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Releases: ZombieFreak115/DoD_Multiplayer

DoD MP 2.2

23 Jun 15:56
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Checksum for this release: (KPRC)


  • Implemented expliot proof grants from HMPS

  • no naval cap

  • Scandi can get EITHER elbian accepted n cored, or irish accepted n cored (baltic german is given to both)

  • DM rework, similar to femboy dod, you can pick either french or english until 1840, where if you havent picked anything by that point, you'll take the dual route and get all accepted by 1870. Less anglois pops too

  • Changed RGOs around a lil bit

  • improved utility and host decisions/events

  • Immigration and pop mechanics from alstadt

  • able to send goods with grants after 1850 (market regulations tech)

  • reduced factory build time

  • imported alot of decision changes from zoomer dod, which removes alot of reform and govt conditions for decisions

  • removed mob size from conscription reforms, instead it simply gives army bonuses at the cost of other maluses. can be changed once a year with a event

  • added new military and navy factories

  • fabric no longer requires dye to make, and dye is required for clothes directly instead. Basically it means clipper convoys dosent require dyes to build, but just more cotton

DoD MP 2.1.3

11 Nov 16:50
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Checksum for this version: (YSQT), just a hotfix to fix one issue. Install the mod as normal as its an entire mod not just the file for streamlining.


  • Fixed the Assam goldmine dissapearing if the breaking the chinese tea monopoly decision was taken.

DoD MP 2.1.2

11 Nov 14:45
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Checksum for this version: (NNUL)


  • Split up the chinese gold mine abit, it has been moved to a smaller province, and there's now medium sized goldmines in Bengal and Mughals, aswell as 2 small ones added in europe (1 in BRG, one in BOH)

  • SCA, BOH, DUA and BRG now start with a lvl 1 machine parts factory in their capital, and machine parts factories no longer cost machine parts to build.

  • The Inca decisions to get cores no longer remove GRC's cores on them.

  • Made Persia non-releasable

  • Added a wool RGO in Ethiopia as they had none

  • The Inca baby boom events now stop in 1900.

  • Fixed Ethiopia not having a valid eco-policy on its reactionary party

  • Aceh now has appropriate accepted pops. Was bugged before

  • Added host decisions that allows the host to Kick players ingame, Ally all players in the game, and end all wars against it to prevent le trolling.

  • Included a short country-guide for specific countries' events and decisions. PM me if some are inaccurate or missing info.

DoD MP 2.1.1

08 Nov 13:04
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Checksum for this version: (VEAG)


(From 2.0 to 2.1:)

  • The bonus migration decision is now also usable by Zhourau

  • Fixed incorrect values for anti-military

  • Added a better OOB to Bengal

  • Made important inventions such as machine guns and bolt action rifles 100%. Important navy inventions are also 100% but only if you have the equivalent naval engineering tech

  • Made it so italian minos (And any minor that gets diploannexed) can refuse and not be annexed. Only for players on for example savoy/venice

  • Fixed Elbians being formable while at war

  • The land reform as an unciv also removes slavery and serfdom, so its worth taking more often. Also taking firearm production unciv reform will allow your artisans to produce military goods

  • Added some more ships to Japans oob to help it against China

  • Allow uncivs to core stuff

  • Made the Incas popgrowth debuff province-based instead of country-wide, it also now lasts for the entire gametime similar to the ukranian breadbasket in other mods and won't pop on colonies and unaccepted territories.

  • Reverted invention demand from its prev. value (vanilla) back to the DoD default value.

(From 2.1 to 2.1.1:)

Fixed inca popgrowth, it now gives 0.1 instead of 0.8, it also requires medicine and ideolgical thought to be able to activate the events.

DoD MP 2.0

17 Sep 23:29
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Checksum for this version: (LPPK)


  • The DM event chain has been replaced by a few events that does the same effect, but less annoying. Picking the French or English route will instantly give you those accepted, but lock out the others. Taking the middle route gives you both in 1865, or earlier if you manage to take certain states from scandi/burgundy
  • Removed event that told you if people denied grants when you request it, now only returns events if a grant request is accepted
  • Reduced factory contruction times by approx 50%
  • Removed duplicate small arms factory in burgundy
  • Changed sanctions to not include import_cost, but are harsher in other ways
  • Increased steamer supply cost for cruisers by alot
  • Made combat widh increase over time starting in 1920. It will increase by 5 in 1920 and an additional 5 in 1925 for a total of 10
  • Modern div. structure no longer lowers combat widh
  • Nerfed airplanes in defense alot and signfificantly buffed them in offence. The aeronautics inventions are now more spread out from 1914-1920 and gives significant bonuses
  • Buffed tanks and it's inventions by alot
  • Gave 1 extra manuver to most units in 1919's tech
  • Fixed buffed liferating in Natal
  • More unciv reforms gives appropriate techs now, highlights are the first military tactics tech in one of the mil reforms, aswell as mechanized mining which allows your artisans to produce artillery and ammunition
  • Increased the invention chance of artillery production, ammunition production and small arms production.
  • Added in the "demote 'crats" decision, it will demote any unaccepted 'crats you have every 10 years
  • Added a iron RGO and a sulfur RGO in PLC
  • Fixed the "power" techline not giving throughput bonuses to mining
  • Lowered the effect of war policies (such as jingoism and pacifism) so it can't be exploited with no-cost navies
  • Removed the overseas chinese reunification CBs that quinhui and such used to have, they can still form china if they somehow get there
  • Make zhourau a migrant nation
  • Lowered the "Invention demand" value down from HPM values to vanilla values

DoD MP 1.91

31 May 11:00
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Checksum for this version: (XFCR)


Reverted the "dynamic" swapping of the Chinese gold province due to it having the possibility of bugging out and spawning gold everywhere in China. It may come back in a later version if i can fully fix it.

DoD MP 1.9

04 Apr 11:26
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Checksum for this version: (EONO)


  • Fixed ai not taking westernization reforms sometimes

  • Nerfed China literacy slightly

  • Increased minimum naval supply limit before attrition back to 25%

  • Removed the "noissue" from parties

  • Buffed party loyalty NFs

  • Iraq now starts civilized, and as a semi-con with more techs

  • A new path for the ottmans have been added. If you become the sublime porte by 1840, either by appointing a reactionary party or losing to rebels, you are able to take a new set of decisions giving Mashriqi, Misri, Kurdish and beoduin accepted

  • Hussars now have a base 15% chance to invent for all nations

  • Fixed an issue in which GPs could stack precion work invention twice

  • Nerfed Cholera event

  • The Ottoman straits of Gallipoli and Istanbul now acts as two canals, whoever owns the province controlls ship traffic. You can no longer prevent units from walking over with blockades, but there is still a -2 penalty for attacking over it.

  • The uncivillized isolationism modifier also affects colonies now

  • The Qing now has South Han aswell as Mongol accepted.

  • Lowered militancy hit for Trucebreaking with the chinese CB from 5 to 2

  • Qing now has enlightentment philosphy, just like Taiping

  • Make it so people can now core overseas territories

  • Changed core_intergration modifier so it dosen't give country-wide consiousness (bug proberbly)

  • Got rid of Agraianism alltogether, and replaced it with either interventionism or state capitalism depending on party idelogy

  • Made it so you can encourage soldiers in colonies before the colonial armies decision

  • Most unciv reforms now give a usefull tech along with it.

  • Removed random independence events from HPM

  • Removed war exhastion being instantly applied when a rebel siged a province down.

  • Removed unessecary flags like "exists = yes" and government flags to increase preformance

  • Nerfed Columbian literacy slightly

  • Removed HPM leftover rebel types like Carlists/Christinos

  • Reduced the war exhastion gain when falling to unciv reactionaries to 25

  • Lower prestige requirement to form Russia

  • Changed the "And so the people wish..." decision which is used to get rid of dictatorships to no longer require prestige to take

  • The Ottomans can now lose the initial ai wars and still be able to conquer them back later, and continue their decision chains

  • Made Reactionary rebels swap you from Absoloute Monarchy to Pres. Dictatorship to avoid a endless deadlock

  • Removed event that would give England 500k troops instantly if they broke free from nationalists

  • Changed the "will_rise" value for nationalists and patriots up to 0.5, same as other rebel types

  • Made a event which causes English/French cores to reappear or dissapear depending on who owns it (makes it harder to hold those territories as a foreign power)

  • Removed a level 1 port that started in a desert province

  • The Chinese gold mine in Yunnan will now "move" dynamically if a foreign power takes it, it will always end up in chinese-owned land

  • Fixed a "noideology" party in Gran Columbia

  • Fixed no event to refer to with archelogy events

  • Fixed positions in some Arcadian provinces and in Burgundy

  • The mod should now re-size correctly to the users resolution on the first load

  • Changed the "external" chinese cbs, is not a justified CB and costs 6 infamy to use. The mainland chinese CB still works the same

  • Hindustan, Dravidia, Bharta and Sokoto can now be formed with puppets

  • Sokoto now requires some more nations' cores to be owned or controlled to form it

  • Fixed some bugged non-state literacy values in west africa

  • Fixed Iraq's oob (now starts with units as it should)

  • Increased the invention chance for Artillery production, Explosives production and Ammunition production to 5%

DoD MP 1.8

19 Dec 13:18
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Checksum for this version: (JPMV)

If you have problems with your screen resolution in this version, change the resolution in the game options menu. If you are unable to do so, go to the settings file in documents to change your resolution manually, or change "fullScreen=no" to "fullScreen=yes" in the same settings file.


  • Made Aleppo into a state as it should be day1

  • Fixed leftover "Ukranian" pops from a few provinces in Russia, and changed them to Ruthenians

  • Finally fixed Chinese treaty ports, they should now work as intended

  • Removed an event which would cause Venice to turn into Greece if they lost the "Venice" state, which caused other wierdness

  • Made Italy and Aragon-Italy able to form even though their rival formable exists (ITA can form even though ARI exists, and vice verca)

  • Redesigned the "Crown of Hungary" event chain, now it is just a simple decision where either BOH or CAE gets a event that can insta-sphere hungary if they so choose

  • Removed a bunch of events which would cause Italy with rome as capital to get alot of bad modifiers causing emigration and militancy

  • Removed (hopefully) all of the remnants of the "Council of Italy" event chain

  • Made it so you do not inherit Courland or Prussia when forming Elbia (oversight)

  • Made the Grand Columbia decision to get their accepted pops into an actual decision, instead of a decision firing an event (caused it to bug out atleast one time)

  • Fixed the Venice decision to get dalmatia cored, no longer requires a potentially non-exisitent nation (illyria) to be rank 16 or lower

  • Gave Venice's second conservative party interventionism

  • Set requirements for the "Extend the tanzimat reforms" to be political right reform, rather than voting reform

  • China no longer risks getting the "Ineffective foreign weapons" debuff if they lose to rebels or get bad RNG

  • Finally fixed Batavian immigration, it should not be on-par with American immigration and assimilation values once it is formed

  • Changed the diplo-point gain of every nation to be equal to that of a GP

  • Made a slight change to the boer immigration bias, now uses the culture grp rather than culture

  • Make Vryland able to form a pan-southern african union which gets all of the stuff accepted, but no immigration

  • You now need to own the stuff burgundy starts with in the cape to form either South Africa or Batava

  • Fixed typo in the decision for DUA to get scottish accepted, it should now work as intended

  • Fixed Incas popgrowth, it should now work irregarless of if you westernized before the event

  • You can now change away from the "Tradition" NV after you westernize as an unciv

  • Other north Italian states can now get venisian accepted before they form italy by taking Venice

  • Aragon-Italy now requires just Nat/imp to get North Italian accepted, but needs rev/counterrev to get Venisian accepted

  • Fixed a potential bug where aragon italy could not get its italian cultures accepted if venice formed italy first, then died

  • Added trucebreak penalties for the Chinese Reunification CBs

  • Change some literacy values around in India/China, slight nerf to china and slight buff to india

  • Changed around diffrent cores for non-existing Chinese countries to prevent assimilation of chinese pops by outside powers

  • Removed the decision to release and puppet manchuria as Japan, had alot of bugs

  • Allow the Danubian Confederation to form even though they are in a sphere

  • Made a better decision to annex/accept navarre for DUA and SPA, DUA can get it if they either own OR puppet navarre, and have finished either the french event chain or anlois, SPA is the same but w/o event chain

  • Got rid of the navarre event chain

  • Made "Poland" non-releaseable inside PLC (yeah lol)

  • Removed PLC event which would cause the country to splinter if they didnt take the "Act of Union" decision before the 1860s

  • In the event which gives the hentamate land in chrimea if PLC takes it, added a choice for the PLC player to give it to their puppet or nay

  • The "Move capital to Rome" Italy decision now properly removes other italian cores

  • Minor ai changes

  • Changed some localisation to reflect the changes

  • Made sure Aragon italy can get italians accepted even if they lost Aragon proper

  • Removed Russian borderlands events which caused lands between novgorod and Moscovy to swap sides sometimes

  • Added a event that pops day1 for scandi and burgundy to increase the literacy of the Pommerainians and Rheinish to their normal values, and decreased the literacy of burgundian colonial pops

  • Cleaned up unused cultures

  • Made the decisions to get Vinlandic, Septiman and Plantagenian accepted as Arcadia an actual decision instead of a decision firing an event

  • Removed alot of unused events

  • Some minor decision related changes

  • Changed Gran Columbias starting literacy to 5.1%, and made their starting mobilization law service by requirements

  • Increases the Ottomans starting literacy to 3.5%

  • Removed events that caused HUN or CRO to auto-declare on the ottos if they lost one of their wars

  • Increased the chance to get "National fraternity" from nat/imp since it is used in some decisions

  • Implemented the decision to get rid of the "lacks writing system" flag from western african nations

  • Added cleanup events to peacefully reform away from a feudal monarchy or merchant republic, and rebels can also now change govt away from feudal monarchy or merchant republic

  • Made sanctions an "immediate" (aka no holding the event), and lowered its MTTH

  • lowered the impact of the "potato famine" and decreased the chance the ai will take the damaging options in disease events

  • Made MP-centric default settings for messages, windowed borderless etc. default when you first launch the mod

  • Changed decisions regarding Ameriga, you now always fully core either LOT/AMA when you take it, and you no longer need to annex/puppet beornia before you can continue with the Granadan chain

  • Removed United Republic events from the french route (when DUA loses to jacobins)

  • Redesigned the "excellent healthcare" modifier, now requires you to spend atleast 50% on admin to get the benefits from "good helath care"

  • You no longer need to be a GP to form netherlands as Batavia, however you no longer get cores untill AFTER you form it, so you need to use infamy to get the dutch provinces

  • When Russia forms w/o it being a great power it will now also trigger the Congress of Europe event

  • Changed mod and cache directories so having diffrent versions of the same mod installed no longer conflict

DoD MP 1.7

19 Dec 13:15
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Checksum for this version: (LLEE)


  • Made sanctions harsher (sanction limit 32.5 infamy)

  • Made a decision chain for lotharingia to get cores on Amazonie and form Ameriga in a similar fashion as Amazonie

  • Fixed a event that caused the HRE to get infinite revolt event and a chance to loose Bohemian accepted

  • Fixed a bugged port in Vinland where you could not use ships built from that province

  • Made the westernization event for Incas remove the unciv modifiers as normal

  • Removed a decision for Ameriga to declare a conquest-war on Incas regardless of its size (why?)

  • Increased diplo points for uncivs by 25%

  • Once you form Batavia, you not get a modifier that makes you compete for immigrants with American countries

  • Made certain pops prefer countries with similar culture (scandinavian-> vinland etc) in where to immigrate

  • Made the event that gave you 20% literacy as Incas only affect accepted cultures

  • Gave Incas a 40-year long national baby boom modifier, in exhange for not being a immigration country

  • Made Gran Columbia and Batavia able to take the immigration decision, and prevented the ai from taking it

  • Nerfed the immigration decision from 450% to 55%, in order to prevent immigration craziness

  • You can now only use "negotiated transfer" cb if you are NOT a unciv, to prevent expliots with infinte RP from transfers

  • Nerfed Chinese and Indian external immigration even harder

  • Deleted "Flight from silicly" and "flight from aragon" events which made it a pain in the ass for Spain to form the iberian union and causes lots of bugs

  • Made it so Vinland don't need all of their low-liferating cores to form Arcadia, and for other arcadian countries you don't need those cores either to accept them

  • Changed ai values to build no engineers and more artillery

  • Elbians can now be formed from the start date, instead of being unlocked in 1847, but HRE still has a time-limit of 1847

  • Tons of formables not work correctly when forming it with puppets

  • Made it so the ai will ALWAYS accepted diplo-annex when forming a nation if they are a puppet of whoever is annexing them

  • Added Rheinish accepted for baden (for some reason they only had danubian, and 0 danubian pops)

  • Increased "Cracking" invention chance to 50% baseline, to prevent RNG from deciding naval wars

  • Made desert have a -3 penalty to railroads intead of -6, bug ported over from HPM

  • Increased ai aggresiveness

  • Removed some unused cbs/tags

  • Added a -2 penalty to building ports in deserts

  • Lowered the penalty of building ports in arctic provinces from 4 to 3

  • Raised liferating of remaining un-colonizable (only by decision) provinces to 10

  • Gave Venice north italian accepted

  • Added a state and govt. requirement for forming italy, since ARA-ITA had the same

  • Changed ARA-ITA formation, there is no weird event chain now, you simply fill the requirements and form it

  • Made Persia a non-releaseable nation (it was a formable)

  • Changed Bohemias non-accepted literacy to 40, and accepted literacy to 60, in order to even out the literacy (before non-accepted was 10, and accepted was 75)

  • Nations with the uncilvilized isolationism modifier can now also get sanctions

  • Removed alot of unused decisons/events

  • Changed the "potential" requirements of getting the caribbean

cultures accepted for american nations to make it easier to see

  • Gave Incas a state-capitalist party

  • Gave Japan and Gran Columbia Basic Chemistry at game-start

DoD MP 1.6

19 Dec 13:12
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Checksum for this version: (UOMK)


-Fixed a no-pop province in Tangiers

-Removed an event which had a random chance to destroy the dual monarchy should they become a democracy

-The "Take controll of lithuaina" decision now actually gives cores on lithuaina

-Events for Scandi and Japan to conquer Sugbu now just gives them a cb, and dosent declare war with a infamy penalty automatically

-Reduced the pop limt to use the puppet CB to 3 million pops

-Changed Taipings starting units to reflect their starting tech better, no infantry or artillery without the tech

-Having any nation released from DM won't nuke their event chain anymore

-Fixed the Caliphate getting cores on Greenland, and not getting Cores on libya

-Removed a event which would automatically give incas their land back without fighting (quencha rebellion)

-Fixed a event which would cancel alliances between players if they didn't share spherelord

-"Destiny of the West" decision for Quinhui no longer requires being a GP

-"Intergrate Kaigan (alaska) now works properly for Quinhui

-Mughals now start with units appropriate to their tech

-Fixed a event which would spam for Bohemia every month if they took pommerania but not holstein

-Changed the starvation limit from base values to 0.8

-Changed the Russian reactionary party from to have State Capitalism

-Removed HPM leftover CBs such as: Restore austria, restore america, and restore holy land

-Added a core for nuanstria (indonesia) in indonesia which for some reason it didn't have

-Made magreb an unciv

-Fixed the pacific island of kirimati crashing the game when a player would hover over it

-Made it so bankrupted players cant give grants (same as in alstadt)

-Replaced all bugged Social Liberal parties (missing ideology from PDM) with the liberal tag instead

-Reduced the reform requirements to get pomerainian, ruthenian and Latvian accepted so it only requires 1 political reform

-Added fuel to the build cost for cruisers, like in base game (cruisers sailing without fuel??!?)

-Redid Batavia and scrapped the SAF (South africa) tag, when formed Batavia will also count as a "new world nation"

-The decision to increase draft laws can now be popped during peacetime, as long as the meet the other requirements

-Nerfed peacetime mobilization, now it pretty much only decreases rulling party support, and gives a cb to your neighbors, nothing more

-Removed Arab Republic cores on pantagonia (lol)

-Changed liferatings of a bunch of african provinces to avoid colonization bugging out (with diffrent provinces inside african states having diffrent liferatings and thus requirements to colonize)

-Gave mughals a starting military reform which gives them RP from conquering

-Gave Scandi icelandic accepted

-Made sure the council of italy should be impossible to fire

-Made the requirements for venice to get greek accepted so venice can still get it even after forming Italy

-Reduced the immigration from chinese cultures

-Remove "help_Germany" decision for a democratic italy

-Changed the decision to get afro-american pops accepted as the american nations, and basaard for Batavia, it is now more lenient, but requires a invention unlocked in 1850

-Added a take-capital demand conession cb against uncivs

-Fix so the event to form the toculor empire isn't ai only

-Dual Monarchy now keeps cores if one of its nations (england etc) gets released by wargoal

-Removed admin reform from Taiping

-Redid some south american decisions, its now less painfull to intergrate beornia, first and foremost

-Fixed the form romaina decision

-Removed the "arab revolt" event, which if fired would remove all of ottomans accepted cultures except for turkish

-Fixed cultures wrongly named in HPM vs DoD

-Made Mughals able to form their cultural union (Hindustan) before being able to form bharta (india)

-Increased wartime infamy decay from 0.33 to 0.55 (alstadt too)