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Zander Kraig edited this page Aug 18, 2020 · 1 revision

To viewers

Hey guys. I am officially quitting Github (not that I have any problems with it). I have a lot of other obligations and I couldn't ignore them for the sake of programming, so I am afraid my account will be deleted within a day or two at the latest. I am currently working on transferring this repository to Github user - Anigulig.

To Github user Anigulig:

Should you see this message Anigulig, I would like you to take over ownership of this repository(I've sent a transfer ownership request to you via Github) and perhaps even maintain it. It may not be of any interest to you but atleast keep the repository archived and owned by you. I want others to be able to access this code but unfortunately I am in a bit of a situation here and I have to delete my account(which would also delete my repositories).

I would be grateful if you could do this for me Anigulig. Thank you.

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