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File metadata and controls

238 lines (195 loc) · 8.29 KB

Mine Wikipedia and Extract Graph-Based Counts

The tool makes use of a datapack that stores counts and aliases (mentions) of entities from different sources. Originally, we used anchor text and query logs. The following describes how to mine and compute the anchor text from a public Wikipedia dump using a hadoop cluster (or if there is not one, you can use hadoop in a single machine). This is based on the code from the Cloud9 toolkit.

The main classes involved are WikipediaDocnoMappingBuilder, RepackWikipedia, ExtractWikipediaAnchorText and Datapack. The final datapack is created using three pig scripts.

  • WikipediaDocnoMappingBuilder: filters the Wiki pages from the dump and records the ids of the entity pages
  • RepackWikipedia: rewrites the Wikipedia dump using the entity pages only
  • ExtractWikipediaAnchorText: extracts the in-wiki links from Wikipedia and creates pairs (alias, entity) where the alias is the text in the anchor and the entity is the id of a Wikipedia page pointed out by an outgoing link.
  • Datapack: creates a first version of the datapack (with no aggregate counts).

The pig scripts are used to aggregate counts for aliases and entities, and rewrite the final datapack. The detailed commands you need to run to create the datapack come next.

Download Latest Wikipedia Dump

# set WIKI_MARKET to the wikipedia dump language, e.g.

# set WIKI_DATE to the wikipedia dump you want to process, e.g.

#set your WORKING_DIR to the directory you want to store the data

# create directory
mkdir --parents ${WORKING_DIR}/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}

# download datapack from web
 wget --output-document=${WORKING_DIR}/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/pages-articles.xml.bz2 \\

# unzip datapack
bzip2 --verbose --keep --decompress \

# create hdfs directory
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}

# copy datapack on hdfs
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal \
${WORKING_DIR}/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/pages-articles.xml \

Preprocess Datapack

hadoop \
jar target/FEL-0.1.0.jar \ \"JAVA_HOME=/home/gs/java/jdk64/current" \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.env="JAVA_HOME=/home/gs/java/jdk64/current" \"JAVA_HOME=/home/gs/java/jdk64/current" \ \ \"-Xmx2048m" \'-Xmx2g -XX:NewRatio=8 -XX:+UseSerialGC' \
-input wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/pages-articles.xml \
-output_file wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/docno.dat \
-wiki_language ${WIKI_MARKET} \

hadoop \
jar target/FEL-0.1.0.jar \ \"JAVA_HOME=/home/gs/java/jdk64/current" \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.env="JAVA_HOME=/home/gs/java/jdk64/current" \"JAVA_HOME=/home/gs/java/jdk64/current" \ \ \"-Xmx2048m" \'-Xmx2g -XX:NewRatio=8 -XX:+UseSerialGC' \
-input wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/pages-articles.xml \
-mapping_file wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/docno.dat \
-output wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/pages-articles.block \
-wiki_language ${WIKI_MARKET} \
-compression_type block

Build Data Structures and extract anchor text

hadoop \
jar target/FEL-0.1.0.jar\ \"JAVA_HOME=/home/gs/java/jdk64/current" \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.env="JAVA_HOME=/home/gs/java/jdk64/current" \"JAVA_HOME=/home/gs/java/jdk64/current" \ \ \"-Xmx2048m" \'-Xmx2g -XX:NewRatio=8 -XX:+UseSerialGC' \
-input wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/pages-articles.block \
-emap wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/ \
-amap wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/ \
-cfmap wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/ \
-redir wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/redirects

Compute anchor text counts

hadoop \
jar target/FEL-0.1.0.jar \ \
-amap wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/ \
-cfmap wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/ \
-multi true \
-output ${WORKING_DIR}/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/alias-entity-counts

# copy to hdfs
hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal \
${WORKING_DIR}/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/alias-entity-counts.dat \

# copy to hdfs
hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal \
${WORKING_DIR}/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/alias-entity-counts.tsv \

# create directory
hadoop dfs -mkdir -p \

# copy counts
hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal ${WORKING_DIR}/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/alias-entity-counts.tsv \

# set numerical id
hadoop dfs -text wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/feat/alias-entity/count/* | \
cut --fields 4 | \
LC_ALL=C sort --dictionary-order | \
LC_ALL=C uniq | \
awk '{print $0"\t"NR}' | \
hadoop dfs -put - wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/id-entity.tsv

Aggregate Alias-Entity Dependent Counts

# set FEL_DATE to the FEL datapack generation date, e.g.

# set WIKI_MARKET to the wikipedia dump language, e.g.

# set WIKI_DATE to the wikipedia dump you want to process, e.g.

pig \
-stop_on_failure \
-Dpig.additional.jars=./target/FEL-0.1.0.jar \
-Dmapred.output.compression.enabled=true \
-Dmapred.output.compress=true \
-Dmapred.output.compression.type=BLOCK \ \ \
-param feat=wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/feat/alias-entity/count \
-param output=fel/${FEL_DATE}/feat/graph/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/alias-entity/agg \
-file ./src/main/pig/aggregate-graph-alias-entity-counts.pig
pig \
-stop_on_failure \
-Dmapred.output.compression.enabled=true \
-Dmapred.output.compress=true \
-Dmapred.output.compression.type=BLOCK \ \ \
-param counts=fel/${FEL_DATE}/feat/graph/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/alias-entity/agg \
-param output=fel/${FEL_DATE}/feat/graph/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/alias-entity/final \
-file ./src/main/pig/compute-graph-alias-entity-counts.pig

Generate Feature Vectors

This script would merge Search-Based Counts and Graph-Based Counts (or different counts) - currently the search based counts are set to zero.

# set FEL_DATE to the FEL datapack generation date, e.g.

# set WIKI_MARKET to the wikipedia dump language, e.g.

# set WIKI_DATE to the wikipedia dump you want to process, e.g.

time \
pig \
-stop_on_failure \
-useHCatalog \
-Dpig.additional.jars=./target/FEL-0.1.0.jar \
-Dmapred.output.compression.enabled=true \
-Dmapred.output.compress=true \
-Dmapred.output.compression.type=BLOCK \ \ \
-param entity=wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/id-entity.tsv \
-param graph=fel/${FEL_DATE}/feat/graph/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/alias-entity/final \
-param output=fel/${FEL_DATE}/feat/all/${WIKI_MARKET}/final \
-param err_output=fel/${FEL_DATE}/feat/all/${WIKI_MARKET}/log/final \
-file ./src/main/pig/join-alias-entity-counts.pig \
>& join-alias-entity-counts.log

Copy Datapack to Local Directory


mkdir --parent ${OUTPUT_DIR}

hadoop dfs -copyToLocal \
wiki/${WIKI_MARKET}/${WIKI_DATE}/id-entity.tsv \

hadoop dfs -text \
fel/${FEL_DATE}/feat/all/${WIKI_MARKET}/final/* | \
sed "s/\t{(/\t/" | \
sed "s/),(/\t/g" | \
sed "s/)}$//" \
> ${OUTPUT_DIR}/features.dat

chmod --recursive ugo+rx \