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C: Classes and class hierarchies

A class is a user-defined type.

Table of contents

C.2: Use class if the class has an invariant; use struct if the data members can vary independently

struct Pair{
  // by default public
  string name;
  int volume;

class Date{
  Date(int yy, Mont mm, char dd);
  // ..
  int y;
  Month m;
  char d;

C.8: Use class rather than struct if any member is non-public

C.7: Don't define a class or enum and declare a variable of its type in the same statement

struct Data{};
Data data{};          // do
struct Data{} data{}; // do not

C.ctor: Constructors

C.40: Define a constructor if a class has an invariant

class Date{
  Date(int dd, int mm, int yy) : d{dd}, m{mm}, y{yy}{
    if ( !is_valid(d, m, y) ) throw Bad_date(); // enforce invariant
  int d, m, y;

C.hier: Class hierarchies (OOP)

C.121: If a base class is used as an interface, make it a pure abstract class

class My_interface{
  // ... only pure virtual functions (virtual f() = 0) ...
  virtual ~My_interface(){} // or = default

C.hierclass: Designing classes in a hierarchy

C.128: Virtual functions should specify exactly one of virtual, override, or final

  • virtual: this is a new virtual function
  • override: this is a non-final overrider (it matches its base clase)
  • final: this is a final overrider (it can't be overridden)

C.hier-access: Accessing objects in a hierarchy

C.149: Use unique_ptr or shared_ptr to avoid forgetting to delete objects created using new

void use(int i){
  auto p = new int {7};         // bad: initialize local pointers with new
  auto q = make_unique<int>{9}; // ok: guarantee the release of the memory-allocated for 9
  if (0 < i) return;            // maybe return and leak
  delete p;                     // to late

C.150: Use make_unique() to construct objects owned by unique_ptrs

auto q = make_unique<Foo>(7);     // do
unique_ptr<Foo> p { new Foo{7} }; // do not

C.151: Use make_shared() to construct objects owned by shared_ptrs

void test(){
  auto q = make_shared<Bar>(7);     // do
  shared_ptr<Bar> p { new Bar{7} }; // do not