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correction of update algorithm
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kdomino committed Nov 30, 2017
1 parent 20a7bc7 commit fb5b3b8
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Showing 6 changed files with 110 additions and 23 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/CumulantsUpdates.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ module CumulantsUpdates

export momentupdat, cumulantsupdat, vecnorm, cumnorms, cumupdatnorms
export momentarray, updat, moms2cums!
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/updates.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,3 +77,10 @@ function cumulantsupdat(cum::Vector{SymmetricTensor{T}}, X::Matrix{T}, Xup::Matr

function updat(M::Vector{SymmetricTensor{T}}, X::Matrix{T}, Xup::Matrix{T}) where T <: AbstractFloat
@inbounds Mup = [momentupdat(M[i], X, Xup) for i in 1:length(M)]
64 changes: 46 additions & 18 deletions test/comptimes.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,50 +7,78 @@ using SymmetricTensors
import CumulantsUpdates: cumulants, moment

compspeedups(fcalc::Function, fup::Function, m::Int, n::Int, t::Int, tup::Vector{Int})
momspeedups(fcalc::Function, fup::Function, m::Int, n::Int, t::Int, tup::Vector{Int})
Returns Vector, a computional speedup of m'th statics update of multivariate data
Returns Vector, a computional speedup of m'th moment update of n[i] variate data

function compspeedups(m::Int, n::Vector{Int}, t::Int, tup::Vector{Int}, f::Function,
function momspeedups(m::Int, n::Vector{Int}, t::Int, tup::Vector{Int}, b::Int)
compt = zeros(length(tup), length(n))
updt = copy(compt)
X = randn(15, 10)
M = f(X[1:10,:], m, b)
fup(M, X[1:10,:], X[10:15,:])
M = moment(X[1:10,:], m, b)
momentupdat(M, X[1:10,:], X[10:15,:])
for i in 1:length(n)
println("n = ", n[i])
println("moment calc n = ", n[i])
X = randn(t, n[i])
t1 = Float64(time_ns())
M = f(X, m, b)
calctime = Float64(time_ns())-t1
M = moment(X, m, b)
compt[:,i] = Float64(time_ns())-t1
for j in 1:length(tup)
println("update ", fup)
println("tup = ", tup[j])
println("update tup = ", tup[j])
Xup = rand(tup[j], n[i])
t2 = Float64(time_ns())
cup = fup(M, X, Xup)
cup = momentupdat(M, X, Xup)
updt[j,i] = Float64(time_ns()) - t2
compt[j,i] = calctime
compt, updt

function cumspeedups(m::Int, n::Vector{Int}, t::Int, tup::Vector{Int}, b::Int)
compt = zeros(length(tup), length(n))
ccomp = copy(compt)
updt = copy(compt)
X = randn(15, 10)
cumulants(X[1:10,:], m, b)
M = momentarray(X[1:10,:], m, b)
M1 = copy(M)
updat(M, X[1:10,:], X[10:15,:])
for i in 1:length(n)
println("cumulants calc n = ", n[i])
X = randn(t, n[i])
t1 = Float64(time_ns())
cumulants(X, m, b)
t2 = Float64(time_ns())
M = momentarray(X, m, b)
M1 = copy(M)
ccomp[:,i] = Float64(time_ns())-t2
compt[:,i] = t2-t1
for j in 1:length(tup)
println("update tup = ", tup[j])
Xup = rand(tup[j], n[i])
t2 = Float64(time_ns())
cup = updat(M, X, Xup)
updt[j,i] = Float64(time_ns()) - t2
compt, updt, ccomp

function savecomptime(m::Int, n::Vector{Int}, t::Int, tup::Vector{Int}, b::Int, p::Int)
filename = replace("res/$(m)_$(t)_$(n)_$(tup)_$(p).jld", "[", "")
filename = replace(filename, "]", "")
filename = replace(filename, " ", "")
compt = Dict{String, Any}()
momtime = compspeedups(m, n, t, tup, moment, momentupdat, b)
cumtime = compspeedups(m, n, t, tup, cumulants, cumulantsupdat, b)
momtime = momspeedups(m, n, t, tup, b)
cumtime = cumspeedups(m, n, t, tup, b)
push!(compt, "moment" => momtime[1])
push!(compt, "moment update" => momtime[2])
push!(compt, "cumulants" => cumtime[1])
push!(compt, "cumulants updat" => cumtime[2])
push!(compt, "cumulants bench" => cumtime[3])
push!(compt, "tm" => t./(2*tup))
push!(compt, "t" => t)
push!(compt, "n" => n)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,7 +107,7 @@ function main(args)
arg_type = Int
"--nvar", "-n"
nargs = '*'
default = [15, 20, 25, 30]
default = [20, 25]
help = "n, numbers of marginal variables"
arg_type = Int
"--dats", "-t"
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/comptimesblocks.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ using ArgParse

function comptime(c, data::Matrix{Float64}, datup::Matrix{Float64})
t = time_ns()
cumulantsupdat(c, data, datup)
updat(c, data, datup)

Expand All @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ function savect(tup::Vector{Int}, n::Int, m::Int, p::Int)
comptimes = zeros(maxb-1, length(tup))
println("max block size = ", maxb)
data = randn(maximum(tup)+10, n)
cumulantsupdat(cumulants(data[1:10, 1:10], 4), data[1:10, 1:10], data[1:5, 1:10])
updat(momentarray(data[1:10, 1:10], 4), data[1:10, 1:10], data[1:5, 1:10])
for b in 2:maxb
c = cumulants(data, m, b)
c = momentarray(data, m, b)
for k in 1:length(tup)
datup = randn(tup[k], n)
comptimes[b-1, k] = comptime(c, data, datup)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ using Cumulants
using SymmetricTensors
using CumulantsUpdates
using JLD
import CumulantsUpdates: rep, momentarray, moms2cums!, cums2moms, cnorms, normperelement
import CumulantsUpdates: rep, momentarray, moms2cums!, cums2moms, cnorms, normperelement, updat

51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions test/updatetest.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ end
@test convert(Array, cup1[2]) convert(Array, cprim[2])
@test convert(Array, cup1[3]) convert(Array, cprim[3])
@testset "test on wider data" begin
@test convert(Array, cc[1]) ≈ convert(Array, cup[1])
@test convert(Array, cc[2]) ≈ convert(Array, cup[2])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,3 +120,52 @@ end
y = 2*ones(15,4)
@test_throws BoundsError cumulantsupdat(c1, x, y)

@testset "cumulants update" begin
m = momentarray(X, 5)
cc = cumulants(Xprim, 5)
cup = updat(m, X, Xup)
@testset "simple test" begin
x = ones(6, 2)
y = 2*ones(2,2)
m1 = momentarray(x, 3)
cup1 = updat(m1, x, y)
cprim = cumulants(vcat(x,y)[3:end,:],3)
@test convert(Array, cup1[1]) convert(Array, cprim[1])
@test convert(Array, cup1[2]) convert(Array, cprim[2])
@test convert(Array, cup1[3]) convert(Array, cprim[3])
@testset "test on wider data" begin
@test convert(Array, cc[1]) convert(Array, cup[1])
@test convert(Array, cc[2]) convert(Array, cup[2])
@test convert(Array, cc[3]) convert(Array, cup[3])
@test convert(Array, cc[4]) convert(Array, cup[4])
@test convert(Array, cc[5]) convert(Array, cup[5])
eval(Expr(:toplevel, :(@everywhere using CumulantsUpdates)))
@testset "multiprocessing cumulants update" begin
cupp = updat(m[1:4], X, Xup)
@test convert(Array, cc[1]) convert(Array, cupp[1])
@test convert(Array, cc[2]) convert(Array, cupp[2])
@test convert(Array, cc[3]) convert(Array, cupp[3])
@test convert(Array, cc[4]) convert(Array, cupp[4])

@testset "updat exceptions" begin
x = ones(10,4);
y = 2*ones(5,3);
c1 = momentarray(x, 4);
@test_throws DimensionMismatch updat(c1, x, y)
y = 2*ones(5,4)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch updat(c1, x[:, 1:3], y)
@test_throws MethodError updat([c1[1], c1[3], c1[4]], x, y)
@test_throws MethodError updat([c1[1], c1[2], c1[4], c1[4]], x, y)
@test_throws MethodError updat([c1[1], c1[2], c1[4], c1[3]], x, y)
@test_throws MethodError updat([c1[2], c1[3], c1[4]], x, y)
@test_throws MethodError updat([c1[2], c1[4]], x, y)
y = 2*ones(15,4)
@test_throws BoundsError updat(c1, x, y)

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