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AAAIMX Productivity Manager

Administration panel for the management of events and productivity


Table of Contents

Getting Started

Prerequisites 📋

  • Node.js & NPM installed

Deployment 📦

Project setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

Built With


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

Future work 🚀

Contributors ✒

  • Raul Novelo - Maintenance - @rnovec


Admin Null is simple and beautiful premium Vue.js Buefy Bulma admin dashboard (SPA/PWA).

  • PWA/SPA — Single page app
  • Built with Vue.js, Buefy & Bulma
  • SCSS sources with variables

Other versions

This is Vue CLI dashboard version (Bulma, Buefy, Vue.js). Other versions below.

Nuxt.js version

Free Bulma Nuxt.js Buefy admin dashboard —

Premium Bulma Nuxt.js Buefy admin dashboard —

Description & Demo

Quick Start

Get the repo

  • Download an archive from Gumroad (you'll get a private link as soon, as you purchase)
  • Unzip


cd to project's dir and run npm install


To pre-compile & hot-reload for development run npm run serve


Production-ready with minified bundle npm run build

Browser Support

We try to make sure dashboard works well in the latest versions of all major browsers

Chrome Firefox Edge Safari Opera

Licensing 📄

Made with ❤️ by AAAIMX 😊 Dolore dolore aliquip reprehenderit occaecat sit ut incididunt. Culpa irure aliquip dolore reprehenderit sunt minim dolor ut amet sit. Adipisicing voluptate exercitation ut ipsum. Id sint excepteur do Lorem. Do labore cillum occaecat nostrud laborum enim dolor excepteur amet aliqua do. Exercitation adipisicing ipsum nulla et sint mollit voluptate consectetur deserunt nulla id id.

Magna non dolor qui officia.