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File metadata and controls

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Name Type Description Notes
sdk_name string Name of the SDK. Consists of the name of the SDK and the platform, e.g. "appcenter.ios", "".
sdk_version string Version of the SDK in semver format, e.g. "1.2.0" or "0.12.3-alpha.1".
wrapper_sdk_version string Version of the wrapper SDK in semver format. When the SDK is embedding another base SDK (for example Xamarin.Android wraps Android), the Xamarin specific version is populated into this field while sdkVersion refers to the original Android SDK. [optional]
wrapper_sdk_name string Name of the wrapper SDK. Consists of the name of the SDK and the wrapper platform, e.g. "appcenter.xamarin", "hockeysdk.cordova". [optional]
model string Device model (example: iPad2,3). [optional]
oem_name string Device manufacturer (example: HTC). [optional]
os_name string OS name (example: iOS). The following OS names are standardized (non-exclusive): Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Windows.
os_version string OS version (example: 9.3.0).
os_build string OS build code (example: LMY47X). [optional]
os_api_level int API level when applicable like in Android (example: 15). [optional]
locale string Language code (example: en_US).
time_zone_offset int The offset in minutes from UTC for the device time zone, including daylight savings time.
screen_size string Screen size of the device in pixels (example: 640x480). [optional]
app_version string Application version name, e.g. 1.1.0
carrier_name string Carrier name (for mobile devices). [optional]
carrier_code string Carrier country code (for mobile devices). [optional]
carrier_country string Carrier country. [optional]
app_build string The app's build number, e.g. 42.
app_namespace string The bundle identifier, package identifier, or namespace, depending on what the individual plattforms use, .e.g [optional]
live_update_release_label string Label that is used to identify application code 'version' released via Live Update beacon running on device [optional]
live_update_deployment_key string Identifier of environment that current application release belongs to, deployment key then maps to environment like Production, Staging. [optional]
live_update_package_hash string Hash of all files (ReactNative or Cordova) deployed to device via LiveUpdate beacon. Helps identify the Release version on device or need to download updates in future. [optional]
wrapper_runtime_version string Version of the wrapper technology framework (Xamarin runtime version or ReactNative or Cordova etc...). See wrapper_sdk_name to see if this version refers to Xamarin or ReactNative or other. [optional]

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