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Service Discovery's Metadata

Tianyuan Yu edited this page Oct 13, 2018 · 3 revisions

IoT Package Service Discovery Metadata

Metadata in this query response has format:

  • Data packets with subprefixes directly name TLV encoded in content

Directly Encoded Subprefixes

Subprefix is the name start from the component after the service name.


  • /ucla/cs/397/sensor-bedroom/temperatue/read/celsius is a served prefix by identity /sensor-bedroom, under service name /temperatue. The encoded part would only include /read/celsius.
  • A directly prefixes packet when interest filter hear /sensor-bedroom/temperature/query could contain following subprefixes.
                | Name:   /ucla/cs/397/sensor-bedroom/temperature/query/v3  |
                | Content:                                                  |
                |           /read/celsius                                   |
                |           /read/fahrenheit                                |
                |           /root/reboot                                    |
                |           /root/mode/sleep                                |
                | Signature:                                                |
                |           by CKpri                                        |