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Full-Stack Web Development I - Final Project

Aaron Lu - 101278524
Deployed Website:
Github Repo:

Project Description

General functions

  • plot historical data of cryptocurrency price - updates every minute
  • ability to toggle view of various cryptocurrency and base currencies
  • ticker that displays the current price and change over a period of time that can be toggled
  • Metamask integration (if present) to get user's ether balance
  • Otherwise allows for use input of public key to get ether balance on ropsten
  • Help buttons show text for assistance if opened
  • Mobile friendly layout
  • Dark mode capability

js libraries

  • jquery: used for ajax calls and button listeners
  • chart.js: used for plotting cryptocurrency price data
  • moment: used for getting date from certain intervals for price change
  • anime.js: animating bouncing icons in the header

CSS libraries

  • Skeleton CSS: used for basic framework - simple and clean
  • Material UI Icons: material design icons used for ticker and navigation

Ajax calls to API

  • Coin Gecko API: used for cryptocurrency price (current and historical)
  • Etherscan API: used to get users current ether balance

Metamask integration

  • access the ethereum & web3 objects using the injected js from Metamask

Error handling

  • no internet handling - turns off plot
  • no Metamask handling - allows for manual input

git/Github usage

  • branches used for major features (pull request, merged, deleted)
  • branches are visible in pull-requests -> closed branches

Project Specs


Your final project – is to create a single page web application using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Here are the required technical parameters for your page:

  1. Use of Javascript listeners and handlers to enable interactivity of some sort, producing some desired effect.
  2. Use of Javascript libraries (one or many) that aid in the coding of your app.
  3. Use of a CSS library/framework that aids in the styling of your app.
  4. Use of Ajax calls to an API, where the returned data may be displayed in your app.
  5. Use of Git and Github to track code changes and upload your project. Include a that describes your project and how to load it (if any steps required).

Projects will be evaluated based on the following aspects:

  1. HTML – proper use of HTML and Valid tags [10%]
  2. CSS/UX/Design – proper use of CSS or a CSS framework to achieve a user friendly design and presentation of the apps functionality [includes the overall look of the project, useability & appropriate information so the user can understand the functionality][20%]
  3. Javascript – using appropriate JS and adhering to good programming principles – specifically, well structured and easily readable/understandable code – and adherence to core programing principles such as DRY (do not repeat yourself). [30%]
  4. Successful communication with the API and display of data in the html app. [20%]
  5. Git – appropriate use of git for developing your projects features [Note: If you’re working with a partner, you’ll need to show git commits from each partner – we will want to see that each partner has coded at least 1 feature, both partners will lose 15% if the git commits don’t demonstrate this. For individuals working alone, your git commit history should demonstrate the use of feature branches.][15%]
  6. Bonus 5% - connect to a smart contract or user’s balance metaMask balance [5%]



  • Single page website
  • Realtime plotting of price of various cryptocurrencies (js librarie - api calls)
  • Ability to toggle on/off (buttons - js listeners)
  • Ability to change currency: USD/CAD/Euro (buttons - js listeners - api calls)
  • Show bar w/ current metamask balance in multiple currencies (web3)
  • Axios for ajax calls (using jquery instead)
  • timeout in case of no internet connection
  • help icon - pop-up w/ data
  • interactively change time range for ticker
  • favicon
  • error w/ Chart.js but doesn't stop page from functioning
  • comment code & write up documentation in readme
  • fun w/ animations (
  • dark-mode (i had more time!)