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File metadata and controls

524 lines (360 loc) · 18.3 KB

API Reference

To use Draw

var Draw = new MapboxDraw({ options });

Draw only works after the map has loaded so it is wise to perform any interactions in the load event callback of mapbox-gl:

map.on('load', function() {
    Draw.add({ ... });


option values function
keybindings boolean Keyboard shortcuts for drawing - default: true
touchEnabled boolean If true, enables touch interaction - default: true
boxSelect boolean If true, shift + click to features. If false, click + select zooms to area - default: true
clickBuffer number On click, include features beyond the coordinates of the click by clickBuffer value all directions - default: 2
touchBuffer number On touch, include features beyond the coordinates of the touch by touchBuffer value all directions - default: 25
displayControlsDefault boolean Sets default value for the control keys in the control option - default true
userProperties boolean If true, user properties will be present and prefixed with user_ on the feature objects via styling. - default false
controls Object Lets you hide or show individual controls. See displayControlsDefault for default. Available options are: point, line_string, polygon, trash, combine_features and uncombine_features.
styles Array An array of style objects. By default draw provides a style for you. To override this see Styling Draw further down.


The modes names are available as an enum at Draw.modes.


Draw.modes.SIMPLE_SELECT === 'simple_select'

Lets you select, delete and drag features.

In this mode, features can have their active state changed by the user. To control what is active, react to changes as described in the events section below.

Draw will transition into simple_select mode every time a single feature has completed drawing.


Draw.modes.DIRECT_SELECT === 'direct_select'

Lets you select, delete and drag vertices.

direct_select mode doesn't handle point features.


Draw.modes.DRAW_LINE_STRING === 'draw_line_string'

Lets you draw a LineString feature.


Draw.modes.DRAW_POLYGON === 'draw_polygon'

Lets you draw a Polygon feature.


Draw.modes.DRAW_POINT === 'draw_point'

Lets you draw a Point feature.


Draw.modes.STATIC === 'static'

Disables editing for all drawn features. It does not take an options argument.

Note that this mode can only be entered or exited via .changeMode

API Methods

new MapboxDraw() returns an instance of Draw which has the following API for working with your data:

###.add(Object: GeoJSON) -> [String]

This method takes either a Feature or a FeatureCollection and adds it to Draw. It returns an array of ids for interacting with the added features.

Currently the supported GeoJSON feature types are Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon.

Adding a feature with the same id as another feature performs an update.


var feature = { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] };
var featureId = Draw.add(feature);
//=> 'random-string'

Example with ID:

var feature = { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0], id: 'unique-id' };
var featureId = Draw.add(feature);
//=> unique-id

###.get(String: featureId) -> Object

This method takes an ID returns a GeoJSON feature.


var id = Draw.add({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] });
//=> { type: 'Feature', geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] } }

.getFeatureIdsAt(Object: point) -> [featureId, featuresId]

This method takes an object with x and y and returns a list of features currently rendered by draws at that spot.

This is good for using mouse events to get information out of draw.

x and y must be from from pixel space, not latitude and longitude.

var featureIds = Draw.getFeatureIdsAt(20, 20);
//=> ['top-feature-at-20-20', 'another-feature-at-20-20']

.getSelectedIds() -> [featureId, featuresId]

This method returns the feature ids for all features currently in a selected state. If no features are currently selected than it will return an empty array.

.getSelected() -> Object

This method returns a FeatureCollection of all the selected features. If nothing is selected, it will return an empty FeatureCollection.

###.getSelectedPoints() -> [Object: GeoJSON]

This method returns all vertices currently in a selected state in an array of GeoJSON points.

###.getAll() -> Object

This method returns all features added to Draw in a single GeoJSON FeatureCollection.


Draw.add({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] });
Draw.add({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [1, 1] });
Draw.add({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [2, 2] });
// => {
//  type: 'FeatureCollection',
//  features: [
//    {
//      id: 'random-0'
//      type: 'Feature',
//      geometry: {
//        type: 'Point',
//        coordinates: [0, 0]
//      }
//    },
//    {
//      id: 'random-1'
//      type: 'Feature',
//      geometry: {
//        type: 'Point',
//        coordinates: [1, 1]
//      }
//    },
//    {
//      id: 'random-2'
//      type: 'Feature',
//      geometry: {
//        type: 'Point',
//        coordinates: [2, 2]
//      }
//    }
//  ]

###.delete(String | Array<String> : id) -> Draw

This method takes an id or an array of ids and removes the corresponding features from Draw.

In direct_select mode, deleting the active feature will stop the mode and revert to the simple_select mode.


var feature = { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] };
var id = draw.add(feature)
// => { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: [] }

###.deleteAll() -> Draw

This method removes all geometries in Draw.


Draw.add({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] });
// => { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: [] }

.set(Object: featureCollection) -> [featureId, featureId]

This function takes a featureCollection and performs the required delete, create and update actions internally to make Draw represent this change. Effectively this is the same as Draw.deleteAll() followed by Draw.add(featureCollection) except that it doesn't effect performance as much.


var ids = Draw.set({type: 'FeatureCollection', features: [{
  type: 'Feature',
  properties: {},
  id: 'example-id',
  geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] }
// => ['example-id']

.trash() -> Draw

This invokes the current modes trash action. For the simple_select mode this deletes all active features. For the direct_select mode this deletes the active vertices. For the drawing modes, this cancels the current process.

This is different from delete or deleteAll in that it follows rules described by the current mode.

.combineFeatures() -> Draw

This invokes the current modes combineFeatures action. For the simple_select mode this function will combine all selected features into a multifeature, so long as they are all of the same geometry type. For example:

  • LineString, LineString => MultiLineString
  • MultiLineString, LineString => MultiLineString
  • MultiLineString, MultiLineString => MultiLineString

Calling this function on different geometry types will not cause any changes. For example:

  • Point, LineString => no action taken
  • MultiLineString, MultiPoint => no action taken

When called in the direct_select and drawing modes no action is taken. The current modes are also not exited.

.uncombineFeatures() -> Draw

This invokes the current modes uncombineFeatures action. For the simple_select mode this takes the currently selected features, and for each multi-feature selected, it will split it into its component feature parts. For example:

  • MultiLineString (of two parts) => LineString, LineString
  • MultiLineString (of three parts) => LineString, LineString, LineString
  • MultiLineString (of two parts), Point => LineString, LineString, Point
  • LineString => LineString

When called in the direct_select and drawing modes no action is taken. The current modes are also not exited.

.getMode() -> Draw

Returns Draw's current mode. For more about the modes, see below.

.changeMode(String: mode, ?Object: options) -> Draw

changeMode triggers the mode switching process inside Draw. mode must be one of the below strings. simple_select and direct_select modes accept an options object.

// `simple_select` options
  // Array of ids of features that will be initially selected
  featureIds: Array<string>
// `direct_select` options
  // The id of the feature that is directly selected (required)
  featureId: string

.setFeatureProperty(String: featureId, String: property, Any: value) -> Draw

Sets the value of a property on the indicated feature. This is good if you are using Draw as your primary data store in your application.


Draw fires off a number of events. All of these events are namespaced with draw. and are emitted from the map object.

They are all triggered as the result of user interaction.

If you invoke a function in the Draw API, any event that directly corresponds with that function will not be fired. For example, if you invoke Draw.delete(..), there will be no corresponding draw.delete event, since you already know what you've done. Subsequent events may fire, though, that do not directly correspond to the invoked function. For example, if you have a one feature selected and then invoke Draw.changeMode('draw_polygon'), you will not see a draw.modechange event (because that directly corresponds with the invoked function) but you will see a draw.selectionchange event, since by changing the mode you deselected a feature.


Fired when a feature is created. The following will trigger this event:

  • Finish drawing a feature. Simply clicking will create a Point. A LineString or Polygon is only created when the user has finished drawing it — i.e. double-clicked the last vertex or hit Enter — and the drawn feature is valid.

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  // Array of GeoJSON objects representing the features that were created
  features: Array<Object>


Fired when one or more features are deleted. The following will trigger this event:

  • Click the Trash button when one or more features are selected in simple_select mode.
  • Hit the Backspace or Delete keys when one or features are selected in simple_select mode.
  • Invoke Draw.trash() when you have a feature selected in simple_select mode.

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  // Array of GeoJSON objects representing the features that were deleted
  features: Array<Object>


Fired when features are combined. The following will trigger this event:

  • Click the Combine button when more than one features are selected in simple_select mode.
  • Invoke Draw.combineFeatures() when you have more than one features selected in simple_select mode.

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  deletedFeatures: Array<Object>, // Array of GeoJSON objects representing the features that were deleted
  createdFeatures: Array<Object> // Array of GeoJSON objects representing the multifeature that has been created


Fired when features are uncombined. The following will trigger this event:

  • Click the Uncombine button when one or more multifeatures are selected in simple_select mode. Non multifeatures may also be selected.
  • Invoke Draw.uncombineFeatures() when you have one or more multifeatures selected in simple_select mode. Non multifeatures may also be selected.

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  deletedFeatures: Array<Object>, // Array of GeoJSON objects representing the multifeatures that were deleted
  createdFeatures: Array<Object> // Array of GeoJSON objects representing the single features that have been created


Fired when one or more features are updated. The following will trigger this event, which can be subcategorized by action:

  • action: 'move'
    • Finish moving one or more selected features in simple_select mode. The event will only fire when the movement is finished — i.e. when the user releases the mouse button or hits Enter.
  • action: 'change_coordinates'
    • Finish moving one or more vertices of a selected feature in direct_select mode. The event will only fire when the movement is finished — i.e. when the user releases the mouse button or hits Enter, or her mouse leaves the map container.
    • Delete one or more vertices of a selected feature in direct_select mode, which can be done by hitting the Backspace or Delete keys, clicking the Trash button, or invoking Draw.trash().
    • Add a vertex to the selected feature by clicking a midpoint on that feature in direct_select mode.

This event will not fire when a feature is created or deleted. To track those interactions, listen for draw.create and draw.delete.

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  // Array of GeoJSON objects representing the features that were updated
  features: Array<Object>,
  action: string


Fired when the selection is changed (one or more features are selected or deselected). The following will trigger this event:

  • Click on a feature to select it.
  • When a feature is already selected, shift-click on another feature to add it to the selection.
  • Click on a vertex to select it.
  • When a vertex is already selected, shift-click on another vertex to add it to the selection.
  • Create a box-selection that includes at least one feature.
  • Click outside the selected feature(s) to deselect.
  • Click away from the selected vertex(s) to deselect.
  • Finish drawing a feature (features are selected just after they are created).
  • When a feature is already selected, invoke Draw.changeMode() such that the feature becomes deselected.
  • Use Draw.changeMode('simple_select', { featureIds: [..] }) to switch to simple_select mode and immediately select the specified features.
  • Use Draw.delete, Draw.deleteAll or Draw.trash to delete feature(s).

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  // Array of GeoJSON objects representing the features
  // that are selected, after the change
  features: Array<Object>


Fired when the mode is changed. The following will trigger this event:

  • Click the point, line, or polygon buttons to begin drawing (enter a draw_* mode).
  • Finish drawing a feature (enter simple_select mode).
  • While in simple_select mode, click on an already selected feature (enter direct_select mode).
  • While in direct_select mode, click outside all features (enter simple_select mode).

This event is fired just after the current mode stops and just before the next mode starts. A render will not happen until after all event handlers have been triggered, so you can force a mode redirect by calling Draw.changeMode() inside a draw.modechange handler.

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  // The next mode, i.e. the mode that Draw is changing to
  mode: string

simple_select and direct_select modes can be initiated with options specific to that mode (see above).


Fired just after Draw calls setData() on mapbox-gl-js. This does not imply that the set data call has updated the map, just that the map is being updated.


Fired as the state of Draw changes to enable and disable different actions. Following this event will enable you know if Draw.trash(), Draw.combineFeatures() and Draw.uncombineFeatures() will have an effect.

  actions: {
    trash: true
    combineFeatures: false,
    uncombineFeatures: false

Styling Draw

Draw is styled by the Mapbox GL Style Spec with a preset list of properties.


The GL Style Spec requires each layer to have a source. DO NOT PROVIDE THIS for styling draw.

Draw moves features between sources for performance gains, because of this it is recommended that you DO NOT provide a source for a style despite the fact the GL Style Spec requires a source. Draw will provide the source for you automatically.

If you need to style gl-draw for debugging sources the source names are mapbox-gl-draw-hot and mapbox-gl-draw-cold.


The GL Style Spec also requires an id. YOU MUST PROVIDE THIS.

Draw will add .hot and .cold to the end of your id.

property values function
meta feature, midpoint, vertex midpoint and vertex are used on points added to the map to communicate polygon and line handles. feature is used for all features added by the user.
active true, false A feature is active when it is 'selected' in the current mode. true and false are strings.
mode simple_select, direct_select, draw_point, draw_line_string, draw_polygon, static Indicates which mode Draw is currently in.

Draw also provides a few more properties, but they should not be used for styling. For details on them, see Using Draw with map.queryRenderFeatures.

If opts.userProperties is set to true the properties of a feature will also be available for styling. All user properties are prefixed with user_ to make sure they do not clash with the Draw properties.

Example Custom Styles

See for examples of custom styles.reference.

Using Draw with map.queryRenderFeatures

property values function
id string only available when meta is feature
parent string only avaible when meta is not feature
coord_path string a . seporated path to one [lon, lat] entity in the parents coordinates
lon number the longitude value of a handle. Only available when meta is midpoint.
lat number the latitude value of a handle. Only available when meta is midpoint.