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Contributing to the project

You can (and should) modify this section to your needs.

How to contribute to the project? There are 2 ways of contributing: reporting a bug or proposing a feature, and making changes to the code.


How to contribute by reporting a bug/proposing a feature?

You can open an issue with the appropriate template, but make sure a similar issue doesn't already exist.

If no template satisfies you, feel free to create one from scratch, but do include as many details as possible. Never make an empty issue.

How to contribute to the code?

You should always create a new branch, with an explicit name, and create a pull request once done.

Everything you need to know to use this project and contribute to it is written below.


  • The master branch is not the default branch. It is used to represent what is currently in production.
  • The develop branch is the default branch. This is the default target branch for pull requests and new branches.
  • Other branches are created freely but should respect a certain name coherence, for example, if you are adding a new feature, your branch name should look like feature/my-feature.
  • Always make sure that your branch is up to date with its parent branch before submitting a pull request.


  • Docker (with Docker Compose).
  • Git.
  • This is obvious, but having experience with node/javascript is a must.

Launch the project locally

Docker is required.

  • Fork or clone the project with OR if you forked the project.
  • Create your own branch from develop or any branch other than master (eg: feature/my-feature).
  • Launch the project using make start if you have Make installed, or docker compose build && docker compose up -d otherwise (you may need additional steps to have the project working, check what's inside the Makefile).
  • Go to http://localhost to access the app.
  • From there, you can add your own code and tests in the appropriate folders.

What do I need to check before making a PR?

Make sure of the following :

  • Your PR is up to date with its parent branch
  • Your PR includes tests (not always needed but is very recommended)
  • Your PR describes everything the reviewers need to know.
  • Your PR follows the code of conduct.
  • The linter does not fail (or at least not because of your PR).
  • You avoided the usage of an external dependency (only use one if you need to).

Available services

List of all the available services (and how to access them).

Service Description Access
nginx Serves as a proxy for the Symfony app. Also serves static files inside the public folder. localhost:80
php The service running PHP and serving the Symfony app.
encore Serves assets files directly by using the encore webpack dev server. Also allows hot reloading. Is only used in development. localhost:9090
db Service for MariaDB, used by the app.
phpmyadmin GUI to access and interact with the db service easily. Is only used in development. localhost:8080
mailcatcher Serves as a SMTP to catch emails sent during development. Is only used in development. localhost:1080
rabbitmq Service used to queue and execute asynchronously processes in the Symfony app, such as sending emails. localhost:15672
redis The Redis database service, used mainly for caching purposes, and for Symfony sessions.
redis-commander GUI to access and interact with the redis service easily. Is only used in development. localhost:8081
mercure The Mercure server, used for real-time communication. localhost:3000

Make commands

List of the available make commands.

Command Description
start Builds the containers and starts them. Also installs composer dependencies and resets your db.
build Builds the containers.
build-no-cache Builds the containers without cache.
up Starts the stopped containers.
up-recreate Recreates and starts the stopped containers.
stop Stops all running containers.
down Removes all containers.
ssh Runs sh in the php container.
ssh-encore Runs sh in the encore container.
ssh-redis Runs sh in the redis container.
ssh-db Runs sh in the db container.
composer Runs composer install in the php container.
yarn Runs yarn install in the encore container.
perm Runs different commands depending on your OS to ensure you have write permission on the project's files.
db Runs db-drop, db-create, migration and fixtures.
db-create Creates a new database, if it doesn't already exist.
db-drop Drops the current database, if it exists.
schema Syncs your database with the current schema in the app. Prefer using migration. Use it only for quick tests.
migration Runs all pending migrations.
migration-diff Creates a new migration file with all the changes you made in the app's entities.
fixtures Runs all the fixtures available.
db-test Creates a app_test db for tests.
rabbitmq-consume Consumes the Rabbitmq queue. You normally won't need to use this command as the php container already takes care of it in the background.
list-containers Lists all running containers.
healthcheck-db Shows the current healthcheck for the db container.
healthcheck-php Shows the current healthcheck for the php container.
logs Shows logs of all the running containers.
logs-php Shows logs for the php container.
logs-encore Shows logs for the encore container.
cc Clears the Symfony cache.
lint Runs php-cs-fixer, eslint and prettier.
php-cs-fixer Runs php-cs-fixer in the php container without fixing.
eslint Runs eslint in the encore container without fixing.
prettier Runs prettier in the php container without fixing.
fix Runs php-cs-fixer-fix, eslint-fix and prettier-fix.
php-cs-fixer-fix Runs php-cs-fixer in the php container.
eslint-fix Runs eslint in the encore container.
prettier-fix Runs prettier in the php container.
test Runs tests in the php container.
test-create Creates a new test.
start-ci Starts the containers to run for the CI. You should never need to run this command.

Environment files

We use .env files to store sensitive data or data that needs to be changed for certain environments (like Windows users).

To override a value from a .env file, create a .env.local file (which will not be committed on GitHub). Do not directly modify the .env file.

The database

This project currently uses MariaDB as database. You can easily access it with a friendly GUI thanks to PHPMyAdmin by going to localhost:8080.

Assuming you did not change the credentials in the root .env file :

  • Server : db (this is the name of the service for your database),
  • User : root,
  • Password : root.

You can then access the current database named app. Another table called app_test can also appear after running tests.

The database is kept on your host in a data folder at the root of the project.


You can use any IDE you'd like. We of course recommend VSCode, which this project already includes a settings.json file for with everything configured.

Feel free to add documentation for your IDE here.


The configuration for VSCode is already set and ready to use in .vscode/settings.json. Simply copy it from the folder.

Of course, it will require some VSCode extensions to work properly :

  • Docker for Dockerfile and docker-compose files support,
  • Prettier for formatting generic and template files (twig, JSON, SCSS, etc...),
  • PHP-CS-Fixer for PHP files linting,
  • ESLint for Typescript and Svelte files linting.

That should be all you need.

For the PHP-CS-Fixer extension, you will need to change the value for php-cs-fixer.executablePath and add the absolute path to the project on your disk.
You can adjust the other settings however you want.

Additional documentation

All the additional documentation is located in the docs folder.

All the documentation you need to safely develop on this project. Feel free to add anything you think is missing!

Good to know

Your PR will always be checked as soon as possible. You need to make sure you do everything you can to make it easier to review it.

You can look at other PRs if you are not too sure about something. Also, make sure to link any issue related to the PR you created.

Finally, thank you for the interest you have in this project! Don't worry, everyone here is very friendly.