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Frontend Mentor - Order summary card solution

This is a solution to the Order summary card challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


I recently started learning HTML and CSS, So I just took this newbie challenge to check whether I can apply those what I've learned. This is my first project so it was a bit difficult to do and got stuck in middle, after searching in docs for minutes, I finally managed to complete the challenge. But what I've done is not entirely same as the challenge, So I am looking for some feedback and advices to improve my skills.

The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • See hover states for interactive elements



Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties

What I learned

I recently started learning HTML and CSS and this is a perfect challenge for my newbie skills. I did everything based on the things I learned and haven't learned any new thing. But hope to learn new things in future.

Continued development

I found it difficult doing on my own, but figured it out by checking some docs. But still it is not correctly done, I hope I can learn and do it exactly as the challenge.

Useful resources

  • This Website - helped me to check basic syntax and provided solutions when I'm stuck.
