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The keyword this

  • A reserved keyword in JavaScript

  • Usually determined by how a function is called (what we call 'execution context')

  • Can be determined using four rules (global, object/implicit, explicit, new)

1 - Global Context

When you see this keyword outside of a "declared object"(there has not been an object defined which contains the keyword this.).

Think the this is in the wild. When we see the keyword this in the global context. It's a value refer's to the global object which in the browser is the window object.

In fact every variable that you declare in the global scope is actually attached to the window object.

e.g. in the chrome console

var person = "Sean"
window.person // Sean
window.person === person //true

e.g. Inside of a declared object.

var data = {};
data.instructor = "Sean"; // "Sean"
data //obj {instructor: Sean}

e.g. We are attaching a property onto a keyword this called person and setting it equal to "Sean". Since the keyword this refer to the global object. Anything we attached onto it becomes a global variable which means we can use it outside of the function. This is a bad practices.

console.log(this) // window

function whatIsThis(){
    return this

function variablesInThis(){
    // since the value of this is the window
    // all we are doing here is creating a global variable
    this.person = "Sean"

console.log(person) // Sean

whatIsThis() // window
Strict Mode
"use strict"	//enable strict mode.

After enable strict mode, the value of the keyword this when inside of a function is undefined. It's not the global object.

"use strict"

console.log(this) // window

function whatIsThis(){
    return this

function variablesInThis(){
    // since we are in strict mode this is undefined
    // so what happens if we add a property on undefined?
    // let's see what happens when we call the function...
    this.person = "Elie"

variablesInThis() // TypeError, can't set person on undefined! 

whatIsThis() // undefined

2 - Implicit / Object rule

When the keyword this is inside of a declared object. The value of the keyword this will always be the closest parent object.


var person = {
    firstName: "Elie",
    sayHi: function(){
        return "Hi " + this.firstName
    determineContext: function(){
        return this === person
person.sayHi() // "Hi Elie"
person.determineContext() // true

What should the keyword 'this' refer to here?

var person = {
    firstName: "Elie",
    determineContext: this;
person.determineContext; // window

A keyword 'this' is defined when a function is run! There is not a function being run here to create a new value of the keyword 'this' so the value of 'this' is still the window!

What happens when we have a nested object?

var person = {
    firstName: "Colt",
    sayHi: function(){
        return "Hi " + this.firstName;
    determineContext: function(){
        return this === person;
    dog: {
        sayHello: function(){
            return "Hello " + this.firstName;
        determineContext: function(){
            return this === person;
person.sayHi() // "Hi Colt"
person.determineContext() // true

// but what is the value of the keyword this right now? // "Hello undefined" // false

3 - Explicit binding

Choose what we want the context of this to be using call, apply or bind

Call thisArg, a, b, c, d , ... Yes
Apply thisArg, [a,b,c,d, ...] Yes
Bind thisArg, a, b, c, d , ... No
Fixing up with call
var person = {
    firstName: "Colt",
    sayHi: function(){
        return "Hi " + this.firstName
    determineContext: function(){
        return this === person
    dog: {
        sayHello: function(){
            return "Hello " + this.firstName
        determineContext: function(){
            return this === person
person.sayHi() // "Hi Colt"
person.determineContext() // true // "Hello Colt" // true

// Using call worked! Notice that we do NOT invoke sayHello or determineContext

e.g. Using Call in the Wild

var colt = {
    firstName: "Colt",
    sayHi: function(){
        return "Hi " + this.firstName 

var elie = {
    firstName: "Elie",
    // Look at all this duplication :(
    sayHi: function(){
        return "Hi " + this.firstName 

colt.sayHi() // Hi Colt
elie.sayHi() // Hi Elie (but we had to copy and paste the function from above...)

// How can we refactor the duplication using call? 

// How can we "borrow" the sayHi function from colt 
// and set the value of 'this' to be elie?


var colt = {
	firstName: "Colt",
	sayHi: function(){
		return "Hi " + this.firstName

var elie = {
	firstName: "Elie"

colt.sayHi() //Hi Colt; //Hi Elie

Let's make a new function to sayHi to everyone

function sayHi(){
    return "Hi " + this.firstName;

var colt = {
	firstName: "Colt"
var elie = {
	firstName: "Elie"
}; //Hi Colt; //Hi Elie

Another Use Case For Call Let's imagine we want to select all the 'divs' on a page

var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('divs');

How can we find all the divs that have the text "Hello". Using filter would be nice!

divs.filter // undefined

Unfortunately, divs is not an array, it's an array like object so filter won't work. So how can we convert an array-like-object into an array? Very similar to the way we make copies of arrays - using slice!

How can we do this? call to the rescue!

Let's use the slice method on arrays, but instead of the target of slice (the keyword this) being that array, let's set the target of the keyword this to be our divs array-like-object.

var divsArray = [];
// you might also see this as 
// they do the same thing
    return val.innerText === 'Hello';

What we are doing is trying to slice something that is not actually an array! In JavaScript, slice will not work on all data types, but it works very well on array-like-objects

What about apply?

It's almost identical to call - except the parameters!

var colt = {
	firstName: "Colt",
	sayHi: function(){
		return "Hi " + this.firstName
	addNumbers: function(a,b,c,d){
		return this.firstName + " just calculated " + (a+b+c+d);

var elie = {
	firstName: "Elie"

colt.sayHi() // Hi Colt
colt.saiHi.apply(elie);  //Hi Elie
// well this seems the same....but what happens when we start adding arguments?

colt.addNumbers(1,2,3,4) // Colt just calculated 10,1,2,3,4) // Elie just caculated 10
colt.addNumbers.apply(elie,[1,2,3,4]) // Elie just calculated 10

When to use apply

When a function does not accept an array, apply will spread out values in an array for us!

var nums = [5,7,1,4,2];

Math.max(nums); // NaN 

Math.max.apply(this, nums); // 7

function sumValues(a,b,c){
    return a+b+c;

var values = [4,1,2];

sumValues(values); // "4,1,2undefinedundefined"

sumValues.apply(this,[4,1,2]); // 7

What about bind?

The parameters work like call, but bind returns a Function Definition with the context of 'this' bound already!

Function definition:

var sayHi = function(){return "Hi"}
sayHi <= function definition
var colt = {
    firstName: "Colt",
    sayHi: function(){
        return "Hi " + this.firstName 
    addNumbers: function(a,b,c,d){
        return this.firstName + " just calculated " + (a+b+c+d);

var elie = {
    firstName: "Elie"
var elieCalc = colt.addNumbers.bind(elie,1,2,3,4) // function(){}...
elieCalc() // Elie just calculated 10
// With bind - we do not need to know all the arguments up front!

var elieCalc = colt.addNumbers.bind(elie,1,2) //Function definition, partial application
elieCalc(3,4) // Elie just calculated 10  

Bind in the wild e.g. Tricky example

var colt = {
    firstName: "Colt",
    sayHi: function(){
            console.log("Hi " + this.firstName)
colt.sayHi() // Hi undefined (1000 milliseconds later)

In this example, this not refer to the parent object. It actually refer to the global object. Since the setTimeout is called at a later point in time, the object that it is attached to is actually the window, just likewe said before setTimeout is a method on the window object even though it's defined inside of the cold object When it's declared, the context in which the function is executed is actually the global context.

Use bind to set the correct context of 'this'

// we can use bind(colt) to achieve the same purpose, however if we need use this method in other function like elie.sayHi,  
// the entire variable will break. So we are more commonly use 'this'. 
var colt = {
    firstName: "Colt",
    sayHi: function(){
            console.log("Hi " + this.firstName);
colt.sayHi() // Hi Colt (1000 milliseconds later)

To recap we saw that the bind method returns a function definition unlike call and apply and it's very useful for setting the value of the keyword this

  • when we do not know all of the values for arguments to pass to the function.
  • when we are working with asynchronous code.

4 - The 'new' keyword

We can set the context of the keyword 'this' using the 'new' keyword - it does quite a bit more as well which we will discuss further when we talk about OOP e.g.

function Person(firstName, lastName){
    this.firstName = firstName
    this.lastName = lastName
    //the value of the keyword this is the global object.
var elie = new Person("Elie", "Schoppik");
//The value of the keyword `this` changes when we use the `new` keyword.
elie.firstName // "Elie"
elie.lastName // "Schoppik"

The keyword this now refers to an object that is created when the new keyword is used We are storing that object in a variable called elie and can then access the first name and last name properties on it.


  • The keyword 'this' is a reserved keyword in JavaScript and its value is determined at execution
  • It is either set using the global context, object binding, explicit binding, or the new keyword
  • When set in the global context in a function, it is either the global object (window if in the browser) or undefined (if we are using strict mode)
  • To explicitly set the value of the keyword 'this', we use call, apply, or bind
  • We can also use the 'new' keyword to set the context of 'this', which we will discuss when we talk about Object Oriented Programming