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62 lines (45 loc) · 2.43 KB

Contributing to this repository

We welcome your contributions! There are multiple ways to contribute.

Opening issues

For bugs or enhancement requests, file a GitHub issue unless it's security related. When filing a bug, remember that the better written the bug is, the more likely it is to be fixed. If you think you've found a security vulnerability, don't raise a GitHub issue and follow the instructions in our security policy.

Contributing code

We welcome your code contributions. Before submitting code using a pull request, you must sign the Oracle Contributor Agreement (OCA) and your commits need to include the following line using the name and e-mail address you used to sign the OCA:

Signed-off-by: Your Name <>

This can be automatically added to pull requests by committing with --sign-off or -s, for example:

git commit --signoff

Only pull requests from committers that can be verified as having signed the OCA are accepted.

Branching strategy

Use GitHub flow branching strategy. With the GitHub flow, there are only 2 branches: main and feature.

  1. Every change that is worked on is branched directly off of main into a feature branch.
  2. Once a feature is ready it is tested on the feature branch and the code is reviewed before being merged to main.

Hotfixes, bugfixes are treated the same as feature branches.

Pull request process

  1. Ensure there is an issue created to track and discuss the fix or enhancement you intend to submit.
  2. Fork this repository.
  3. Create a branch in your fork to implement the changes. We recommend using the issue number as part of your branch name, for example 1234-fixes.
  4. Ensure that any documentation is updated with the changes that are required by your change.
  5. Ensure that any samples are updated if the base image has been changed.
  6. Submit the pull request. Don't leave the pull request blank. Explain exactly what your changes are meant to do and provide simple steps about how to validate your changes. Ensure that you reference the issue you created as well.
  7. We assign the pull request to 2-3 people for review before it is merged.

Code of conduct

Follow the Golden Rule. If you'd like more specific guidelines, see the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.