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File metadata and controls

165 lines (124 loc) · 6.44 KB

@title Changelog


This document contains a short summary of the various releases of ruby-lint. For a full list of commits included in each release see the corresponding Git tags (named after the versions).

0.9.0 - 2013-10-13

Although the version number increased by quite a bit this release in itself is fairly small. Seeing how the ruby-lint internals are slowly becoming more and more stable I'd like the version numbers to correspond with that. I'm not jumping to 1.0 right away since I do want to make various changes to the internals before I release 1.0.

Having said that, this release contains the following:

  • Caching of ASTs required for finding externally defined constants.
  • An extra CLI command (plot) for plotting analysis timings.
  • Method call tracking.
  • Warnings for unused method/block arguments.
  • Support for Rubinius 2.0.

The two most noteworthy changes are the caching system and support for method call tracking, these are highlighted below.


In previous releases ruby-lint would re-parse extra files needed (those that contain the definitions of referenced constants) every time you'd analyze a file. This was rather problematic since parser sadly isn't the fastest kid on the block. By caching the resulting ASTs performance of the same file (assuming it doesn't change between runs) can be increased drastically. If the analyzed file or an external one is changed the cache is invalidated automatically.

Caching is enabled by default so you don't need to add any extra command-line flags or configuration options in your ruby-lint configuration file.

Method Call Tracking

This new features makes it possible for ruby-lint to keep track of what methods are called from another method, both in the direction of caller to callee and the other way around. Currently this isn't used yet for any analysis but I have some ideas on adding useful analysis using this new feature. Another use case for this feature is generating Graphviz call graphs without actually having to run the corresponding Ruby source code.

0.0.5 - 2013-09-01

Originally slated for August 1st I decided to push this release back one month to buy myself some extra time to polish features, resolve more bugs and procrastinate more. Besides numerous bug fixes and extra polish this release contains two big new features that I'd like to highlight:

  • support for parsing basic YARD tags
  • loading of externally defined constants/files from the local file system

YARD Support

YARD provides a set of tags that can aid in documenting your code. For example, @param is a tag used to document the type, name and description of a method parameter. Since Ruby has no form of type hinting you're often left to wonder what kind of objects a method can work with.

In version 0.0.5 support for two tags was added:

  • @param
  • @return

When ruby-lint finds methods documented using these tags it will use them to pull in information about the parameter types and return values. This greatly increases the accuracy of ruby-lint, given your code is documented. Consider the following example:

def multiply(value, multiplier)
  return value * value

If ruby-lint were to process the above code it would have no idea what kind of object value and multiplier are and thus wouldn't be able to much with the above code. When documenting the above method with the mentioned YARD tags ruby-lint is capable of doing this:

# @param [Fixnum] value
# @param [Fixnum] multiplier
# @return [Fixnum]
def multiply(value, multiplier)
  return value * value

By parsing the YARD tags ruby-lint can now know what the parameter types are and what type of data the method returns. This in turn allows ruby-lint to perform full analysis on the arguments instead of being forced to ignore them completely.

Loading External Files

In previous versions ruby-lint had no way of loading external code that was not pre-defined using the built-in definitions (found in lib/ruby-lint/definitions). As a result a lot of false positives would be triggered when analysing complex projects (e.g. the typical Rails project).

This has been addressed by introducing so called "file scanners" and "file loaders". In short, these scan for a set of constants used in a file and try to find the corresponding Ruby file that defines it (recursively). This greatly enhances the accuracy of analysis.

Currently the algorithm for this is rather basic and can, especially in big projects, slow analysis down by quite a bit. This will be resolved in upcoming releases. Keep an eye on the following issues for more information:

Other Changes

Besides the two features mentioned above various other changes have also been made, these are listed below.

  • Lots of bug fixes and cleanups, as you'd expect.
  • Constants (classes and modules) can now be referred by their name inside themselves (e.g. "Foo" inside the class "Foo" refers to that class).
  • The text presenter now only shows filenames instead of the full file path, reducing clutter.
  • Support for default global variables such as $LOADED_FEATURES
  • Support for methods such as alias and alias_method
  • Support for the attr_* family of methods
  • The test suite has been migrated from Bacon to RSpec
  • Support for keyword arguments.
  • Updated built-in Rails definitions to include more methods.
  • Debugging/benchmarking output for the analyze command.
  • The analysis class ConfusingVariables has been removed due to not being very useful.
  • Various issues with method lookups inside blocks have been resolved.
  • Various internals have been cleaned up.
  • Improved error messages for calls to undefined methods.

0.0.4 - 2013-07-14

Near total refactor of the entire project. New parser setup based on the "parser" Gem instead of using a custom built parser built using Ripper. More analysis classes, a more stable mechanism for building definitions, bug fixes and a lot more.

This release (thanks to "parser") also introduces support for Jruby and Rubinius (2.0/Git HEAD, 1.X is not supported).

0.0.3 - 2013-04-22

Lots of internal changes for tasks such as building definitions. Also included a large set of bugfixes.

0.0.2 - 2012-11-15

Various changes to the old parser.

0.0.1 - 2012-11-13

First public release of ruby-lint.