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File metadata and controls

57 lines (38 loc) · 1.98 KB


The docutils directive is provided in aafigure/docutils.

Docutils directive

The aafigure directive has the following options:

  • :scale: <float> enlarge or shrink image
  • :line_width: <float> change line with (svg only currently)
  • :format: <str> choose backend/output format: 'svg', 'png', all bitmap formats that PIL supports can be used but only few make sense. Line drawings have a good compression and better quality when saved as PNG rather than a JPEG. The best quality will be achieved with SVG, tough not all browsers support this vector image format at this time.
  • :foreground: <str> foreground color in the form #rgb or #rrggbb
  • :background: <str> background color in the form #rgb or #rrggbb (not for SVG output)
  • :fill: <str> fill color in the form #rgb or #rrggbb
  • :name: <str> use this as filename instead of the automatic generated name
  • :aspect: <float> change aspect ratio. Effectively it is the width of the image that is multiplied by this factor. The default setting 1 is useful when shapes must have the same look when drawn horizontally or vertically. However, :aspect: 0.5 looks more like the original ASCII and even smaller factors may be useful for timing diagrams and such. But there is a risk that text is cropped or is draw over an object beside it.

    The stretching is done before drawing arrows or circles, so that they are still good looking.

  • :proportional: <flag> use a proportional font instead of a mono-spaced one.

Docutils plug-in

The docutils-aafigure extension depends on the aafigure package also requires setuptools (often packaged as python-setuptools) and Docutils itself (0.5 or newer) must be installed.

After that, the aafigure directive will be available.