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Build Status Ansible Galaxy

Manage packages and up(date|grade)s in Debian-like systems.


  • python-apt
  • aptitude


  • apt_manage_sources_list: [default: false]: Whether or not to manage /etc/apt/sources.list

  • apt_ubuntu_mirror: [default: mirror://]: The mirror to use

  • apt_src_enable: [default: true]: Whether or not to enable source code repositories

  • apt_backports_enable: [default: true]: Whether or not to enable the backports repository

  • apt_ubuntu_universe_enable: [default: true]: Whether or not to enable the universe repository

  • apt_ubuntu_multiverse_enable: [default: true]: Whether or not to enable the multiverse repository

  • apt_ubuntu_backports_enable: [default: true]: Whether or not to enable the backports repository [deprecated in favour of apt_backports_enable]

  • apt_ubuntu_partner_enable: [default: false]: Whether or not to enable the partner repository

  • apt_ubuntu_extras_enable: [default: false]: Whether or not to enable the extras repository (only applies to < 16.04)

  • apt_debian_mirror: [default:]: The mirror to use

  • apt_debian_contrib_nonfree_enable: [default: false]: Whether or not to enable the contrib non-free repository

  • apt_dependencies: [default: [python-apt, aptitude]]: General dependencies for apt modules to work

  • apt_update: [default: true]: Whether or not to update

  • apt_update_cache_valid_time: [default: 3600]: Number of seconds the apt cache stays valid

  • apt_upgrade: [default: true]: Whether or not to upgrade

  • apt_upgrade_type: [default: dist]: If yes or safe, performs an aptitude safe-upgrade. If full, performs an aptitude full-upgrade. If dist, performs an apt-get dist-upgrade

  • apt_upgrade_dpkg_options: [default: 'force-confdef,force-confold']: Add dpkg options to apt command

  • apt_clean: [default: true]: Whether or not to clean

  • apt_dpkg_configure: [default: false]: Whether or not to run dpkg --configure -a

  • apt_autoremove: [default: true]: Whether or not to autoremove

  • apt_install: [default: []]: Packages to install

  • apt_install_state: [default: latest]: State of packages to install (e.g. present)

  • apt_remove: [default: []]: Packages to remove

  • apt_remove_purge: [default: false]: Whether or not to purge




- hosts: all
    - apt



Author Information

Mischa ter Smitten (based on work of kosssi and Ansibles)

Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...

Are welcome!