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Zimbra Preauth Router

A web Authentication portal for Zimbra Collaboration with a twist, and the twist is: works for 0 downtime migrations.

Zimbra Preauth Router ( ZPR from now on) lets you login users in 2 diferent Zimbra platforms from a single URL portal, only using a YAML db file.

Why only 2 diferent Zimbra Platforms? Because is all that we need for the moment. But could be easily expanded.

Use cases

  • A hibrid Network and Open Source setup of Zimbra.
  • Diferent Zimbras, but you need to have one login portal
  • Migrations, this is why we built it.

Zimbra Requirements

For this to work you need to have Preauth Keys for the Domains in every Zimbra Platform.

To generate a key for the domain you have to run the next command in the Zimbra server, as the zimbra user:

[zimbra@old_backend]$ zmprov gdpak
preAuthKey: 9b34da63e5c1cba4cf7eb8262bacb18f712f6abafb02cf670234cb9bca63cb31

You can check the Preauth Key of a domain with:

[zimbra@old_backend]$ zmprov gd zimbraPreAuthKey
 # name
zimbraPreAuthKey: 9b34da63e5c1cba4cf7eb8262bacb18f712f6abafb02cf670234cb9bca63cb31

Check the Zimbra Wiki for more information about Preauth Keys:


ZPR is configured using Enviroment Variables, following the directions by The Twelve-Factor App, the variables and their uses are as follows:

  • LOGO, the logo image to be shown on the login portal. Should be 250 X 70px
  • DOMAIN, the email domain, used mostly for when the user enter only the local part in the login form
  • USERS_FILE, complete path to the YAML DB File where we enter the email address of the users located on the NEW_BACKEND
  • OLD_BACKEND, the URL of the Source Zimbra like:
  • NEW_BACKEND, the URL of the Destination Zimbra like:
  • OLD_PREAUTH_KEY, the Preauth Key of the DOMAIN at OLD_BACKEND
  • NEW_PREAUTH_KEY, the Preauth Key of the DOMAIN at NEW_BACKEND

A note about the YAML file

Its important to notice that the file must end in .yml and the format of the content should be: "7302d6d0-c024-0132-207e-482a1423458f" "9313df60-c024-0132-207e-482a1423458f"

The first field is the email address, and the second is the value of zimbraId. You can get the zimbraId value with:

$ zmprov ga zimbraId
 # name
zimbraId: 7302d6d0-c024-0132-207e-482a1423458f

Install and Run

You have to ways to use ZPR: Manual Setup and Docker Img. We recomend the Docker Img.

The Docker Way

This is by far the easy way.

1. Have a docker setup working You should have a Linux machine with docker installed.

2. Pull the image from docker

$ docker pull pbruna/zimbra_preauth_router

3. Launch and Profit

A couple of notes about the parameters:

-p 80:80

listen on port 80

-v /opt/zimbra_preauth_router:/opt/zimbra_preauth_router

share the local /opt/zimbra_preauth_route folder with the docker container, here you will create the users.yml file.

-e *

all of this are ENV variables to pass to Zimbra Preauth Router.

Run it:

$ docker run -p 80:80 -v /opt/zimbra_preauth_router:/opt/zimbra_preauth_router \
  -e "" \
  -e "OLD_BACKEND=" \
  -e "NEW_BACKEND=" \
  -e "OLD_PREAUTH_KEY=9b34da63e5c1cba4cf7eb8262bacb18f712f6abafb02cf670234cb9bca63cb31" \
  -e "NEW_PREAUTH_KEY="9b34da63e5c1cba4cf7eb8262bacb18f712f6abafb02cf670234cb9bca63cb31" \
  -e "LOGO=" \
  -e "USERS_FILE=/opt/zimbra_preauth_router/users.yml" \

That command will lunch the container on the foreground and you can connect to it now ponting to http://HOST_IP_ADDR/. You can launch the container in the background adding the -d param to the command, like:

$ docker run -d -p 80:80 -v /opt/zimbra_preauth_router:/opt/zimbra_preauth_router \

 # check the status:
$ docker ps

Manual Setup

For this to work you must have Ruby > 2 installed.

1. Clone the repo

$ git clone

2. Install dependencies

$ cd zimbra_preauth_router
$ bundle install

3. Run the server

$ DOMAIN="" USERS_FILE="/tmp/file.yaml" OLD_BACKEND="" \
  OLD_PREAUTH_KEY="9b34da63e5c1cba4cf7eb8262bacb18f712f6abafb02cf670234cb9bca63cb31" \
  NEW_PREAUTH_KEY="9b34da63e5c1cba4cf7eb8262bacb18f712f6abafb02cf670234cb9bca63cb31" \
  bundle exec rackup -p 8080

You should see something like:

Starting server with the following configuration
Logo img: logo.png
Users File: /tmp/file.yaml
Old BackendURL:
New BackendURL:
Old Preauth Key: 9b34da63e5c1cba4cf7eb8262bacb18f712f6abafb02cf670234cb9bca63cb31
New Preauth Key: 9b34da63e5c1cba4cf7eb8262bacb18f712f6abafb02cf670234cb9bca63cb31
[2015-04-08 10:59:05] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
[2015-04-08 10:59:05] INFO  ruby 2.1.1 (2014-02-24) [x86_64-darwin13.0]
[2015-04-08 10:59:05] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=18655 port=8080

And now you can point your browser to http://HOST_IP_ADDR:8080


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  5. Create a new Pull Request