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109 lines (79 loc) · 2.97 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (79 loc) · 2.97 KB


flowchart TD

    %% Data Generation Stage
    A --> |Data Generation| A1[Dataset]
    A1 --> A2[DataGenerator]
    A2 --> A3[Specific Generator]
    A1 --> A4[DataReader]
    A4 --> A5[Specific Reader]
    A1 --> A6[Manual Input]

    %% Create Combinations Stage
    A1 --> |Create Combinations| B
    B --> B1[Specific Combination Creator]
    B --> B2[Set Combinations Manually]
    B --> B3[List of Combinations]

    %% Evaluate Stage
    B3 --> |Analysis| C
    C --> C1[User's Function]
    C --> C2[Results from Function]
    A1 --> C1

    %% Evaluator Stage
    C2 --> |Evaluation| D
    D --> D1[Method 1]
    D --> D2[Method 2]
    D --> D3[Method 3]

    %% Select Stage
    D --> |Selection| E

    %% Enhancer Stage
    E --> |Enhancement| F
    F --> F1[Enhancer]
    F1 --> C

    %% Trainer Stage
    E --> |Finetune| G
    A1 --> |Finetune| G
    G --> G1[Trainer]

    %% Styling
    style A fill:#f9d77e,stroke:#f96e5b
    style B fill:#a1d4c6,stroke:#f96e5b
    style C fill:#f6c3d5,stroke:#f96e5b
    style D fill:#b2b1cf,stroke:#f96e5b
    style E fill:#f9efaa,stroke:#f96e5b
    style F fill:#f2a3b3,stroke:#f96e5b
    style G fill:#a3a3a3,stroke:#f96e5b

Data Generation

The process starts with the generation of a dataset which can come from multiple sources:

  • Specific Data Generator: A defined method or algorithm that automatically churns out data.
  • Data Reader: A component that reads data from external places.
  • Manual Input: As straightforward as it sounds, data can be added manually.

Combination Creation

Once we have our dataset, we form combinations that are pivotal for the subsequent analysis:

  • Formed using specific combination creators.
  • Defined manually.


This is the heart of the Yival framework. A custom function provided by the user takes in the dataset and combination list to produce valuable insights.


After analysis, the results are subjected to evaluation. Several methodologies can be applied to grasp and gauge the data's behavior deeply.


From the evaluations, the most promising results are selected. This process ensures only the most vital insights are pushed forward.


The selected results are then fine-tuned in this phase. An "Enhancer" is applied to enhance these results. This stage can loop back to the analysis stage, indicating an ongoing, iterative process of refinement.


Yival also supports finetuning models, and we offer two methods:

  • Use various dataset generators built into Yival (including Huggingface, etc.) for data upload or generation, and then finetune the model.
  • Provide a custom_func, use advanced models like GPT-4 for data generation, and customize the selection criteria. The model is then finetuned based on the selected data.

Yival supports all base models supported by Huggingface and provides advanced finetuning methods such as LoRA, 8bit/4bit quantization.