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Animal stats

Mnesikos edited this page Mar 28, 2022 · 16 revisions


Kibble is needed to tame ZAWA animals. Down from ZAWA: Rebuilt, ZAWA: Evolved only has 5 types of craftable kibble.

Litter size



Size is a stat that defines several other animal attributes, such as hunger and gestation time.
The size stat directly correlates to an animal's real-life size, and can be assumed with some accuracy without the use of the animal data book. Animals are categorized into five different sizes: tiny, small, medium, large, and giant.
Ambient is technically a size but is never applied to full ZAWA animals.
A list of animals by size can be found here.



Temperament dictates how wild animals (as well as tamed animals with low hunger and enrichment) behave around players. It is defined per species, not by individual. Temperament is not to be confused with Nature from ZAWA: Rebuilt.
When the player encounters a wild animal, it will flee, attack, or ignore them depending on its temperament. An animal's temperament needs to be considered when trying to capture an animal, because different items and precautions may need to be taken depending on its aggression. Attempting to catch or pick up an animal is considered an attack, and animals will react accordingly.
Wild animals that have babies behave differently. If a player attacks a baby animal, its parent, regardless of temperament, will attack them.
Tamed animals will not attack or flee from the player. However, tamed animals that are hungry or bored will revert to wild behavior within about four Minecraft days (96000 ticks).
A list of animals by temperament can be found here.


Timid animals are wary of the player and will flee from them on sight until cornered or captured. Under normal circumstances, they will not attack the player, even if hit first.
Tiny and small timid animals can be picked up by shift-right clicking without issue, and will not attack the player. They may attack players to defend their young. They do not need to be tranquilized to be safely tamed.
When neglected, tamed timid animals will flee from players.


Neutral animals are aware of the player, but generally unbothered by their presence. They wander aimlessly and will not flee from players. When attacked, neutral animals will run from the player, but not defend themselves. However, they may attack players to defend their young.
Tiny and small neutral animals can be picked up by shift-right clicking without issue, and will not attack the player. They do not need to be tranquilized to be safely tamed.
When neglected, tamed neutral animals will flee from players.


Defensive animals are aware of the player, but can coexist with them peacefully. They roam aimlessly and do not flee from players. However, if attacked, neutral animals will retaliate and possibly kill the player. Animals such as mandrills and African wild dogs who display pack behavior will also gang up on a player who attacks a nearby animal of their species.
Attempting to pick up a defensive animal will result in the player being attacked. The animal will continue to attack the player until they are out of sight.
Defensive animals may need to be tranquilized before being tamed.
When neglected, defensive animals will attack players until their needs are met.


Territorial animals are peaceful if left alone. They roam harmlessly if left alone. However, if players get too close, they will attempt to scare them off and are capable of dealing damage to do this. Once the player gets far enough away, territorial animals will stop pursuing them.
Attempting to pick up a territorial animal will result in the player being attacked. The animal will continue to attack the player until they are out of sight.
It is recommended that the player tranquilized territorial animals before attempting to tame or capture them.
When neglected, territorial animals will attack players until their needs are met.


Aggressive animals are an active threat to unprepared players, and will pursue and attempt to kill them on sight.
Attempting to pick up an aggressive animal will result in the player being attacked. The animal will continue to attack the player until they are out of range. Many aggressive animals are large, fast predators, so approaching them unprepared is risky.
It is strongly recommended that the player tranquilized aggressive animals before attempting to tame or capture them.
When neglected, aggressive animals will attack players until their needs are met.aggressive animals before attempting to tame or capture them.
When neglected, aggressive animals will attack players until their needs are met.


Variant decides what color, markings, or species an animal appears as.
Most single-species animals have 3-5 variants. These variants have different colors, markings or patters or markings, or on animals such as the bald eagle, can show different ages or stages of growth. In ZAWA: Evolved, each color variant has a nickname. Nicknames for a single animal generally follow a theme, such as food, types of rock, or cities in an animal's native country.
When two parents of different colors are bred together, the baby will randomly generate as one of the two, and if applicable, possibly a breed-only color.

Captive-bred variants

Some animals have special captive-bred variants. Captive-bred variants do not spawn naturally and only appear rarely when a keeper breeds two tamed animals. These variants are colors that can appear in real animals, only incredibly rarely or with significant amounts of inbreeding. Other than looking special, captive-bred variants do not have any extra perks or attributes.
Generally, the chance of a baby animal spawning as a captive-bred color is 5%. This chance raises significantly if one or both parents are also a captive-bred variant, as they are more likely to pass their colors to their children.

Species Variants

Some animals have species variants. These animals have several different species that can spawn under the same entity. Different species variants generally spawn in different biomes. Species variants can be bred together, with normal variant-passing rules.

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