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355 lines (256 loc) · 11.7 KB

File metadata and controls

355 lines (256 loc) · 11.7 KB


  • new prefer_const_declarations.dart lint
  • new prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables lint
  • miscellaneous documentation improvements


  • added support for external constructors in avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
  • added code reference resolution docs for comment_references


  • broadened args package dependency to support versions 1.*


  • avoid_unused_constructor_parameters updated to better handle redirecting factory constructors
  • avoid_returning_this improvements
  • prefer_bool_in_asserts improvements
  • miscellaneous documentation fixes


  • prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings updated to allow concatenation of two non-literal strings
  • prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings updated to allow +=
  • lots of rule documentation fixes and enhancements
  • fix for prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables false positive with redirecting factory constructors


  • public_member_api_docs fix for package URIs


  • avoid_positional_boolean_parameters updated to allow booleans in operator declarations
  • comment_references fixed to handle incomplete references
  • non_constant_identifier_names updated to allow underscores around numbers


  • new avoid_unused_constructor_parameters lint
  • new prefer_bool_in_asserts lint
  • new prefer_typing_uninitialized_variables lint
  • new unnecessary_statements lint
  • public_member_api_docs updated to only lint source in lib/
  • 'avoid_empty_else' fixed to ignore synthetic EmptyStatements
  • updated library prefix checking to allow leading $s
  • miscellaneous documentation fixes
  • Dart SDK constraints restored (removed unneeded 2.0.0-dev.infinity constraint)


  • linter engine updated to use new analysis driver



  • non_constant_identifier_names extended to include named constructors
  • SDK constraint broadened to 2.0.0-dev.infinity
  • improved prefer_final_fields performance


  • fixes to unnecessary_overrides (noSuchMethod handling, return type narrowing, special casing of documented super calls)
  • fix to non_constant_identifier_names to handle identifiers with no name
  • fixes to prefer_const_constructors to support list literals
  • fixes to recursive_getters
  • fixes to cascade_invocations



  • new prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables lint
  • new always_put_required_named_parameters_first lint
  • new prefer_asserts_in_initializer_lists lint
  • support for running in --benchmark mode
  • new prefer_single_quote_strings lint


  • docs for avoid_setters_without_getters
  • fix to directives_ordering to work with part directives located after exports
  • fixes to cascade_invocations false positives
  • fixes to literal_only_boolean_expressions false positives
  • fix to ensure cascade_invocations only lints method invocations if target is a simple identifier
  • fixes to use_string_buffers false positives
  • fixes to prefer_const_constructors


  • Lint stats (-s) output now sorted.


  • New prefer_foreach lint.
  • New use_string_buffers rule.
  • New unnecessary_overrides rule.
  • New join_return_with_assignment_when_possible rule.
  • New use_to_and_as_if_applicable rule.
  • New avoid_setters_without_getters rule.
  • New always_put_control_body_on_new_line rule.
  • New avoid_positional_boolean_parameters rule.
  • New always_require_non_null_named_parameters rule.
  • New prefer_conditional_assignment rule.
  • New avoid_types_on_closure_parameters rule.
  • New always_put_control_body_on_new_line rule.
  • New use_setters_to_change_properties rule.
  • New avoid_returning_this rule.
  • New avoid_annotating_with_dynamic_when_not_required rule.
  • New prefer_constructors_over_static_methods rule.
  • New avoid_returning_null rule.
  • New avoid_classes_with_only_static_members rule.
  • New avoid_null_checks_in_equality_operators rule.
  • New avoid_catches_without_on_clauses rule.
  • New avoid_catching_errors rule.
  • New use_rethrow_when_possible rule.
  • Many lint fixes (notably prefer_final_fields, unnecessary_lambdas, await_only_futures, cascade_invocations, avoid_types_on_closure_parameters, and overridden_fields).
  • Significant performance improvements for prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings.
  • New unnecessary_this rule.
  • New prefer_initializing_formals rule.


  • New avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls lint.
  • New avoid_slow_async_io lint.
  • New cascade_invocations lint.
  • New directives_ordering lint.
  • New no_adjacent_strings_in_list lint.
  • New no_duplicate_case_values lint.
  • New omit_local_variable_types lint.
  • New prefer_adjacent_string_concatenation lint.
  • New prefer_collection_literals lint.
  • New prefer_const_constructors lint.
  • New prefer_contains lint.
  • New prefer_expression_function_bodies lint.
  • New prefer_function_declarations_over_variables lint.
  • New prefer_initializing_formals lint.
  • New prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings lint.
  • New prefer_is_empty lint.
  • New recursive_getters lint.
  • New unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps lint.
  • New unnecessary_lambdas lint.
  • New unnecessary_null_aware_assignments lint.
  • New unnecessary_null_in_if_null_operators lint.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes and codegen improvements.


  • New cascade_invocations lint.
  • Expand await_only_futures to accept classes that extend or implement Future.
  • Improve camel case regular expression tests to accept $s.
  • Fixes to parameter_assignments (improved getter handling and an NPE).


  • Fixed cast exception in dart_type_utilities (dart-lang/sdk#27405).
  • New parameter_assignments lint.
  • New prefer_final_fields lint.
  • New prefer_final_locals lint.
  • Markdown link fixes in docs (#306).
  • Miscellaneous solo test running fixes and introduction of solo_debug (#304).


  • Updated tests to use package test (#302).


  • Fixed false positive on []= in always_declare_return_types (#300).
  • New invariant_booleans lint.
  • New literal_only_boolean_expressions lint.
  • Fixed camel_case_types to allow $ in identifiers (#290).


  • Internal updates to keep up with changes in the analyzer package.
  • Updated close_sinks to respect calls to destroy (#282).
  • Fixed only_throw_errors to report on the expression not node.


  • Removed whitespace_around_ops pending re-name and re-design (#249).


  • Grinder support (rule:rule_name and docs:location) for rule stub and doc generation (respectively).
  • Fix to allow leading underscores in non_constant_identifier_names.
  • New valid_regexps lint (#277).
  • New whitespace_around_ops lint (#249).
  • Fix to overridden_fields to flag overridden static fields (#274).
  • New list_remove_unrelated_type to detect passing a non-T value to `List.remove()`` (#271).
  • New empty_catches lint to catch empty catch blocks (#43).
  • Fixed close_sinks false positive (#268).
  • linter support for --strong to allow for running linter in strong mode.


  • New only_throw_errors lint.
  • New lint to check for empty_statements (#259).
  • Fixed NSME when file contents cannot be read (#260).
  • Fixed unsafe cast in iterable_contains_unrelated_type (#267).


  • New cancel_subscriptions lint.


  • New close_sinks lint.
  • Fixes to iterable_contains_unrelated_type .


  • Fix NSME in iterable_contains_unrelated_type (#245).
  • Fixed typo in comment_references error description.
  • Fix overriden_field false positive (#246).
  • Rename linter binary lints option to rules (#248).
  • Help doc tweaks.


  • Fix to public_member_api_docs to check for documented getters when checking setters (#237).
  • New iterable_contains_unrelated_type lint to detect when Iterable.contains is invoked with an object of an unrelated type.
  • New comment_references lint to ensure identifiers referenced in docs are in scope (#240).


  • Fix for false positive in overriden_fields.
  • New unrelated_type_equality_checks lint.
  • Fix to accept $ identifiers in string interpolation lint (#214).
  • Update to new plugin API (0.2.0).
  • Strong mode cleanup.


  • Fix to allow simple getter/setters when a decl is ``@protected` (#215).
  • Fix to not require type params in is checks (#227).
  • Fix to not flag field formal identifiers in parameters (#224).
  • Fix to respect filters when calculating error codes (#198).
  • Fix to allow const and final vars to be initialized to null (#210).
  • Fix to respect commented blocks in empty_constructor_bodies (#209).
  • Fix to check types on list/map literals (#199).
  • Fix to skip main when checking for API docs (#207).
  • Fix to allow leading $ in type names (#220).
  • Fix to ignore private typedefs when checking for types (#216).
  • New test_types_in_equals lint.
  • New await_only_futures lint.
  • New throw_in_finally lint.
  • New control_flow_in_finally lint.


  • Fix to respect @optionalTypeArgs (#196).
  • Lint to warn if a field overrides or hides other field.
  • Fix to allow single char UPPER_CASE non-constants (#201).
  • Fix to accept casts to dynamic (#195).


  • Fix to skip overriding members in API doc checks (public_member_api_docs).
  • Fix to suppress lints on synthetic nodes/tokens (#193).
  • Message fixes (annotate_overrides, public_member_api_docs).
  • Fix to exclude setters from return type checks (#192).


  • Fix to address LibraryNames regexp that in pathological cases went exponential.


  • Doc generation improvements (now with options samples).
  • Lint to sort unnamed constructors first (#187).
  • Lint to ensure public members have API docs (#188).
  • Lint to ensure constructors are sorted first (#186).
  • Lint for hashCode and == (#168).
  • Lint to detect un-annotated overrides (#167).
  • Fix to ignore underscores in public APIs (#153).
  • Lint to check for return types on setters (#122).
  • Lint to flag missing type params (#156).
  • Lint to avoid inits to null (#160).


  • Updated to use analyzer 0.27.0.
  • Updated options processing to handle untyped maps (dart-lang/sdk#25126).


  • Fix type_annotate_public_apis to properly handle getters/setters (#151; dart-lang/sdk#25092).


  • Fix to protect against errors in linting invalid source (dart-lang/sdk#24910).
  • Added avoid_empty_else lint rule (dart-lang/sdk#224936).




  • Added prefer_is_not_empty lint rule (#143).
  • Added type_annotate_public_apis lint rule (#24).
  • Added avoid_as lint rule (#145).
  • Fixed non_constant_identifier_names rule to special case underscore identifiers in callbacks.
  • Fix to escape _s in callback type validation (addresses false positives in always_specify_types) (#147).


  • Added always_declare_return_types lint rule (#146).
  • Improved always_specify_types to detect missing types in declared identifiers and narrowed source range to the token.
  • Added implementation_imports lint rule (#33).
  • Test performance improvements.


  • Added always_specify_types lint rule (#144).


  • Fixed linter registry memory leaks.


  • Fixed various options file parsing issues.


  • Fixed false positives in unnecessary_brace_in_string_interp lint. Fix #112.


  • Internal code and dependency constraint cleanup.


  • Initial stable release.


  • Added machine output option. Fix #69.
  • Fixed resolution of files in lib/ to use a package: URI. Fix #49.
  • Tightened up analyzer package constraints.
  • Fixed false positives in one_member_abstracts lint. Fix #64.


  • Initial push to pub.