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Quarkus Multitenancy


A Quarkus extension that provides extensible multitenancy support. Quarkus already has some multitenancy support via the OIDC extension. This extension provides high level multitenancy support that other Quarkus extensions or web-based applications can utilize to tailor individual application tenant security and settings.


The Quarkus Multitenancy extension provides the following features:

  • Tenant Resolution - Identification based on subdomain, i.e. ( or base path, i.e. (
  • Tenant Routing - Optional automatic Vert.x internal rerouting of requests from tenant paths to root paths, ie. /tenant1/ -> / or /tenant1/graphql -> /graphql
  • Tenant Configuration Loading - lazy load application specific tenant settings that are cached and then made available on every request as Vert.x RoutingContext data.
  • Custom CDI Tenant Scope - Inject tenant configuration properties per request
  • Quarkus OIDC TenantConfigResolver Compatability - Support per tenant OIDC configurations like in this example


  1. Add the extension to the Quarkus web application's Maven pom.xml

  2. Add quarkus.vertx.customize-arc-context=false to the src/main/resources/ file to enable the full ARC CDI container instead of the minimal reactive stack one.

  3. Create an Tenant Loader implementation that will retrieve individual tenant configuration details based on the resolved tenant ID.

  4. Review and run the example appliation for insight on how to setup tenant routing and utilize the @TenantScope CDI scope. Login with any user ID/password combination as authentication is not enforced.

Further Research

The tenant CDI scope context is being set on a Quarkus Vert.x based filter. The filter next() invocation is non-blocking so it is not possible to determine when the end of the request is finished in order to terminate the scope context. A Vert.x EndHandler is being used to terminate the context but if it is not invoked or invoked on the wrong thread the stale active contect will remain in a threadlocal and corrupt future requests. A more robust means of performing the tenant scope handling should be investigated.