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29 lines (19 loc) · 1.67 KB

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29 lines (19 loc) · 1.67 KB


Programmer:shipit:: Zakaria Abdelmoiz DAHI.

About: This repositiory implements the binary variants of the algorithms devised and studied in [1] that solves the users' mobility tracking in cellular networks.

  • [1] Dahi, Z.A.E.M., Mezioud, C., Alba, E. (2016). A Novel Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Mobility Management in Cellular Networks. In: Martínez-Álvarez, F., Troncoso, A., Quintián, H., Corchado, E. (eds) Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. HAIS 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 9648. Springer, Cham.

How 📗

- To excuted just navigate to the folder BBAs or GGA.
- Choose the folder of the variant you want to test `BA_Angle_modulation, ...
- Excute the file.
- **NB**: I am using a cluster for my experiments, so if you are using a local machine just uncomment the lines I dedicated to it.

Folders Hiearchy 📂

- Code:
    - Linear: contains both the linear decreasing and increasing variants.
    - Oscilatory: contains both the oscilatory increasing and decreasing variants.
    - SOTA: contains the implementation of well-known adaptive variants.
    - Neglected: contains some exploratory adaptive variants of the proposal.
- Results:
    - Once executed the results are stored in excel files with name Network_a_bxc, where a represent the ID of networks of such shape, b and c represent the number of cells in the width and height of the network.

Demo 🎥

- Excute of the variant you would like to test and you will get the results as an Excel file.