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Feature/react native docs v1.8 (#632)
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* documentation for Beagle React Native

* Update content/en/resources/customization/beagle-for-react-native/

Co-authored-by: Matheus Ribeiro Lima <>

* Update content/pt/resources/customization/beagle-for-react-native/

Co-authored-by: Matheus Ribeiro Lima <>

Co-authored-by: Tiago Peres França <>
Co-authored-by: Tiago Peres França <>
Co-authored-by: Matheus Ribeiro Lima <>
  • Loading branch information
4 people committed Jun 9, 2021
1 parent 1fab96b commit 3c0cdd4
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Showing 28 changed files with 786 additions and 17 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion content/en/get-started/installing-beagle/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Backend
weight: 12
weight: 13
description: "You will find here how to configure a backend with Beagle."

Expand Down
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions content/en/get-started/installing-beagle/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
title: React Native
weight: 12
description: >-
Here, you'll find how to install Beagle on your React Native application.


## Introduction
This guide considers you're familiar with React Native. If this is not the case, please check the
[React Native guide on how to install its dependencies and create your first application](

Beagle is available for React Native, but it's not stable yet. The development is incomplete and we
still have some work to do before moving from beta versions. Unfortunately, our team is not big
enough to make React Native a priority and because of this, the development is relatively slow. We
decided to release a beta version anyway because we figured out if it's in interest of the
community, it can help us finalize it.
[Here]({{< ref path="/resources/customization/beagle-for-react-native/development" lang="en" >}})
you can find a list of everything that should be working properly and everything that still needs
work. Help is very welcomed here!

## Versioning
All versions of Beagle RN (Beagle React Native) to be launched before the final stable version
follows the pattern "0.x.y", where "x" represents the version of Beagle Web Core it uses. Since we
are currently in version "1.7.0" of Beagle Web Core, the current version of Beagle RN is 0.7.0. "y"
will be used to launch new versions that uses the same version of Beagle Web Core.

## Compatibility
Beagle RN Beta is guaranteed to work only with latest releases of React Native, i.e.
version 0.64.1 or above. It is probably possible to support older versions, but it is not a priority
right now.

## Installation
At the root of your React Native project, install it with npm or yarn.

If you use yarn:
yarn add @zup-it/beagle-react-native

If you use npm:
npm install @zup-it/beagle-react-native

{{% alert color="success" %}}
Well done! Your library was installed. Continue at
[**how to use Beagle on React Native.**]({{< ref path="/get-started/using-beagle/react-native" lang="en" >}})
{{% /alert %}}

## **Next Steps**

In this section, you made Beagle's **initial installation** on your application!
Now, keep configuring Beagle:

👉 Go to
[**initial configurations** ]({{< ref path="/get-started/using-beagle/react-native" lang="en" >}})
to enable the use of Beagle on your React Native project.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion content/en/get-started/using-beagle/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Backend
weight: 28
weight: 29
description: >-
Here, you'll find how to make Beagle's usage configuration for backend's
Expand Down
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions content/en/get-started/using-beagle/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
title: React Native
weight: 28
description: >-
This section shows the initial walkthrough to use the Beagle library in React Native projects.


## **Configuration**

After you finish the installation, you need to **configure the React Native project to use Beagle.**
To do this, just follow the guide below.

Run one of the commands below to generate the files that will be used by the Beagle library. You can
run the command according to your package manager (yarn or npm).

**If you use yarn:**
yarn beagle

**If you use npm:**
npx beagle

If the files beagle create already exist, a question will be made asking if you wish to replace
them or not.

Two files are created after running this command: `src/app.tsx` and
`src/beagle/beagle-service.ts`. The first is the entry point for your app, while the second is
the beagle configuration.

{{% alert color="warning" %}}
Attention: we highly recommend the use of Typescript, that's why both files are generated using
this language. If you want to use plain javascript, rename the files to `app.jsx` and
`beagle-service.js`. Also remove all typing information.
{{% /alert %}}

{{% alert color="warning" %}}
Attention: if you're using prettier and/or eslint, you'll probably have to format the generated
files according to the project rules. You can also ignore the rules if you don't want to change
the code.
{{% /alert %}}

To view the beagle application in action, make sure that your app renders the component `App` at
`src/app.tsx`. If you created your project via `react-native init`, change your `index.js` file to
the following:

import {AppRegistry} from 'react-native';
import App from './src/app';
import {name as appName} from './app.json';

AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);

Your application is ready to be executed! Once run, the app should show a welcome message loaded
remotely from ``.

{{% alert color="success" %}}
Congrats, you have finished your first Beagle Screen!
{{% /alert %}}

## Other configurations

- [Cache]({{< ref path="/resources/customization/beagle-for-react-native/cache" lang="en" >}})
- [WebView]({{< ref path="/resources/customization/beagle-for-react-native/web-view" lang="en" >}})
- [Accessing the localhost]({{< ref path="/resources/customization/beagle-for-react-native/localhost" lang="en" >}})
- [Local images]({{< ref path="/resources/customization/beagle-for-react-native/local-images" lang="en" >}})

👉 For more details on how to use the Beagle Config and the component BeagleRemoteView, please,
check the [React guide]({{< ref path="/get-started/using-beagle/web/react" lang="en" >}}), it works
exactly the same!

👉 Beagle React Native is still Beagle Web! Everything in this documentation for Beagle Web is also
valid for Beagle React Native. To go deeper into the lib, we suggest reading the articles under
[resources > customization > Beagle for React Native]({{< ref path="/resources/customization/beagle-for-react-native" lang="en" >}})
as well as
[resources > customization > Beagle for Web]({{< ref path="/resources/customization/beagle-for-web" lang="en" >}})

👉 If you wish to know the current development status of Beagle React Native, check it
[here]({{< ref path="/resources/customization/beagle-for-react-native/development" lang="en" >}}).
Contributions are welcomed!
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions content/en/
Expand Up @@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ Beagle's current releases version are:
* **Android:**[![Maven Central](](
* **iOS:**[![badge](](
* **WEB:**
* **Angular:**[![badge](](
* **React:**[![badge](](
* **Backend**[![back](](
* **Angular:**[![badge](](
* **React:**[![badge](](
* **React Native:**[![react native badge](](
* **Backend:**[![back](](
{{% /alert %}}

Some definitions on this documentation exists only only in some specific minors or patches. See the captions used to denote these cases:
Expand All @@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ Some definitions on this documentation exists only only in some specific minors
* `>=x.y.z`: existing definition from x.y.z version;
* `<=x.y.z`: existing definition until the x.y.z version.

## How does Beagle works?
## How does Beagle work?

The tool works as a facilitator of **BFF** \([**Backend For Frontend**]({{< ref path="/key-concepts#backend-for-frontend" lang="en" >}})\). This means that Beagle, from a library of components defined in the [**Design System**]({{< ref path="/key-concepts#design-system" lang="en" >}}) of the Android, iOS or Web application, makes the visual and behavioral change of them by returning a JSON file that indicates what and where each component should be rendered and which the action they are going to perform.

Expand Down
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: Beagle for Backend
weight: 190
description: 'Here, you''ll find the main customizations provided for backend.'
weight: 194
description: Here, you'll find the main customizations provided for backend.

Expand Down
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Beagle Framework
weight: 192
weight: 195
description: Here you'll understand how to use this framework.

Expand Down
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Serialization
weight: 194
weight: 196
description: Here you'll find more informations about serialization.

Expand Down
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
title: Beagle for React Native
weight: 188
description: >-
You will find here the main classes that are part of Beagle's framework for
Beagle React Native.


You will find here additional information about Beagle React Native.
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
title: Cache
weight: 189
description: >-
You will find here information of how to persist cache in Beagle React Native.


By default, Beagle RN will only cache files temporally, i.e. as soon the app is closed, the cache
will be lost. To make a persistent cache, you must provide an implementation of the interface
`BeagleStorage`. Both `react-native/AsyncStorage` and `@react-native-async-storage/async-storage`
implement this interface. We don't use React Native's default implementation because it's

If you need to persist the cache, we recommend using `@react-native-async-storage/async-storage`. To
install it, follow the instructions

To use it with beagle, just add the following configuration to `src/beagle/beagle-service.ts`:

import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'
// ...

export default createBeagleUIService({
// ...
customStorage: AsyncStorage,
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
title: Development status
weight: 193
description: >-
You will find here information about the current development status of Beagle React Native.


## Current development status
This is our current development status. Please help us get to a stable version!

To contribute to this project, please use
[this repository](

### Core features
Fully implemented. Renderization, context, custom components and custom actions all work! In truth,
if you don't intend on using the default components and default actions, Beagle React Native is
ready for production.

### Components
| Component | Status | Description |
| Container | done | |
| Screen | not implemented | Working as a container |
| Button | done | |
| Image | incomplete | There might be some problems with the image size. Placeholder is not implemented. |
| TextInput | done | |
| Lazy component | done | |
| ListView | incomplete | Extremely buggy and slow. Mainly on Android. |
| GridView | not implemented | |
| PageView | incomplete | Doesn't render the children properly. Can't navigate between pages. |
| SimpleForm | not implemented | Working as a container |
| TabBar | incomplete | The tabbar doesn't scroll There seems to be a bug where a second tab bar in a page won't render |
| Text | done | |
| Touchable | done | |
| WebView | done | |

We also need to check the styling here. Some of the components, even the ones marked as done, have
way to many styles, which might create some undesired behavior.

### Actions
| Actions | Status | Description |
| PushStack | incomplete | It works exactly like in web, i.e. the back button does nothing. |
| PopStack | incomplete | It works exactly like in web, i.e. the back button does nothing. |
| PushView | incomplete | It works exactly like in web, i.e. the back button does nothing. |
| PopView | incomplete | It works exactly like in web, i.e. the back button does nothing. |
| PopToView | incomplete | It works exactly like in web, i.e. the back button does nothing. |
| ResetStack | incomplete | It works exactly like in web, i.e. the back button does nothing. |
| OpenNativeRoute | not implemented | will try to use the browsers location, which doesn't exist. |
| OpenExternalUrl | not implemented | will try to use the browsers location, which doesn't exist. |
| AddChildren | done | |
| Condition | done | |
| Confirm | not implemented | |
| SendRequest | done | |
| SetContext | done | |
| SubmitForm | not implemented | |
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
title: Local images
weight: 192
description: >-
You will find here information on how to register your local images.


Beagle components normally refer to images by an id, see the example below:

"_beagleComponent_": "beagle:image",
"path": {
"_beagleImagePath_": "local",
"mobileId": "zup-logo"

Above, the image component refers to `zup-logo`. For this to work, this id must be registered in
Beagle. To register images that can be used for beagle, you must provide a map in the configuration
at `beagle-service.ts`. See the example below:

import zupLogo from '../assets/zup-logo.png'
// ...

export default createBeagleUIService({
// ...
localAssetsPath: {
'zup-logo': zupLogo,

The image must exist in your assets folder, in this case, located at `src/assets`. If Typescript
complains, you can create a `src/globals.d.ts` file with the following content:

declare module '*.png'

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