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Analysis Video State Machine

The Analysis Video State Machine is one of the most complex state machines in the Media2Cloud solution as it supports various different scenarios including video-based analysis using Amazon Rekognition Video APIs, frame-based analysis using Amazon Rekognition Image APIs, and custom detection using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels feature.

The state machine composes with three parallel branches of operations: one handles the video-based analysis, one handles the frame-based analysis, and the last one handles the custom detection. This chapter discusses the operations in each of the parallel branches.

The video-based analysis branch uses the Service Backlog Management System to process in order to support large number of analysis requests and to avoid hitting Amazon Rekognition Video default concurrent limits which is 20 concurrent jobs.

Analysis Video state machine


Execution input

The state execution input is similar to the Analysis Main State Machine with additional fields generated (or modified) by the Prepare analysis state.

    "input": {
        "duration": 1508414,
        "framerate": 30,
        "aiOptions": {
            "minConfidence": 80,
            /* Rekognition settings */
            "celeb": true,
            "face": true,
            "facematch": true,
            "faceCollectionId": "REKOGNITION_COLLECTION_ID",
            "label": true,
            "moderation": true,
            "person": true,
            "text": true,
            "textROI": [true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false],
            "segment": true,
            "customlabel": true,
            "customLabelModels": [
            /* frame based analysis */
            "framebased": false,
            "frameCaptureMode": 1003,
        "video": {
            "enabled": true,
            "key": "PROXY_VIDEO_KEY"
        "request": {
            "timestamp": 1637743896177
Field Description Comments
input.duration indicates the video duration Information extracted from MediaInfo
input.framerate indicates the video framerate Information extracted from MediaInfo
input.aiOptions.minConfidence Minimum confidence level to return from the detection APIs
input.aiOptions.celeb Run celebrity detection
input.aiOptions.face Run face detection
input.aiOptions.facematch Search face against your own Face Collection faceCollectionId field must be present
input.aiOptions.faceCollectionId Specify the Face Collection to use facematch field must be true
input.aiOptions.label Run label detection
input.aiOptions.moderation Run content moderation label detection
input.aiOptions.person Run people pathing detection Amazon Rekogintion Video API only
input.aiOptions.text Run text detection
input.aiOptions.textROI Specify region of interest when running text detection text field must be true. If region of interest is not present, use the entire image
input.aiOptions.segment Run video segment detection Amazon Rekogintion Video API only
input.aiOptions.customlabel Run custom detection using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels (CL) models customLabelModels field must be specified
input.aiOptions.customLabelModels Specify the CL model(s) to be used to run the analysis. This field is an array of the model names. You can specify TWO models at most customlabel field must also be true
input.aiOptions.segment Run video segment detection Amazon Rekogintion Video API only
input.aiOptions.framebased Run detections on the frame images extracted from the video file using Amazon Rekognition Image APIs instead of Amazon Rekognition Video APIs segment and person detections continue to use Amazon Rekognition Video APIs
input.aiOptions.frameCaptureMode When opt-in to use Frame-based analysis, this field specifies the frame capture rate such as 1 frame every 2 seconds, 1 frame every second, and so forth. The full list can be found in source/layers/core-lib/lib/frameCaptureMode.js framebased field must be true or custom label detection is enabled. indicates video analysis is required Must be true the MP4 proxy video generated by AWS Elemental MediaConvert Must exist
input.request.timestamp request timestamp If present, the timestamp (DATETIME) is concatenated to the path to store the raw analysis results


Frame-based detection branch

The Frame-based analysis is a new feature in V3 that allows you to analyze the video file by using the frame images extracted from the video file and using Amazon Rekognition Image APIs instead of the Video APIs. It also allows you to specify the rate (1 frame per second, 2 frames per second, and so forth) to run the detections. The Frame-based detection uses RecognizeCelebrities, DetectFaces, SearchFacesByImage, DetectLabels, DetectModerationLabels and DetectText APIs.


State: Frame-based detection iterators

A state where a lambda function prepares the map data which is an array of JSON objects (iterators) providing the data required to run in the Amazon Step Functions Map state iterator. Each iterator within the Map state runs the corresponding Amazon Rekognition Image API.

The iterators (JSON objects) created by the lambda function are as follows:

        "uuid": "UUID",
        "status": "NOT_STARTED",
        "progress": 0,
        "data": {
            "label": {
                "bucket": "PROXY_BUCKET",
                "prefix": "OUTPUT_PREFIX/",
                "key": "PROXY_VIDEO_KEY",
                "duration": 62439,
                "frameCaptureMode": 1002,
                "framerate": 30,
                "requestTime": 1637756776971,
                "minConfidence": 80,
                "sampling": 2000,
                "cursor": 0,
                "numOutputs": 0,
                "frameCapture": {
                    "prefix": "FRAME_IMAGES_PREFIX/",
                    "numFrames": 31,
                    "numerator": 500,
                    "denominator": 1000
        "data": {
            "celeb": {...}
        "data": {
            "face": {...}
Field Description Comments
uuid UUID of the video file
status current status of the operation Optional
progress current progress of the operation Optional
data.[label|celeb|face] a key that identifies the specific detection type to run within the Map state iterator Mandatory
data.label.bucket proxy bucket name A bucket to store the detection outputs
data.label.prefix output prefix A prefix folder of where the outputs should be stored in the proxy bucket
data.label.key the proxy video location
data.label.duration duration of the video file
data.label.frameCaptureMode frame capture mode
data.label.framerate actual framerate of the video file
data.label.requestTime request time of when the workflow starts This field is used to concatenate as DATETIME to the output prefix to store the raw results
data.label.minConfidence Minimum confidence level to return the detection results
data.label.sampling indicates the distance (in milliseconds) between two image frames This field is used later on to compute the drift of the detected label between frames
data.label.cursor current position of the process Used to keep track of the process such as how many of the frames remained to process
data.label.numOutputs total number of outputs created
data.label.frameCapture.prefix indicates the locations of the frame images extracted by AWS Elemental MediaConvert service
data.label.frameCapture.numFrames indicates total number of frames extracted The number of frames to run the detections
data.label.frameCapture.numerator frame capture rate This field is used to convert the frame number to the timestamp related to the video file
data.label.frameCapture.denominator frame capture rate This field is used to convert the frame number to the timestamp related to the video file


State: Detect frame (Iterator)

A Map Iterator state where a lambda function loops through frame images, runs the specific detection, parses and stores the raw results to the proxy bucket under s3://PROXY_BUCKET/OUTPUT_PREFIX/raw/DATETIME/rekognition/[celeb|label|face|facematch|moderation|text]/XXX.json.


State: More frames (Iterator)?

A Choice state checks $.status field to ensure all the frames are processed. If $.status is not set to COMPLETED, it transitions back to Detect frame (Iterator) state to continue.


State: Detect frame completed

An End state to indicate the detection of this specific Map state iteration has completed.


State: Frame-based track iterators

A state where a lambda function joins the outputs from the previous Map iterations and prepares the next Map iterations to create tracks and index the metadata.


State: Create frame-based track (Iterator)

A state where a lambda function parses the raw detection results and creates numbers of metadata files, timeseries, timelines, WebVTT, and EDL files.

The timeseries metadata files are used by the frontend webapp to construct the time sequeunce graph, see Appendix A: Timeseries metadata format. Unlike the timeseries metadata where it provides discrete timestamp of the detected label, the timelines metadata files are created to consolidate individual timestamps of a detected label to provide continuous segments (with start and end time) of the detected label by computing drifts of the adjacent timestamps and position, see Appendix B: Timelines metadata format. The timelines metadata is used to generate the WebVtt track as well as to index into the Amazon OpenSearch cluster. The WebVTT track file converts the timelines metadata into .vtt files, see Appendix C: WebVTT format. The EDL (Edit Decision List) file is specific to the Amazon Rekognition Segment detection, see Appendix D: Edit Decision List format.

All metadata files are stores in the proxy bucket with the path pattern as follows:



State: More frame-based tracks (Iterator)?

A Choice state checks $.status field. If the field is set to COMPLETED indicating all labels are processed, it transitions to Index frame-based analysis (Iterator) state. Otherwise, it moves back to Create frame-based track (Iterator) state to continue the rest of the labels.


State: Index frame-based analysis (Iterator)

A state where a lambda function downloads, parses the timelines metadata file, and index the detected label with timestamps to the Amazon OpenSearch cluster under [celeb|label|face|facematch|moderation|text] indice correspondingly.


Video-based detection branch

The Video-based analysis branch analyzes the video file by using Amazon Rekognition Video APIs instead of the Video APIs included StartCelebrityRecognition, StartContentModeration, StartFaceDetection, StartFaceSearch, StartLabelDetection, StartPersonTracking, StartSegmentDetection and StartTextDetection APIs.


State: Video-based detection iterators

Similar to State: Frame-based detection iterators, the state lambda function prepares the Map Iterator data to run the video based detection map state.


State: Start detection and wait (Iterator)

A Map Iterator state where a lambda function starts a specific video detection by registering the request to the Service Backlog Management System and waits for the Backlog service to start the process by using the Step Functions Service Integration Pattern discussed in an earlier chapter. The diagram shown below demonstrates the wiring of the service integration pattern and backlog management system.

Analys Video Backlog Service Integration

In Step 1, the Start detection and wait state lambda function registers a request to the Service Backlog Management System to start the video detection. The Service Backlog queues the request internally and starts the process whenever possilbe.

The state lambda then stores the backlog request ID and the state machine execution token to the service-token table in Step 2.

When Amazon Rekognition Video service picks up the job from the backlog queue and finishes, the Service Backlog Management System sends an event to the Amazon EventBridge where an Event Rule is configured to listen to Service Backlog Status Change event and triggers a lambda function (analysis-status-updater) to process in Step 3, 4 and 5.

The analysis-status-updater lambda function fetches the execution token from the service-token table using the backlog request ID and notifies the state machine to resume the execution in Step 6 & 7, described in Analysis Workflow Status Updater

The state machine transitions to the next state, Collect detection results state.


State: Collect detection results (Iterator)

A Map Iterator state where a lambda function calls Amazon Rekognition GetXXXDetection API to download the detection results and stores them to s3://PROXY_BUCKET/OUTPUT_PREFIX/raw/DATETIME/rekognition/[celeb|label|face|facematch|moderation|text|segment|person]/XXX.json


State: Create video-based track (Iterator)

Similar to State: Create frame-based track (Iterator)


State: More video-based tracks (Iterator)?

Similar to State: More frame-based tracks (Iterator)?


State: Index video-based analysis (Iterator)

Similar to State: Index frame-based analysis (Iterator)


Custom detection branch

The Custom detection branch is specific to detection that uses Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels (CL) model. Unlike the frame-based or the video-based analysis where the Media2Cloud solution simply calls the Amazon Rekognition APIs and waits for the results, using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels (CL) model requires us to start the model StartProjectVersion, wait for the model to become active, run the analysis, stop the model StopProjectVersion when no other process is using the model. The Media2Cloud solution has a built-in logic to manage the runtime of the CL models to minimze the cost, see more details in Backlog Custom Labels State Machine.


State: Custom detection iterators

Similar to State: Frame-based detection iterators, the state lambda function prepares the Map Iterator data to run the custom detection map state.

The difference is that each of the map iterator data also contains information about the Custom Labels model.

        "data": {
            "customlabel": {
                "customLabelModels": "CUSTOM_LABEL_MODEL_1",
                "inferenceUnits": 5,
        "data": {
            "customlabel": {
                "customLabelModels": "CUSTOM_LABEL_MODEL_2",
                "inferenceUnits": 5,
Field Description Comments
data.customlabel.customLabelModels A specific CL model name and version
data.customlabel.inferenceUnits Numbers of inference unit to start the model (1 to 5) To reduce the analysis time, the Media2Cloud solution always starts the CL model with 5 inference unit.


State: Start custom and wait (Iterator)

A state where a lambda function finds the most latest and runnable CL model using DescribeProjectVersions API. It then registers the request to the Service Backlog Management System and waits for the process to complete.

Internally the Service Backlog Management System starts a new state machine execution, Backlog Custom Labels State Machine to process the request.


State: Collect custom results (Iterator)

A state where a lambda function downloads, parses the Custom Labels detection results and stores the detection results to s3://PROXY_BUCKET/OUTPUT_PREFIX/raw/DATETIME/rekognition/customlabel/CUSTOM_LABEL_MODEL/XXX.json.


State: Create custom track (Iterator)

Similar to State: Create frame-based track (Iterator)


State: More custom tracks (Iterator)?

Similar to State: More frame-based tracks (Iterator)?


State: Index custom analysis (Iterator)

Similar to State: Index frame-based analysis (Iterator)


State: Video analysis completed

The final state of the video analysis state machine where a lambda function collects and joins the outputs from all detection branches


AWS Lambda function (analysis-video)

The analysis-video lambda function provides the implementation to support different states of the Analysis Video state machine. The following AWS XRAY trace diagram demonstrates the AWS services this lambda function communicates to.

Analysis Video Lambda function


IAM Role Permission

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": "s3:ListBucket",
            "Resource": "PROXY_BUCKET",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "PROXY_BUCKET/*",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": "iam:PassRole",
            "Resource": "SERVICE_DATA_ACCESS_ROLE",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": "events:PutEvents",
            "Resource": "SERVICE_BACKLOG_EVENT_BUS",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": "states:StartExecution",
            "Resource": "CUSTOM_LABELS_STATE_MACHINE",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": "states:DescribeExecution",
            "Resource": "CUSTOM_LABELS_STATE_MACHINE",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": "rekognition:DescribeProjectVersions",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:rekognition:REGION:ACCOUNT:project/*/*",
            "Effect": "Allow"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "OPENSEARCH_CLUSTER",
            "Effect": "Allow"


Appendix A: Timeseries metadata format

The timeseries metadata file provides a consolidated view of the detected label which can be used to plot data in a graph.

    "label": "Werner Vogels",
    "desc": "",
    "duration": 62439,
    "appearance": 14000,
    "data": [
            "x": 2000,
            "y": 1,
            "details": [
                    "c": 99.66,
                    "w": 0.1012,
                    "h": 0.2314,
                    "l": 0.4417,
                    "t": 0.0707
Field Description Comments
label Detected label Used as Display name
desc Additional information Optional field
duration Duration of the video file Used to compute the show rate of the label
appearance Total duration of the appearances of the lable Used to compute the show rate of the label
data.x Timestamp in milliseconds Used to plot the time sequence graph
data.y Number of detected instances in the specific timestamp (data.x) Used to plot the time sequence graph
data.details.* Confidence score and coordinate of each detected instances at the timestamp (data.x) Used to draw a bounding box around the detected label on the preview video
data.details.c Confidence score
data.details.w Width of the bounding box
data.details.h Height of the bounding box
data.details.l Left position of the bounding box
data.details.t Top position of the bounding box


Appendix B: Timelines metadata format

The timelines metadata file presents continuous view of the detected label which can be used to convert into timed text track (WebVTT) file.

        "name": "Werner Vogels",
        "confidence": 98.00,
        "begin": 40000,
        "end": 42000,
        "cx": 0.5312022713162194,
        "cy": 0.18263602476166096,
        "count": 2
Field Description Comments
name Detected label Used as Display name
confidence Overall confidence score
begin Start time of the timeline
end End time of the timeline
cx Average center point of the detected label in the X-axis
cy Average center point of the detected label in the Y-axis
count Number of labels within the time span


Appendix C: WebVTT format

WebVTT file is a format to display timed text tracks on video file. See more details on Mozilla Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT).

The WebVTT file generated by the Media2Cloud solution uses align, line, position and size attributes to display the label name closest to its position. The position is computed used the cx and cy coordinate from the timeline metadata file.


00:00:40.000 --> 00:00:42.000 align:center line:18% position:53% size:25%
Werner Vogels

00:00:24.000 --> 00:00:34.000 align:center line:18% position:47% size:25%
Werner Vogels


Appendix D: Edit Decision List format

The Edit Decision List (EDL) file generated by the Media2Cloud solution follows the CMX3600 format. The EDL file can be imported to popular editing software including Adobe Premiere Pro or Blackmagic Design Davinci Resolve.

Streamline content preparation and quality control for VOD platforms using Amazon Rekognition Video blog explains how we use Amazon Rekognition Video Segment API and convert the segment results into EDL format that can be used in editing software.


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