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Airport Data React Sample

This project is a React application that demonstrates the usage of the airport-data-js library. It allows users to search for airport information using IATA codes.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • You have installed Node.js and npm/yarn.
  • You have a basic understanding of React.js.


To install the Airport Data React Sample, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository or download the ZIP file to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Install the dependencies using npm or yarn:
npm install


To start the development server, use the following command:

npm start

This command runs the app in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits.

Integrating the Library

In the React application, you can import the library as follows:

import { getAirportByIata, getAirportByIcao, getAirportByCityCode } from 'airport-data-js';

Fetching Data You can use the available methods to fetch airport data:

By IATA Code:

const dataByIata = await getAirportByIata('MAA');

By ICAO Code:

const dataByIcao = await getAirportByIcao('VOMM');

By City Code:

const dataByCity = await getAirportByCityCode('NYC');


To run the tests for the application, use the following command:

npm test

This command launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.


To contribute to the Airport Data React Sample, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>.
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m '<commit_message>'.
  4. Push to the original branch: git push origin <project_name>/<location>.
  5. Create the pull request.