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25 lines (21 loc) · 2.56 KB



Name Type Description Notes
id float ID identifying this unique release. [optional]
status string OBSOLETE. Will be removed in next version. The availability concept is now replaced with distributed. Any 'available' release will be associated with the default distribution group of an app.</br> The release state.<br> <b>available</b>: The uploaded release has been distributed.<br> <b>unavailable</b>: The uploaded release is not visible to the user. <br> [optional]
app_name string The app's name (extracted from the uploaded release). [optional]
app_display_name string The app's display name. [optional]
version string The release's version.<br> For iOS: CFBundleVersion from info.plist. For Android: android:versionCode from AppManifest.xml. [optional]
short_version string The release's short version.<br> For iOS: CFBundleShortVersionString from info.plist. For Android: android:versionName from AppManifest.xml. [optional]
release_notes string The release's release notes. [optional]
size float The release's size in bytes. [optional]
min_os string The release's minimum required operating system. [optional]
android_min_api_level string The release's minimum required Android API level. [optional]
bundle_identifier string The identifier of the apps bundle. [optional]
fingerprint string MD5 checksum of the release binary. [optional]
uploaded_at string UTC time in ISO 8601 format of the uploaded time. [optional]
download_url string The URL that hosts the binary for this release. [optional]
install_url string The href required to install a release on a mobile device. On iOS devices will be prefixed with `itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=` [optional]
distribution_stores \ZeC128\AppCenter\AppCenterApi\V01appsownerNameappNamedistributionStoresstoreNamereleasesreleaseIdDistributionStores[] a list of distribution stores that are associated with this release. [optional]

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