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@fluss/web - make Web more functional and safe

@fluss/web - small library that contains couple functions for interacting with DOM in safe and functional way.

Example use

const maybeBlock /*: Maybe<Element> */ = query('.block'); // Result is wrapped in `Maybe` because `document.querySelector` may return "null" if element doesn't exist on the page.

Design goals

  • Manual annotation should never be required, TypeScript should infer everything by self.
  • The implementation of each function should be as minimal as possible.
  • All functions are immutable, and there are no side-effects.
  • All functions must be safe as much as possible.
  • Do not override native methods, if they are already safe.

@fluss/web's advantages

  • TypeScript included

TypeScript definitions are included in the library.

Functions that deals with attributes (getAttribute, setAttribute, hasAttribute, removeAttribute and toggleAttribute) do not allow to set to element attribute, that do nothing for it. Each attribute is restricted to some HTML element(s), so it is reasonable to check such restriction. More about which attribute belongs to which element is at MDN.

  • Small size

Every function is created as small as possible.


npm i @fluss/web


import { query } from '@fluss/web';
// or
import { query } from '@fluss/web/query';


Package is bundled as ES module. It doesn't support CommonJS. If you need it convert with any tool (Rollup, Babel etc.).

In TypeScript examples is used Flow's comment notation if type is inferred.


function query<T extends Element>(
  selector: string,
  parent?: ParentNode | Maybe<ParentNode> | null
): Maybe<T>;

Select element on the page.

const same /*: Maybe<Element> */ = query('.gd'); // search inside whole document
const inner /*: Maybe<HTMLElement> */ = query<HTMLElement>('.gd', same); // search inside same


function queryAll<T extends Element>(
  selector: string,
  parent?: ParentNode | Maybe<ParentNode> | null
): ReadonlyArray<T>;

Select elements on the page.

const same /*: ReadonlyArray<HTMLElement> */ = queryAll<HTMLElement>('.gd'); // search inside whole document
const inner /*: ReadonlyArray<HTMLElement> */ = queryAll<HTMLElement>(
); // search inside someElement


function closest<T extends Element>(
  selector: string,
  child: Element | Maybe<Element> | null
): Maybe<T>;

Find closest ancestor that match selector.

const parent /*: Maybe<Element> */ = closest('.block', childElement);


function setAttribute<E extends Element>(
  element: E | Maybe<E> | null,
  key: AttributeNamesOf<E> | GlobalAttributeNames,
  value: string
): void;

Set attribute for element.

query('div').map((el) => setAttribute(el, 'class', 'el'));


function getAttribute<E extends Element>(
  element: E | Maybe<E> | null,
  name: AttributeNamesOf<E> | GlobalAttributeNames
): Maybe<string>;

Gets attribute value of element.

const attributeValue /*: Maybe<string> */ = query('div').chain((el) =>
  getAttribute(el, 'class')


function hasAttribute<E extends Element>(
  element: E | Maybe<E> | null,
  name: AttributeNamesOf<E> | GlobalAttributeNames
): boolean;

Checks if element has attribute.

const hasElementAttribute /*: boolean */ = hasAttribute(query('div'), 'class');


function removeAttribute<E extends Element>(
  element: E | Maybe<E> | null,
  name: AttributeNamesOf<E> | GlobalAttributeNames
): void;

Removes attribute from element if it has one.

const hasElementAttribute /*: boolean */ = query('div')
  .map((el) => {
    removeAttribute(el, 'class');
    return el;
  .map((el) => hasAttribute(el, 'class'))


function toggleAttribute<E extends Element>(
  element: E | Maybe<E> | null,
  name: BooleanAttributesOf<E>,
  force?: boolean
): boolean;

Toggles a Boolean attribute (removing it if it is present and adding it if it is not present) on the given element.

const hasElementAttribute /*: boolean */ = toogleAttribute(


function on<E extends EventTarget, T extends keyof EventMapOf<E>>(
  element: E | Maybe<E> | null,
  type: T,
  listener: CustomEventListenerOrEventListenerObject<E, T>,
  options: {
    add?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions;
    remove?: boolean | EventListenerOptions;
  } = {}
): () => void;

Add an event listener to element. The listener argument sets the callback that will be invoked when the event is dispatched.

options.add is options for native addEventListener method and options.remove is options for native removeEventListener method.

Returns function that removes listener from element with same type and options.

const removeClickOnParagraphListener /*: () => void */ = query<HTMLParagraphElement>(
  .map((p) => on(p, 'click', console.log))