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File metadata and controls

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Rezolver API reference

Looking for documentation on individual classes or methods in the Rezolver project? You've come to the right place!

Crucial types to look at are:

  • @Rezolver.TargetContainer (implements xref:Rezolver.ITargetContainer): Stores @Rezolver.ITarget instances, and is the main class you'll use for your 'registration' phase.

  • @Rezolver.Container (implements xref:Rezolver.IContainer): The standard, non-scoped, container you'll use in your composition root - you can create child scopes from this by calling its implementation of @Rezolver.IScopeFactory.CreateScope, which returns instances of @Rezolver.IContainerScope. This class uses an @Rezolver.ITargetContainer for its registrations, which you can supply construction if required.

  • @Rezolver.ScopedContainer - A disposable @Rezolver.IContainer that also acts as a 'root' scope.