_key ~/.penumbra/testnet_data/node0/cometbft/config/priv_validator_key.json

Delete the old one and create a new validator file

rm -rf validator.toml && nano validator.toml

Next, you need to perform a number of actions: We insert the data shown in the screenshot above. Changing the value copied from priv_validator_key.json. Adding the node name to the "name" parameter , Adding the site and description (optional) , changing the "enabled" parameter from false to true The "sequence_number" parameter is changed from 0 to 1 Save the changes using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl +X > y> Enter

Uploading the changes to the validator file

cargo run --release --bin pcli -- validator definition upload --file validator.toml

We will find out the wallet and validator addresses using the following commands

cargo run --quiet --release --bin pcli view address 0
cargo run --release --bin pcli -- validator identity

Creating variables with the address of the wallet and validator

PENUMBRA_WALLET=address wallet
PENUMBRA_VALID=address validator

echo "export PENUMBRA_WALLET="${PENUMBRA_WALLET}"" >> $HOME/.bash_profile 
echo "export PENUMBRA_VALID="${PENUMBRA_VALID}"" >> $HOME/.bash_profile 
source $HOME/.bash_profile 
echo -e "\npenumbra_wallet > ${PENUMBRA_WALLET}.\n" 
echo -e "\npenumbra_valid > ${PENUMBRA_VALID}.\n" 

Delegating tokens to our validator

cargo run --release --bin pcli -- tx delegate 1000penumbra --to $PENUMBRA_VALID

We check our validator in the list

cargo run --release --bin pcli -- query validator list -i


rm -rf penumbra-zone
git clone
cd penumbra && git fetch && git checkout v0.77.2 && cargo update
cargo build --release --bin pcli
cargo build --release --bin pd
pcli --version
cargo run --bin pd --release -- testnet unsafe-reset-all
cargo run --bin pd --release -- testnet join
screen -S pd
cd penumbra
cargo run --bin pd --release -- start --home ~/.penumbra/testnet_data/node0/pd

Current network:penumbra-zone
Current version:v0.77.2