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31 lines (20 loc) · 1.18 KB


File metadata and controls

31 lines (20 loc) · 1.18 KB

Import metadata

Notice that the previous parameters showed a "footnote" like the following:

This is to make a distinction between the parameters that HRM requires from the user and those which can be imported from the raw images.

In other words, some parameters can be imported from the image metadata at run time, while deconvolving the image, to save you time. In such cases, one doesn't need to enter a value for the parameter in the template.

The way HRM lets you know when a parameter can be skipped and when it can't is by providing "footnotes" next to the parameter.


Because some microscopy file formats allow for restricted or no metadata HRM signals that a parameter may be missing from the metadata of a batch of images, like this:


Fortunately, other microscopy file formats do allow for all sorts of metadata. When working with such formats many parameters can be skipped.

At the end of the deconvolution job, HRM informs on the values of all used parameters as well as their origin.