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MUBen: Benchmarking the Uncertainty of Molecular Representation Models


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MUBen: Molecular Uncertainty Benmark

Code associated with paper MUBen: Benchmarking the Uncertainty of Molecular Representation Models.

Documentation OpenReview arXiv Static Badge PyPI version

MUBen is a benchmark that aims to investigate the performance of uncertainty quantification (UQ) methods built upon backbone molecular representation models. It implements 6 backbone models (4 pre-trained and 2 non-pre-trained), 8 UQ methods (8 compatible for classification and 6 for regression), and 14 datasets from MoleculeNet (8 for classification and 6 for regression). We are actively expanding the benchmark to include more backbones, UQ methods, and datasets. This is an arduous task, and we welcome contribution or collaboration in any form.

Please visit Documentation for a more comprehensive usage guidance.


Backbone Models Paper Official Repo
ChemBERTa link link
GROVER link link
Uni-Mol link link
TorchMD-NET Architecture; Pre-training link
Trained from Scratch
DNN - -
GIN link pyg

Uncertainty Quantification Methods

UQ Method Classification Regression Paper
Included in Paper
Deterministic ✅︎ ✅︎ -
Temperature Scaling ✅︎ - link
Focal Loss ✅︎ - link
Deep Ensembles ✅︎ ✅︎ link
SWAG ✅︎ ✅︎ link
Bayes by Backprop ✅︎ ✅︎ link
SGLD ✅︎ ✅︎ link
MC Dropout ✅︎ ✅︎ link
Additional in Repo
Evidential Networks ✅︎ ✅︎ link
Conformal Prediction - ✅︎ link
Isotonic Calibration - ✅︎ link


The prepared scaffold-split data is available in the ./data/files/ directory.

This documentation utilizes a selection from the MoleculeNet benchmark, which includes datasets such as BBBP, Tox21, ToxCast, SIDER, ClinTox, BACE, MUV, HIV, ESOL, FreeSolv, Lipophilicity, QM7, QM8, and QM9. For detailed descriptions of these datasets, please refer to the MoleculeNet website.

We employ the "molecular property" datasets curated by Uni-Mol, which are accessible for download here. While the original Uni-Mol dataset is generally not necessary, it is used to provide pre-defined molecule conformations for running the Uni-Mol model. To use the Uni-Mol data, download and unzip the files into the ./data/UniMol/ directory. For ease of reference, you are suggested to rename the qm7dft, qm8dft, and qm9dft directories to qm7, qm8, and qm9, respectively. The conversion of the dataset format from Uni-Mol to our specifications can be viewed in the script

Typically, each dataset comprises 4 files: train.csv, valid.csv, test.csv, and meta.json. The .csv files partition the data into training, validation, and testing sets, while meta.json contains metadata such as task type (classification or regression), number of tasks, and number of classes (for classification tasks). Each .csv file contains three columns:

  • smiles: A string representing the SMILES notation of a molecule.
  • labels: A list of integers or floats representing the property values to be predicted for each molecule. The length of the list corresponds to the number of tasks.
  • masks: A binary list (containing 0s and 1s) where 1 indicates a valid property value and 0 indicates an invalid value to be ignored during training and testing.

The dataset is automatically loaded during training through the method muben.dataset.Dataset.prepare(). For a practical example, visit the example page.

Environment Setup

Our code is developed with Python 3.10, and does not work with Python < 3.9.


MUBen is available as a Python package on PyPI and can be installed using pip. If you prefer to use MUBen as a standalone package and do not need to modify the source code, you can simply run:

pip install muben

To download the source code and datasets, you can fork the project on GitHub and clone your fork, or directly clone the original repository:

# Clone your fork of the repository
git clone<your GitHub username>/MUBen.git

# Or clone the original repository with git
git clone --single-branch --branch main


Suppose you have anaconda or miniconda installed in your local machine, you can create a new conda environment for this project using conda create.

conda create -n muben python=3.10

The required packages are listed in requirements.txt. It is recommended to install these dependencies with pip install as conda install may sometimes encounter dependency resolution issue.

conda activate muben
pip install -r requirements.txt

Backbone Checkpoints

Some backbone models require loading pre-trained model checkpoints.

  • For ChemBERTa, we use the DeepChem/ChemBERTa-77M-MLM checkpoint hosted on Hugging Face's Model Hub. You can specify the model name to the argument --pretrained_model_name_or_path (which is set to default), or you can download the model and pass the path to the model to the argument.
  • The GROVER-base checkpoint is available at GROVER's project repo or can be directly downloaded through this link. Unzip the downloaded .tar.gz file to get the .pt checkpoint.
  • The Uni-Mol checkpoint is available at Uni-Mol's project repo or can be directly downloaded through this link.
  • The TorchMD-NET checkpoint is available at this project repo or can be directly downloaded through this link.

Fine-Tuning the Models

Please visit this Documentation page for a guideline of using the muben package, or this Documentation page for an instruction about incorporating customized datasets or backbone models.

The ./run/ directory contains the entry scripts to fine-tuning each of the backbone-UQ combinations. Currently, the script ./run/ is adopted to run all backbone models except for GROVER and Uni-Mol, whose entry scripts are ./run/ and ./run/, respectively.

Specify Arguments Using Command Lines

An example of running the DNN model with RDKit features with the MC Dropout UQ method on the BBBP dataset is

python ./run/ \
    --descriptor_type "RDKit" \
    --data_folder "./data/files" \
    --dataset_name "bbbp" \
    --uncertainty_method "MCDropout" \
    --lr 0.0001 \
    --n_epochs 200 \
    --batch_size 256 \
    --seed 0

In the example, the --descriptor_type argument is used to select the backbone models used in our experiments. It has 4 options: {"RDKit", "Linear", "2D", "3D"}, which corresponds to the DNN, ChemBERTa, GIN and TorchMD-NET backbone models in the CLI, respectively. In the future versions, we may consider including multiple backbone models that correspond to one descriptor, which requires us to specify the --model_name argument to separate the backbones. But currently, we do not need to worry about that and can leave --model_name as default.

For the interpretation of each argument, please check the muben.args API or directly refer to the code implementation. Notice that the API documentation may not be entirely comprehensive.

To run GROVER or Uni-Mol, we just need to replace by the corresponding script, and slightly modify the arguments:

python ./run/ \
    --data_folder "./data/files" \
    --unimol_feature_folder "./data/UniMol/" \
    --dataset_name "esol" \
    --checkpoint_path "./models/" \
    --uncertainty_method "MCDropout" \
    --regression_with_variance \

For regression tasks, the argument --regression_with_variance is vital to guarantee a valid result with predicted variance.

Specify Arguments using .yaml Files

Another way of specifying arguments is through the .yaml scripts, which provides more readable data structure than .json files. We have provided an example configuration script within the ./scripts/ directory, which runs GIN on the FreeSolv dataset with deterministic ("none") UQ method. To use it to specify arguments, we can run the python program with

PYTHONPATH="." CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python ./run/ ./scripts/config-example.yaml

This approach could be helpful while debugging the code on VSCode.

Calculating Metrics

During training, we only calculate metrics necessary for early stopping and simple prediction performance evaluation. To get other metrics, you need to use the ./assist/ file.

After training, the results are saved as ./<result_folder>/<dataset_name>/<model_name>/<uncertainty_method>/seed-<seed>/preds/<test_idx>.pt files. You can run the ./assist/ file to generate all metrics for your model predictions. For example:

PYTHONPATH="." python ./assist/ [arguments]

Make sure the arguments are updated to your needs.

Experimental Results

We have made our experimental results available in the ./reports/ directory. These results are organized into different folders based on the nature of the experiments:

  • primary: Contains the most comprehensive set of results derived from experiments on scaffold-split datasets.
  • random: Includes results from experiments conducted on datasets that were split randomly.
  • frozen: Features results from experiments where the pre-trained model's weights were frozen, except for the last output layer, which was updatable.
  • distribution: Offers results from the QM9 dataset, where the test set was categorized into five bins based on the average Tanimoto similarities to the training scaffolds.

Files within these directories are named following the pattern <backbone>-<dataset>.csv. Each file provides a comparison of different UQ methods. The rows detail the performance of each UQ method, while the columns display the mean and standard deviation from three random runs for each metric.

Additional post-processing scripts can be found in the ./assist/ directory, which include files starting with plot_ or results_. These scripts are useful for further analysis and visualization of the experimental data.


If you find our work helpful, please consider citing it as

    title={MUBen: Benchmarking the Uncertainty of Pre-Trained Models for Molecular Property Prediction},
    author={Yinghao Li and Lingkai Kong and Yuanqi Du and Yue Yu and Yuchen Zhuang and Wenhao Mu and Chao Zhang},