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C++ coding style


  • Just use clang-format. There is a provided .clang-format file which will provide all of the information needed for clang-format to prettify any C++ code. clang-format won't fix omitted curly braces for you, though.

  • Don't omit curly braces, even when they are optional (clang-format unfortunately cannot do this for you):

    • Bad:

      if (condition)
    • Good:

      if (condition) {
      } else {
  • Tabs are 4 characters, and thus indentations are also 4 characters. There are heretic movements that try to make indentations 8 (or even 2!) characters deep, and that is akin to trying to define the value of PI to be 3.

  • Use spaces. Never tabs.

  • The preferred way to ease multiple indentation levels in a switch statement is to align the switch and its subordinate case labels in the same column instead of double-indenting the case labels:

    switch (suffix) {
    case 'G':
    case 'g':
        mem <<= 30;
    case 'M':
    case 'm':
        mem <<= 20;
    case 'K':
    case 'k':
        mem <<= 10;
        /* fall through */
  • Don't put multiple statements on a single line unless you have something to hide:

    • Bad:

      if (condition) do_this;
    • Good:

      if (condition) {
  • Don't put multiple assignments on a single line either. Keep your coding style super simple. Avoid tricky expressions.

  • Get a decent editor and don't leave whitespace at the end of lines.

  • Use spaces. Never tabs.

  • The maximum length (in terms of character widths) for each line is 79, and this is a strongly preferred limit.

  • Statements longer than 79 columns will be broken into sensible chunks, unless exceeding 79 columns significantly increases readability and does not hide information. Descendants are indented an additional 4 spaces to the right. The same applies to function headers with a long argument list. However, never break user-visible strings, because that breaks the ability to grep for them.

  • The other issue that always comes up in C++/C styling is the placement of braces. Unlike the indent size, there are few technical reasons to choose one placement strategy over the other, but the preferred way, as shown to us by the prophets Kernighan and Ritchie, is to put the opening brace last on the line, and put the closing brace first, thusly:

    if (x) {

    This applies to all non-function statement blocks (if, switch, for, while, do, try, catch):

    switch (action) {
    case KOBJ_ADD:
        return "add";
    case KOBJ_REMOVE:
        return "remove";
    case KOBJ_CHANGE:
        return "change";
        return "none";

    However, there is one special case, namely functions: they have the opening brace at the beginning of the next line, thus:

    int function(int x)
        // body of function

    Heretic people all over the world have claimed that this inconsistency is ...well... inconsistent, but all right-thinking people know that (a) K&R are right and (b) K&R are right. Besides, functions are special anyway (you can't nest them in C++/C).

    Note that the closing brace is empty on a line of its own, except in the cases where it is followed by a continuation of the same statement, i.e. a while in a do-statement or an else in an if-statement, like this:

    do {
        // body of do-loop
    } while (condition);
    // and
    if (x == y) {
        // ...
    } else if (x > y) {
        // ...
    } else {
        // ...

    Also, note that this brace-placement also minimizes the number of empty (or almost empty) lines, without any loss of readability. Thus, as the supply of new-lines on your screen is not a renewable resource (think 25-line terminal screens here), you have more empty lines to put comments on.

  • Use a space after these keywords: if, switch, case, for, do, while, try, catch, but not with sizeof, typeid, or alignof. E.g.,

    s = sizeof(struct file);

    Do not add spaces around (inside) parenthesized expressions. This example is bad:

    s = sizeof( struct file );
  • When declaring reference/pointer data or a function that returns a reference/pointer type, the preferred use of &/* is adjacent to the type name and not adjacent to the data name or function name. Examples:

    char* linux_banner;
    std::uint64_t memparse(std::string& ptr, std::string&& retptr);
    char* match_strdup(substring_t* s);
  • Use one space around (on each side of) most binary and ternary operators, such as any of these:

    =  +  -  <  >  *  /  %  |  &  ^  <=  >=  ==  !=  ?  :

    but no space after unary operators:

    &  *  +  -  ~  !  sizeof  typeid  alignof

    no space before nor after the postfix increment and decrement unary operators:

    ++  --

    and no space around the . and -> structure member operators.

  • For naming local variables, fields, functions/methods, enum class variants, etc., generally stick to all-lowercase snake case (underscores). Encoding the type of a function or variable into the name (so-called Hungarian notation) is brain damaged --- the compiler knows the types anyway and can check those, and it only confuses the programmer. No wonder Microsoft makes buggy programs.

  • For naming structures and classes, use CamelCase.

  • Comments are good, but there is also a danger of over-commenting. Never try to explain how your code works in a comment: it's much better to write the code so that the working is obvious, and it's a waste of time to explain badly written code.

  • Generally, you want your comments to tell what your code does, not how. Also, try to avoid putting comments inside a function body: if the function is so complex that you need to separately comment parts of it, you should probably reduce its complexity by refactoring. You can make small comments to note or warn about something particularly clever (or ugly), but try to avoid excess. Instead, put the comments at the head of the function, telling people what it does, and possibly why it does it.

  • Single-line comments are written in plain english, starting with two forward slashes and a space, and contain proper capitalization and punctuation.

  • Multi-line comments are similar, and look like this:

     * This is a multi-line comment.
     * It's got multiple lines.
     * It's readable.
  • Documentation comments (which should, with very few exceptions, be at the direct top of every function declaration and every class/struct definition) follow Doxygen style. That means starting the first line of a multiline comment with /*! or /**, or using a tight stack of single-line comments that start with //!. Additionally, such comments are written in Markdown syntax:

     * This function does X, Y, and then Z.
     * # Arguments
     * - `foo` : Should satisfy `!foo.isBarred()`.
     * - `baz` : Byte to add to the end of the new `foo`.
    void some_function(const Foo& foo, std::uint8_t baz) {
        // ...
  • Doc comments (which are on every function and method declaration) should indicate both what the function does, and also indicate if the function is pure or not.

  • Try to avoid the use of macros (constexpr and templates should eliminate the need for them), but when you do have to use them, make sure that their names are in SHOUTING_SNAKE_CASE:

    #define MY_MACRO "don't use macros, ya silly goose."
  • Use brace initialization and initializer lists, and use them like array literals:

    std::tuple<std::uint64_t, std::string, bool> my_tuple{137, "1/137"s, true};
  • When writing lambda expressions, if the lambda takes zero parameters then the parameter list should be omitted. Additionally, if it is possible to omit the return type, then that should be omitted too:

    auto my_lambda = [captured_int] {
        return captured_int + 1;
  • Use auto. Unless the type name is particularly short, or the type matters a lot to readers of the code and is non-obvious, auto should be preferred:

    for (auto&& [k, v] : consumable_map) {



  • The ISO C++ Core Guidelines are a good starting place.
  • Use static analysis tools. These include things like Cppcheck, clang-tidy, Oink, etc.
  • Heed compiler warnings, including all those generated by the warning flags passed in automatically at compile time.
  • Use runtime analysis tools. These include things like AddressSanitizer, LeakSanitizer, ThreadSanitizer, MemorySanitizer, UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer, valgrind/cachegrind/callgrind, etc.
  • Performance matters.
  • Be tidy with resources (memory, file handles, ...). Always clean up after yourself, and do so as soon as is applicable. Make sure that you do this automatically as often as possible through the use of destructors, so that no one can forget.
  • RAII.
  • Don't give the compiler things that are specifically "optimization hints". This includes compiler built-ins, as well as use of the inline keyword in an attempt to get the compiler to inline a function (other, legitimate uses of inline are acceptable). The compiler knows how to optimize things.
  • What cannot be checked at compile time should be checkable at run time.
  • A function should perform a single logical operation. Keep functions short and simple.
  • Don't use std::endl. Use '\n' instead, and call .flush() if necessary.

Memory and ownership

  • In general, don't use bare pointers (*). Instead, use one of the following, preferrably the closest one to the top of the list:

    • References (an r-value reference && if it makes sense at all to use, otherwise just an ordinary l-value reference &).
    • Optionals, viz. std::optional<T>. This is for when you may or may not have a value, strongly preferable to using a nullable pointer.
    • Spans, viz. gsl::span<T>. This only makes sense when you have a pointer into some data and a length associated with it.
    • Unique pointers, viz. std::unique_ptr<T>.
    • Shared pointers, viz. std::shared_ptr<T> (or std::weak_ptr<T>, as the case may be). Only use these if you are definitely sharing this pointer and require the reference counting, since it comes with considerable overhead.
    • jrc::nullable_ptr<T>, which is a glorified T* that explicitly can be null (similar to std::optional<T*> but with less syntactic overhead). This kind of pointer is, like T*, non-owning.
    • Actual raw pointers *, only if you really have to and you know what you're doing. In the case that you resort to this, use gsl::not_null<T> and gsl::owner<T> whenever appropriate. Generally you should expect to not be using gsl::owner<T*> at all, since T* are for non-owning pointers, unlike std::shared_ptr<T>.
  • Bare pointers are appropriate for implementing iterators, returning non-owning pointers, and for passing around a pointer that represents a position.

  • Do not use bare invocations of new and delete. Like, no, really, don't. See the guidelines above on the use of pointer-like objects.

  • Never use malloc or free (unless some archaic API forces your hand, in which case you can encapsulate it).

  • When working with movable types (e.g. std::string), parameters should be T&& any time that the function needs to own the value anyways. Then the parameter can be std::moved wherever it needs to be. No need to make unnecessary copies by making the parameter a const T& or a bare T. If needed, the caller can make their own copy, and pass it as a (prvalue) temporary directly at the call-site.

  • Minimize allocations in general. Use the stack (don't overflow it, though, of course).

  • When using "smart pointers" (std::unique_ptr<T>, std::shared_ptr<T>, and std::weak_ptr<T>), wrap them as being guaranteed non-null (e.g. gsl::not_null<std::unique_ptr<T>>) when appropriate.

  • If you require the use of bare null pointers (you shouldn't since you shouldn't be using raw pointers at all, and even if you had a reason, you should use nullable_ptr<T>, but it's possible that you're interfacing with someone else's code that uses nasty raw nullable pointers), use nullptr.

  • When dealing with values that you may or may not actually have (especially when returning such things from functions), prefer the use of std::optional<T>. If you are returning a pointer that doesn't transfer ownership (i.e. a non-owning pointer), then jrc::nullable_ptr<T> is appropriate.

  • Use gsl::span<T> (respectively, gsl::span<const T>) instead of a free-standing T* (respectively const T*) for which you have the length value. So, replace functions like:

    void read_into(int* buffer, size_t buffer_size);


    void read_into(gsl::span<int> buffer);
  • Use these diagrams when considering how to pass parameters (the first is just a simplified version of the second):

    Param passing (simple)

    Param passing (advanced)

  • Do not transfer ownership using references or --- god forbid --- raw pointers. This most often applies when returning something from a function/method. Instead, transfer by value (forcing move semantics using std::move when necessary), or use smart pointers for that purpose:

    // BAD!!!
    &vector<double> compute(/* args... */)
        vector<double> res(10000);
        // ...
        return res;
    // Ok.
    vector<double> compute(/* args... */)
        vector<double> res(10000);
        // ...
        return res;
  • Never return a T&&.


  • Avoid using C-style strings. Use std::string, and std::string_view when appropriate.

  • Use std::string_view for non-owning views into string data (i.e. what you might normally use const std::string& for) whenever possible. This is, however, not always possible due to holes in the way the standard library types work together:

    • Don't fall into the trap of using std::string_view in situations where C-style strings need to be exposed. Calling .data() on a std::string_view only gets you the string data that the std::string_view happens to be pointing at, which is not necessarily null-terminated. If you are forced to expose a C-style string from a std::string_view, you can use std::string{my_string_view}.c_str(). However this could potentially be unnecessarily pricey and may warrant using const std::string& instead, if that would prevent an unnecessary copy.
    • std::string_views are averse to being used in "live" (i.e. not constexpr) containers, since they are non-owning. It is, of course, possible to do, but you must be quite careful about the lifetimes of the data you're pointing to. As a result, maps (i.e. std::unordered_map) that map strings to some values generally store the keys as std::strings, which means that lookups will require access to a const std::string& instead of a std::string_view. Again, it's possible to do std::string{my_string_view} at the call-site, but depending on the situation, this is probably an unnecessary copy.
  • Use the s suffix for string literals that are meant to be std::strings, whenever this might be ambiguous:

    using namespace std::literals;
    // Unless you really meant `const char[19]`, this is wrong:
    auto my_string = "string-a-ring-ding";
    // Good, assuming you wanted a `std::string`:
    auto my_string = "string-a-ring-ding"s;
  • Also feel free to use the sv suffix for std::string_view literals.

  • Use gsl::string_span for when you need something like a std::string_view, but want to mutate the string being viewed.

  • When concatenating together multiple items including std::strings, std::string_views, chars, bools, and const char[N]s (string literals), use jrc::str::concat(...). Integral and floating-point types can be included too, just call std::to_string at the call-site of jrc::str::concat(...).

Data structures

  • Use std::array for sequences of data. If not (because you need a vector-like interface that allows pushing and popping), use boost::container::static_vector. If not (because you need dynamic unbounded growth), use std::vector. Under no circumstances should you resort to the use of std::forward_list or std::list, unless you REALLY know what you're doing.
  • Use the unordered_ versions of set/map/multiset/multimap containers, unless you need to persist a sorted order. In that case, use boost::container::flat_ versions of set/map/multiset/multimap. Only if you both need to persist a sorted order and consistently have a lot of elements (upwards of a few thousand or so) should you use std::set, std::map, etc.
  • Use std::variant, not unions. NOTE: It may be wise to adopt the scelta library, from here.

Side-effects and compile-time computation

  • Make things pure whenever possible, and when a function/method is pure, it should (in the case that it is a member function) be constexpr (or just const if necessary), and also (in all cases) indicate that it is pure within its doc comment. Functions/methods that are not pure should indicate that they are not pure in their doc comments.
  • Use const. Use it. Use it again. Wherever you can. Of course only use it when applicable, and respect const-correctness. Additionally make sure you're not accidentally preventing possible moves (when those moves would be desirable).
  • Use constexpr wherever applicable, including on functions.
  • Compile-time constants (say, for example, that the type of a given constant is T) should almost always be qualified as static constexpr const T NAME_OF_CONSTANT ....
  • Try to avoid the use of macros; constexpr and templates should eliminate the need for them.
  • Use if constexpr for conditional compilation when applicable.
  • Pure functions should have the [[nodiscard]] attribute. Other functions may have a use for the attribute as well; use your judgement.


  • All functions/methods that are incapable of throwing an exception should be marked as noexcept, and even more importantly, functions/methods that make use of exceptions for error handling at all must be marked noexcept(false).

  • Do not use exceptions in situations where you know that the exception-throwing case is actually not that rare (i.e. it is not an exceptional case at all).

  • Avoid using exceptions, just in general. If you are forced to interface with code that does use exceptions, there are three approaches that can be suitable depending on the context:

    1. Check all preconditions of the exception-throwing function(s) that you are calling and make sure that none can be violated before you call the function(s). This is usually(?) an acceptable approach so long as the preconditions are more than rarely violated and the precondition-checking is relatively cheap. This has the advantage of allowing your function to be noexcept while also not using any try machinery yourself.
    2. Wrap exception-throwing functions with try blocks and handle the exceptions yourself. This is acceptable whenever you expect that you will rarely or never actually have to catch anything (as the catching is rather expensive). Such an approach also allows for noexcept to be specified for your function, assuming of course that you do not re-throw or anything like that.
    3. Consider the exceptions (possibly) thrown by the exception-throwing interface to be part of the exception contract of your function. Such an approach requires your function to be noexcept(false), and description of exception-throwing contracts should of course appear in the doc comment of your function.
  • Instead of using exceptions, you can implement "failure modes" for your functions/methods. Things that make this easy are std::optional<T> and std::variant<T...>. NOTE: It may be wise to adopt the Boost.Outcome library as seen here once it is added to Boost. std::optionals can represent a success (useful value) or failure (nothing at all). Variants can be used to represent a success (the first type parameter, a useful value) or failure (the second type parameter, a useful bit of info about what went wrong). However, due to std::expected not making it into the C++17 standard library, we should probably wait for Boost.Outcome to be added to Boost before adopting this latter technique. Use of std::optional can look like so:

    std::optional<Foo> get_foo_maybe() const noexcept
        const auto foo = // ...
        // ...
        if (getting_foo_failed) {
            return {};
        } else {
            return {foo};


  • Avoid using bare for and while blocks; use iterator-style for blocks (for (const auto item : container) { ... }) instead, or even better, use standard algorithms and container methods like for_each, find_if, etc.

  • Use structured bindings, when applicable.

  • Limit the scope of your variables to be as small as possible. Even better, don't declare variables at all and simply place the value where it's needed (when applicable).

  • Use if-statement init statements, when applicable, to limit the scope of your variables as much as possible (also applies to switch):

    if (auto foo = get_foo(); foo.isBarred()) {
        // ...
  • In general, avoid out params. Use std::pair, std::tuple, etc. or your own structure/class instead. If you do use out params, refer to the relevant diagrams for parameter passing.

  • Generally, use enum class, not enum. If you use an enum, it should be for the purpose of using the variants as integral types, and should be both namespaced (e.g. defined inside of a class/struct definition) and have the underlying type specified (e.g. enum MyEnum : std::uint16_t { ... }).

  • Keep the number of function/method parameters low. If you find yourself writing a function with lots of parameters, you probably just need some kind of abstraction (a structure/class, perhaps?).

  • Where there is a choice, prefer default arguments over overloading.

  • Use struct whenever all members are public. Otherwise, use class.

  • int is the return type for main(). Not void. Not anything else. int.

  • Return T& from assignment operators.

  • Don't use var-args for parameters. Instead, use overloading, or variadic templates, or variant arguments, or initializer_list (for homogeneous args).


  • Keep all code as type-safe as possible, and when forced to interact with poor/weak typing in some other code, try to encapsulate it so that you don't shoot anyone (including yourself) in the foot.

  • Avoid using casts. This is part of type-safety. Templates can help.

  • To convert from one numeric type to another that doesn't lose precision, use brace initialization like so (static_cast is also acceptable):

    const std::int32_t x = 15;
    const std::int64_t y{x};
  • To convert from one numeric type to another that possibly loses precision, consider using gsl::narrow_cast, or even math::saturating_cast if saturation is the appropriate semantics for "overflow".

  • If you have to use a cast that is not one of the aforementioned, use static_cast, but be wary of possible undefined behavior when using it on numeric types.

  • Do not use const_cast to cast away const-ness.

  • Do not use reinterpret_cast nor C-style casts (e.g. (int) some_float) unless you are a super wizard whom'st knows exactly what they are doing.

  • When dealing with integral types, prefer to use fixed width integer types like std::uint64_t, std::int32_t, etc.

  • If you find that for some reason you need some kind of class hierarchy/subtyping, keep hierarchies as shallow as you possibly can, and use pure virtual/abstract classes as interfaces rather than extending other, less general kinds of classes. Use pure virt class/interfaces as if they are typeclasses/traits.

  • If you do find yourself writing a pure virt/abstract class, include a (not-pure-)virtual destructor, and then do not include a virtual destructor in implementing/derived classes; those classes should inherit the virtual destructor. Also, make sure that as many of the other methods as possible are pure virtual, not just virtual.


  • Avoid using std::function for lambdas unless you have a need for the "voldemort" type of the lambda to be erased.

  • When giving a name to a lambda (i.e. assigning it to a variable), use auto for its type.

  • Use lambdas for complex initialization, especially of const variables (this is sometimes called an "IIFE", immediately invoked function expression, due to Javascript). This allows more liberal use of const, allows for shorter lifetimes of variables, and can generate more efficient code:

    // Bad!
    widget x;  // Should be const, but:
    for (auto i = 2; i <= N; ++i) {          // This could be some
        x += some_obj.do_something_with(i);  // arbitrarily long code
    }                                        // needed to initialize `x`.
    // From here onward, `x` *should* be `const`, but we can't say so in code
    // in this style.
    // Good.
    const widget x = [&] {
        widget val;                               // Assuming that widget has a default constructor.
        for (auto i = 2; i <= N; ++i) {           // This could be some
            val += some_obj.do_something_with(i); // arbitrarily long code
        }                                         // needed to initialize `x`.
        return val;
  • Use a lambda when a function won't do (to capture local variables, or to write a local function).

  • Explicitly list exactly those and only those captures that your lambda needs, when possible. I.e., generally avoid [&] and [=].

  • Prefer capturing by reference in lambdas that will be used locally.

  • Avoid capturing by reference in lambdas that will be used nonlocally, including returned, stored on the heap, or passed to another thread.

  • Generic lambdas are acceptable, and can be achieved using auto in parameter types, as well as clever use of the decltype keyword.

  • Mark lambdas as noexcept whenever applicable.


  • Use the standard library! Use the standard algorithms. Use the standard data structures. Use the standard... etc. Also use the GSL.
  • std::regex is good, but please don't use regex for simple things or when you really just need a more complex hand-written parser or a parser library.
  • When working with time, use std::chrono.
  • using namespace std; is bad, and you should feel bad. "Use" as needed. Things that originate from the standard library should have the marker std::, and likewise for other foreign namespaces.