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ROS Interface with 3d Simulator

Real-time communication between ROS and the simulator is achieved through the integration of Rosbridge. Rosbridge provides a JSON API to ROS functionality for non-ROS programs. This allows ROS topics to be used to control UAVs (changing agent pose and actuator state) and to send simulated sensor data. Here's a detailed breakdown of the ROS topics used to interface with the simulator.

graph TD
    style Rosridge fill:#FFF,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px;
    style Bridge fill:#FFF,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px;

    subgraph ROS_Side[ROS Side]
        GPS[GPS Position] --> Rosridge
        ORI[Orientation] --> Rosridge
        ACT[Actuators State] --> Rosridge
        GIM[Gimbal] --> Rosridge

    subgraph Simulator_Side[Simulator Side]
        CAM[Camera] -->| | Bridge
        LID[LIDAR] -->| | Bridge

    Rosridge[<b>Rosbridge</b>] <--> |Websocket JSON API| Bridge[<b>Bridge</b>]

    %% Optional Legend
    class Rosridge ros;
    class Bridge sim;

linkStyle default interpolate basis.

Data Flow: ROS to Simulator

These topics are used for sending data from ROS to the simulator.

1. Agent GPS Position

  • Topic Name: /sim/gps_position
  • Type: sensor_msgs/NavSatFix

2. Agent Orientation

  • Topic Name: /sim/attitude
  • Type: geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped

3. Agent Actuators State

  • Topic Name: /sim/actuators
  • Type: sensor_msgs/Joy

The Joy message's axes are assigned as follows:

  1. FR: Front right motor speed (cw, rate, rpm)
  2. RL: Rear left motor speed (cw, rate, rpm)
  3. FL: Front left motor speed (ccw, rate, rpm)
  4. RR: Rear right motor speed (ccw, rate, rpm)
  5. [for VTOL] Left Aileron: (cw, deg)
  6. [for VTOL] Right Aileron: (cw, deg)
  7. [for VTOL] Elevator: (cw, deg)
  8. [for VTOL] Rudder: (cw, deg)
  9. [for VTOL] Thrust: Throttle (rate, rpm)

4. Agent Gimbal State

  • Topic Name: /sim/gimbal_angle
  • Type: geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped

The values are as follows:

  • vector.x: Roll (in degrees)
  • vector.y: Pitch (in degrees)
  • vector.z: Yaw (in degrees)

Data Flow: Simulator to ROS

These topics stream simulated sensors data from the simulator to ROS.

1. Camera

  • Topic Name: /sim/camera/compressed
  • Type: sensor_msgs/CompressedImage


  • Topic Name: /sim/velodyne_points
  • Type: sensor_msgs/PointCloud2