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Currently in rewriting phase.

Package for uncertainty analysis in Python. It was developed while I was doing my Bachelor in physics. The functionality is based on the lab courses.


The function exec is used within some functionalities. This can cause harm if exploited.

General introduction

The main classes of the package are Data, Table and Formula. The package holds functionality for:

  • Error/Uncertainty propagation in equations
  • Create tables and calculate different types of averages including arithmetic, geometric, modus, ...
  • Normal and simplified gauss propagation of uncertainties
  • Regressions including covariant matrices as well as automated chi2 test and residuum plot
  • Propagation of units within equations

The Data-class holds a mean value and an error. Furthermore, can a Data carry a Unit. The basic arithmetic methods including *, /, +, - are implemented. Using these the error is propagated using simplified gauss. For a normal propagation use a Formula. For natural and other constants the Const-class can be used. A Const also carries a Unit but not an uncertainty.



Controls if an instance of a class is modified during a method.
Raises an AttributeError if the instance is changed.

class Dummy:

   def fuzz(self, a):
      return Dummy(...)


Controls for a given sequence of tuples if each variable has a specific type.
Raises an TypeError if the type is incorrect.
type_check(*args) -> True


>>> type_check((3, int), (1.2, float))
>>> type_check([("3", int)])
TypeError: Type of '<class 'str'>' is false! Try <class 'int'> instead


Controls if each element of a given list as a given type.
list_type_check(lst, data_type) -> bool

  • lst: List[object] = list of objects which should have the same type data_type
  • data_type: type = specific type

Returns True if all objects in lst have the type data_type otherwise returns False.

>>> list_type_check([2, 3, 1], int)
>>> list_type_check([2, "3", 1], int)


Represents a unit like 'm' for meter.
Unit(numerator="", denominator="")

  • numerator = str represents the upper units in a fraction
  • denominator = str represents the lower units a fraction

For each numerator and denominator can a sequence of units be defined as specified by the following sign-EBNF:

S := '"' units '"'
units := unit | unit ';' units
unit := string | string '^' integer


  • flip():
    inverts the unit which means an exchange of numerator and denominator


types + - * / > < == <= >=
Unit Unit Unit bool


>>> a = Unit("m", "s")
>>> a
>>> b = Unit("J;s", "m")
>>> b
>>> c = a * b
>>> c

Assistance functionality for working with units.


Controls if the given argument other carries the same unit as self.
Raises an TypeError if other does not carry any unit.
Raises an ValueError if other does not carry the same unit.


class Dummy:

   def __add__(self, other):


Returns if the given variable has a unit attribute.
has_unit(variable) -> bool

  • variable = object to check


>>> has_unit(3)

Provides the Data-class and the Const-class.


Represents a real measurement with an uncertainty.
Data(value: str, error: str, sign: Union[str, Unit] = "", power: int = 0, n: int = 0)

  • value = string of the mean value
  • error = string of the uncertainty
  • sign = either string or Unit. Since only one string is given the usage differs a bit from the one in Unit. The extended sign-EBNF reads:
    S := '"' units '"' | '"' units '/' units '"'
    units := unit | unit ';' units
    unit := string | string '^' integer
    The string will be split at '/' into numerator and denominator.
  • power = additional factor to compensate pre-factors (eg. km -> 10^3 m -> power = 3). It is advantageous to work with SI-units only and use power instead of kilo, milli, ...
  • n = number of significant digits. Has to be greater than 0. If 0 (or not set seperatly), the number of digits will be determined from the length of error


types + - * / ** > < == <= >=
Data Data Data Data Data bool bool bool bool bool
Const Data Data Data Data bool bool bool bool bool
int Data Data Data Data Data bool bool bool bool bool
float Data Data Data Data Data bool bool bool bool bool


>>> a = Data("123.456", "1.234", power=-2, sign="m/s")
>>> a
(123.456±1.234)*10^-2 m/s
>>> b = Data("4", "1.00000001", sign="s", n=2)
>>> b
(4.0±1.0) s
>>> c = a * b
>>> c
(4.9±1.2) m


Represents a natural constant (through SI definition some may have no error, eg. the speed of light), or a measurement with neglected uncertainty.
Const(value: Union[int, float], sign: Union[str, Unit])

  • value = value of the constant
  • sign = either string or Unit. Since only one string is given the usage differs a bit from the one in Unit. The extended sign-EBNF reads:
    S := '"' units '"' | '"' units '/' units '"'
    units := unit | unit ';' units
    unit := string | string '^' integer
    The string will be split at '/' into numerator and denominator.


types + - * / ** > < == <= >=
Data Data Data Data Data bool bool bool bool bool
Const Const Const Const Const bool bool bool bool bool
int float float Const Const Const bool bool bool bool bool
float float float Const Const Const bool bool bool bool bool

The addition and subtraction with ints, floats is only possible if the Const has a Unit equal to Unit()


>>> a = Const(1, "m")
>>> a
1.0 m
>>> a + 1
ArithmeticError: Addition of values with different units is not possible
>>> b = Const(1, "")
>>> b
>>> b + 1
>>> type(b + 1)
<class 'float'>

Assistance functionality for working with Data.


Returns the number of significant digits from a given error.
digits(error: Union[str, int, float]) -> int

  • error = the error the significant digits should be determined for

The result is the number of significant digits.

>>> digits(1.23)
>>> digits("0.0012")
>>> digits(99.25)


Shortens the value and error of a Data to its length Data.n. Furthermore, it calculates which power should be used in the representation.
round_data(data: Data)

  • data = a instance of type Data to round values to correct length

It is used inside Data automatically. There should not be any need to use this.


Used for more complex functions and connections of uncertain data as well as a better uncertainty analysis.
Formula(formula_string: str)

  • formula_string = str the given formula. This can be any valid sympy expression.


  • latex(type_dict: Dict[str: type]) -> str

    • type_dict = Dictionary specifying which type each variable in the Formula has
      Returns a string of Latex-code of the given Formula
  • show_error(type_dict: Dict[str: type], unicode=False) -> str

    • type_dict = Dictionary specifying which type each variable in the Formula has
    • unicode = Specifies if unicode should be used Returns a string of the formula and the propagation formula for the uncertainty
  • calc_unit(value_dict: Dict[Data, Const, float, int]) -> Unit

    • value_dict = Dictionary assign a python object to each variable in the Formula
      Returns a Unit for the result. If the Unit could not be determined shows a warning
  • calc(value_dict: Dict[Data, Const, float, int]) -> Unit

    • value_dict = Dictionary assign a python object to each variable in the Formula
      Returns the result of the calculation. If the Unit could not be determined shows a warning


>>> f = Formula("x**2 + exp(y)")
>>> f.latex({'x': Data, 'y': Data})
('x^{2} + e^{y}', '\sqrt{4 \left(__delta^{x}\right)^{2} x^{2} + \left(__delta^{y}\right)^{2} e^{2 y}}')
>>> a = Data("2.12", "0.05")
>>> b = Data("1.23", "0.02")
>>> f.calc({'x': a, 'y': b})
>>> f2 = Formula("x**2 + 2 * y")
>>> x = Data("1.3", "0.3", sign="m")
>>> y = Data("0.1", "0.22", sign="m^2")
>>> f2.calc({'x': x, 'y': y})
(19±9)*10^-1 m^2
>>> f = Formula("acos((2*x-1) / sin(y))")
>>> f
acos((2*x-1) / sin(y))
>>> f.show_error({"x": Data, "y": Data})           

Due to problems with markdown is a screenshot of the result given bellow: Result of the '.show_error' method

Holds classes for different types of regressions. For implementing new Regressions an abstract base class Regression is given.


Abstract base class for regressions. All regressions have to inherit from Regression.
Regression(tab: Table, data_dict: Dict[str, int], n_o_f_p: int)

  • tab = Table holding data for regression
  • data_dict = Dictionary specifying what to use for the regression. The dictionary must specify columns for 'x' and 'y': {'x': int, 'y' : int}
  • n_o_f_p = number of free parameters. Specifies the number of parameters which will be determined within the regression


  • __str__() -> str

    • Gives a string representation of thr regression parameters.
  • calc(x) -> Union[float, int, Data, Const]

    • calculates the theoretical expected value at x using the regression results
  • residues()

    • creates a plot of the residues and shows it.


Simple regression ignoring uncertainties of x and y.
SimpleRegression(table: Table, data_dict: Dict[str], n=2)

  • tab = Table holding data for regression
  • data_dict = Dictionary specifying what to use for the regression. The dictionary must specify columns for 'x' and 'y': {'x': int, 'y' : int}
  • n = number of significant digits for the parameters

The information of the regression include the y-intercept and slope. They can be accessed through __str__().


>>> b = (2 * random.random() - 1) * 100
>>> a = random.random() * 100
>>> b, a
(-35.60688387713966, 39.481128050640734)
>>> f = lambda x: b * x + a
>>> xs = list(range(10))
>>> ys = [f(x) + random.gauss(0, 10) for x in xs]
>>> tab = Table(column_names=["x", "y"])
>>> for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
        tab.add((x, y))
>>> r = SimpleRegression(tab, {"x": 0, "y": 1})
>>> r
	y = a + b * x
	a: (38.4±4.4)
	b: (-345.9±8.3)*10^-1
>>> r.residues() # shown bellow
>>> r.plot() # shown bellow
residues plot
residuen plot of data


Simple regression ignoring uncertainties of x and working with uncertainties of y.
GaussRegression(table: Table, data_dict: Dict[str], n=2)

  • tab = Table holding data for regression
  • data_dict = Dictionary specifying what to use for the regression. The dictionary must specify columns for 'x' and 'y': {'x': int, 'y' : int}
  • n = number of significant digits for the parameters

The information of the regression include the y-intercept, slope, reduced chi2, chi2 and a probability for such a chi2.
They can be accessed through __str__().


>>> b = (2 * random.random() - 1) * 100
>>> a = random.random() * 100
>>> b, a
(-57.571015317118835, 60.44085386096929)
>>> f = lambda x: b * x + a
>>> xs = [Const(str(x), sign="s") for x in range(15)]
>>> ys = [Data(str(f(x.value) + random.gauss(0, 20)), "20", n=2, sign="m") for x in xs]
>>> tab = Table(column_names=["x", "y"], signs=["s", "m"])
>>> for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
        tab.add((x, y))
>>> r = GaussRegression(tab, {"x": 0, "y": 1})
>>> r
	y = a + b * x
	a: (67.4±9.8) m
	b: (-57.7±1.2) m/s
	Chi2     : 10.127125000000001, Probability: 0.684, Chi2 red.: 0.7790096153846154
>>> r.residues() # shown bellow
>>> r.plot() # shown bellow
residues plot
residuen plot of data


!!!Attention: Unfortunatly, does this class has a bug in calculating the error with the .calc()-Method!!!
Simple regression ignoring uncertainties of x and working with uncertainties of y.
CovRegression(formula_string: str, table: Table, data_dict: Dict[str, int], pars: List[str], n=2)

  • formula_string = A string specifying a formula which should be fitted.
    The format of a formula is specified as given by the formula-EBNF.

    S := 'y = ' exprs
    exprs := expr | expr '+' exprs | expr '-' exprs
    expr := para '*' func | para
    para := char ?has to be unique?
    func := ?mathematical function of x. Has to be a valid sympy expression?

    The ? start and end EBNF-extensions.

  • table = Table holding data for regression

  • data_dict = Dictionary specifying what to use for the regression. The dictionary must specify columns for 'x' and 'y': {'x': int, 'y' : int}

  • pars = List of the used parameters

  • n = number of significant digits for the parameters

The information of the regression include the parameters, reduced chi2, chi2 and a probability for such a chi2.
They can be accessed through __str__().


>>> data = [
        -0.849, -0.738, -0.537, -0.354, -0.196,
        -0.019, 0.262, 0.413, 0.734, 0.882,
        1.258, 1.305, 1.541, 1.768, 1.935,
        2.147, 2.456, 2.676, 2.994, 3.200,
>>> datas = [(Const(i, sign="°C"), Data(str(data[i // 5]), "0.05", sign="mV")) for i in range(0, 105, 5)]
>>> tab = Table(columns=2, column_names=["x", "y"], signs=["°C", "mV"])
>>> for data in datas:
>>> r = CovRegression("y = a + b*x + c*x**2", tab, {"x": 0, "y": 1}, ["a", "b", "c"])
	y =  a + b*x + c*x**2
	a: -0.919926595143981
	b: 0.0376650836577612
	c: 0.0000551933192665457
	Chi2     : 26.32205952, Probability: 0.093, Chi2 red.: 1.46233664

residues plot
residuen plot of data


Calculates the reduced chi2_red, the chi2, and the probability for a Regression.
Chi2(reg: Regression, chi2=True)

  • reg = Regression to calculate chi2 and residues for
  • chi2 = specifies if chi2 should be calculated or just the residues


  • show_residues()
    • creates and shows a plot of the residues


This class is automatically used within a Regression.
It should not be necessary to use it manually.


Class for storing many relevant data of different types. It can perform calculations columnwise and simplifies the handling of the calculations.
Table(column_names: List[str] = [], columns=2, signs: List[Union[str, Unit]] = [])

  • column_names = List of strings representing the names for the column
  • columns = Number of columns for the table
  • signs = List of units defined as given by the sign-EBNF:
    S := '"' units '"' | '"' units '/' units '"'
  units := unit | unit ';' units
  unit := string | string '^' integer


  • calc(formula: Formula, para_dict: Dict[str: Union[int, str, Any]], column_name="", sign=True)
    Uses the given formula on each row of the table to calculate a new column.

    • formula = Formula to use for calculation
    • para_dict = Dictionary specifying how the parameters are set. How the parameter will be treated depends on the type of the value.
      • int: The value will be used as column index, and the parameter will be set row-wise
      • str: The value will be used as value using float(value)
      • Any: All other types will be used as they are
  • add(data_tuple: Tuple[Any])
    Adds a new data-row to the Table. All columns have to be set. Use an empty string if you wish to fill it later.

    • data_tuple = Tuple of data to add in. If a Data or Const is inserted it must have the same Unit as the column or Unit()
  • delete(line_index: int)
    Deletes a data-row in the Table.

    • line_index = The line to delete.
  • drop(line_index: int) -> List[Any]
    Deletes a data-row in the Table and returns it.

    • line_index = The line to delete.
  • add_column(name="")
    Adds a new column to the Table.

    • name = Name of the new column. If not set the name will be 'Column <i>' with i is the number of columns.
  • insert(line: int, column: int, value: Any)
    Inserts a value at line, column.

    • line = The line the value has to be inserted
    • column = The column the value has to be inserted
    • value = The value to insert into the Table. If the value contains a Unit it will be replaced by the one corresponding to the column.
  • export(path: str, name: str, replace_dot=False)
    Exports the Table in '.csv'-format.

    • path = path were the table should be saved
    • name = name of the file. Should end with '.csv'
    • replace_dot = Specifies if a '.' or a ',' is used to separate the decimals
  • max() -> List[Any]
    Returns the max of each column.
    The type of each element in the list depend on the types in the column.

  • min() -> List[Any]
    Returns the min of each column.
    The type of each element in the list depend on the types in the column.

  • arithmetic_average() -> List[Data]
    Returns the arithmetic average of all columns (mean + std).
    The type of each element in the list depend on the types in the column.
    If the type of the column is Data the average will be a weighted mean with its error.
    Otherwise the uncertainty will be the sample standard deviation.

  • geometric_average() -> List[Union[Unit, float]]
    Returns the geometric average of all columns (mean only).
    The type of each element depend on the Unit of the column an will either be a float or Const.

  • harmonic_average() -> List[Union[Unit, float]]
    Returns the harmonic average of all columns (mean only).
    The type of each element depend on the Unit of the column an will either be a float or Const.

  • median() -> List[Union[Unit, float]]
    Returns the median of all columns (mean only).
    The type of each element depend on the Unit of the column an will either be a float or Const.

  • modus() -> List[Union[Unit, float]]
    Returns the modus of all columns (mean only).
    The type of each element depend on the Unit of the column an will either be a float or Const.


>>> data = tuple(zip([1, 1, 3, 2], [random.random() for i in range(4)]))
>>> tab = Table(column_names=["x", "y"], columns=2)
>>> for element in data:
>>> tab
x    |y                      |
1    |0.9650392731516132     |
1    |0.42768822918919414    |
3    |0.0979070782420336     |
2    |0.12872070585370476    |
>>> tab.add_column(sign="m/s")
>>> tab
x    |y                      |Column 2 [m/s]    |
1    |0.9650392731516132     |                  |
1    |0.42768822918919414    |                  |
3    |0.0979070782420336     |                  |
2    |0.12872070585370476    |                  |
>>> data = [Data(str(random.randint(1, 20)), str(random.random()), n=2) for i in range(4)]
>>> for index, data_ in enumerate(data):
        tab.insert(index, 2, data_)
>>> tab
x    |y                      |Column 2 [m/s]        |
1    |0.9650392731516132     |(170.0±9.4)*10^-2     |
1    |0.42768822918919414    |(1300.0±3.8)*10^-4    |
3    |0.0979070782420336     |(60.0±6.5)*10^-2      |
2    |0.12872070585370476    |(40.0±3.1)*10^-2      |
>>> f = Formula("a * c")
>>> tab.calc(f, {"a": 1, "c": Const(1, "s")}, "time")
>>> tab
x    |y                      |Column 2 [m/s]        |time [s]               |
1    |0.9650392731516132     |(170.0±9.4)*10^-2     |0.9650392731516132     |
1    |0.42768822918919414    |(1300.0±3.8)*10^-4    |0.42768822918919414    |
3    |0.0979070782420336     |(60.0±6.5)*10^-2      |0.0979070782420336     |
2    |0.12872070585370476    |(40.0±3.1)*10^-2      |0.12872070585370476    |
>>> tab.calc(f, {"a": 2, "c": 3}, "distance")
>>> tab
x    |y                      |Column 2 [m/s]        |time [s]               |distance [m]         |
1    |0.9650392731516132     |(170.0±9.4)*10^-2     |0.9650392731516132     |(164.1±9.1)*10^-2    |
1    |0.42768822918919414    |(1300.0±3.8)*10^-4    |0.42768822918919414    |(556.0±1.6)*10^-4    |
3    |0.0979070782420336     |(60.0±6.5)*10^-2      |0.0979070782420336     |(58.7±6.4)*10^-3     |
2    |0.12872070585370476    |(40.0±3.1)*10^-2      |0.12872070585370476    |(51.5±4.0)*10^-3     |
>>> tab.arithmetic_average()
[(17.5±4.8)*10^-1, (4.0±2.0)*10^-1, (1300.8±3.8)*10^-4 m/s, (4.0±2.0)*10^-1 s, (556.0±1.6)*10^-4 m]
>>> tab.export(<path>, "dummy.csv") # <path> needs to be a real path

The last order produces a file called 'dummy.csv'. This file is given bellow: export of table in '.csv'


  • make to python package

  • Tests for chi_2

  • Tests for regression

  • Improve all Tests (they no longer test all functionalities)

  • Data should format in such a way, that the mean value is given by 1,... not the error

  • Refractor Table (access via column_name, access via tab[index], smarter design)

  • Allow fast access tables for weighted average between data or similar functionality

  • Add confindece band to plots

  • Add automatic x/y label to plot (for SimpleRegression already done)

  • update the images


  • Covariant Matrix has problem with error (comparison with presentaion result shows a missing 2* in the total error)
  • Data ** 0.5 does not work for the units