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241 lines (170 loc) · 9.21 KB
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This section describes the Beagles' dependencies and their properties for iOS environments.

What is it?

The dependecies file is where you can change the Beagle's default behavior in your application.

How does it work?

The BeagleConfigurator calls the static method setup(dependencies: BeagleDependencies) that receives an BeagleDependencies object. This object will hold all dependencies's properties. Here follows an example:

public struct BeagleDependencies {
    // MARK: Custom Dependencies
    public var coder: CoderProtocol
    public var urlBuilder: UrlBuilderProtocol
    public var theme: ThemeProtocol
    public var viewClient: ViewClientProtocol
    public var imageDownloader: ImageDownloaderProtocol
    public var logger: LoggerProtocol?
    public var analyticsProvider: AnalyticsProviderProtocol?
    public var deepLinkHandler: DeepLinkScreenManagerProtocol?
    public var networkClient: NetworkClientProtocol?
    // MARK: Public Dependencies
    public var appBundle: BundleProtocol
    public let globalContext: GlobalContextProtocol
    public var navigator: NavigationProtocol
    public var operationsProvider: OperationsProviderProtocol

{{% alert color="success" %}} This structure has an empty constructor that assigns the default Beagle implementations:

  • start it and make the necessary customizations. {{% /alert %}}

Therefore, it is appropriate to make this Beagle initial configuration during the application startup process, that is, in the the AppDelegate function didFinishLaunchingWithOptions as shown below:

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    var window: UIWindow?
    func application(_ application: UIApplication,
        didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        var dependencies = BeagleDependencies()
        dependencies.theme = AppTheme.theme
        dependencies.urlBuilder = UrlBuilder(baseUrl: URL(string: .baseURL))
            pushTransition: .init(type: .fade, subtype: .fromRight, duration: 0.1),
            modalPresentationStyle: .formSheet
        dependencies.coder.register(type: CustomComponent.self)
        dependencies.coder.register(type: CustomAction.self)
        BeagleConfigurator.setup(dependencies: dependencies)
        let rootViewController = MainScreen().screenController()
        window?.rootViewController = rootViewController
        return true

{{% alert color="success" %}} To access these dependencies during the application execution, Beagle provides a @Injected property wrapper that resolves an instance to the type of the variable (wrapped value). {{% /alert %}}


Below we have an example on how to clear the global context content at some point when executing the application:

@Injected var globalContext: GlobalContextProtocol

{{% alert color="warning" %}} This property wrapper raises a fatalError if it is used to resolve a dependency that is not Beagles' or that is optional and has not been configured e.g:(logger, analyticsProvider, deepLinkHandler, networkClient), to work around that, simply use @OptionalInjected which will return nil if the dependency is not resolved, as shown below. {{% /alert %}}

@OptionalInjected var logger: LoggerProtocol?
logger?.log( .init(url: urlRequest))))

Customizable Dependencies

Here follow a few Default dependencies implementations that can be customized.


It is responsible for the encoding and decoding Beagle's logic. It exposes the register method so that it is possible to register new components and actions.

Below you can find an example on how to register a new component and a custom action:

dependencies.coder.register(component: CustomWidget.self)
dependencies.coder.register(action: CustomAction.self)


It is responsible for creating a Beagle request URL from relative URLs that are received from an BFF (in navigation flows for example) and a configured base URL.

This is an example on how to use it:

dependencies.urlBuilder = UrlBuilder(baseUrl: URL(string: "SUA URL BASE"))


It stores all your styles and knows how to apply them to your components.

Some widgets have a variable that allows you to define the style. The name of each one must be passed to the Theme dependency, so that that style can be used in its respective component.

To configure custom styles, follow these steps:

{{% alert color="info" %}} You will use Text as a widget that has UITextView as its UIKit view. After that, you will apply your style changes to this view which will also have font and textColor customizations. {{% /alert %}}

Step 1: Create a function that receives a representation of the UIKit of the Widget you want to apply styles at.

static func blackTextNormalStyle() -> (UITextView?) -> Void {
    return {
        $0?.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 16)
        $0?.textColor = .black

Step 2: Instantiate AppTheme with an array of key values representing the style name and the corresponding function.

let theme = AppTheme(styles: [
    "myStyleName": blackTextNormalStyle

Step 3: Add the custom theme dependency to Beagles' dependencies

dependencies.theme = theme


It is responsible for fetching screens from the backend using the fetch and prefetch methods. It has an internal implementation that assembles urls from a urlBuilder and makes a request from networkClient.

{{% alert color="info" %}} It is possible to implement a screen caching mechanism from this dependency custom implementation. {{% /alert %}}


It is responsible for making remote image requests from the fetchImage method. Beagle has a default implementation for this dependency, which simply calls the networkClient to fetch the images and does not perform any caching.

Optional Dependencies

Dependencies which are not default and therefore should be implemented before used.


It is responsible for triggering the log messages produced when running Beagle streams from the log method. These logs follow the LogType protocol, which has the following parameters:

  • category: log subject;
  • message: log message;
  • level: classifies the criticity level.


It is responsible for executing network requests. Beagle does not provide a default implementation for this dependency, so it is mandatory that an implementation be provided for this dependency so that Beagle can communicate with the backend.


This handler is used for a [deep link navigation]({{< ref path="/ios/customization/dependencies/" lang="en" >}}) action. The variable has a default value, you can add new screens or replace them with others in the application.

Below you can see a code on how to add a screen with a possible route for a deep linking using a default value:

let deepLinkHandler = DeeplinkScreenManager.shared
deepLinkHandler["MyDeepLinkScreen"] = MyDeepLinkScreenClass.self
dependencies.deepLinkHandler = deepLinkHandler
BeagleConfigurator.setup(dependencies: dependencies)


It is a protocol that can be implemented to track the screen appearance, actions and click events.

See the example below:

class AnalyticsSample: Analytics {
    func trackEventOnScreenAppeared(_ event: AnalyticsScreen) {
        print("Screen \(event.screenName) appeared")
    func trackEventOnScreenDisappeared(_ event: AnalyticsScreen) {
        print("Screen \(event.screenName) disappeared")
    func trackEventOnClick(_ event: AnalyticsClick) {
        print("Button touch with:\ncategory = \(event.category)\nlabel = \(event.label ?? "empty")\nvalue = \(event.value ?? "empty")")

Public dependencies that are not customizable

Here we list a few dependencies that could not be customized but have public APIs for configuring Beagle.


The navigator handles the [navigate]({{< ref path="/api/actions/navigate/" lang="en" >}}) actions in your application.

It exposes a custom navigation controller registration methods and a [navigation animation]({{< ref path="/ios/customization/navigation-animation" lang="en" >}}).


It is responsible for managing the Beagle global context, it exposes the get, set and clear functions, so that it is possible to access and change the Global context attributes outside the Beagle scope.


It is responsible for providing context operations, exposing the register function so that it is possible to register custom operations in Beagle's default OperationsProvider.


It is responsible for providing the application's Bundle so that Beagle has access to local images contained, it is initialized with Bundle.main but this can be easily changed:

dependencies.appBundle.bundle = Bundle(identifier: "myBundleId")