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PyQchem is python interface for Q-Chem. It allows to create Q-Chem inputs, execute Q-Chem from python, parse its outputs and store the results in convenient python dictionaries. This is especially useful to create complex workflows to automate frequent tasks using python programming language.

As a preparation for the incoming talk I prepared a series of exercises to introduce the very basics of PyQchem. These exercises are preceded by a detailed explanation of the PyQchem functionality that you may need to complete them. For further information you can check the PyQchem manual available online at:

Once you complete these exercises, you will be able to:

  • Submit a simple Q-Chem calculation from python and obtain the desired results
  • Use a simple loops to automate the creation of q-Chem inputs.
  • Combine two Q-Chem calculation by using the outputs of the former in the input of the later.


In order to run Q-Chem calculations using PyQchem a installation of Q-Chem is necessary. Q-Chem is currently installed in ATLAS cluster along with PyQchem, hence if you use ATLAS it is not necessary any further installation to complete these exercises. PyQchem will be loaded along Q-Chem when loading qchem_group/qchem_trunk modules as usual :

export MODULEPATH=/scratch/user/SOFTWARE/privatemodules:$MODULEPATH
export QCSCRATCH=/scratch/user/QCHEM_SCRATCH
module load qchem_group

python > output.txt


Since the exercises contained in this document are quite short, you can run them directly in ATLAS (so you don't have to wait for the queue system) just connect to ATLAS and export MODULEPATH (as shown above) and load qchem_group module.

However, it may be useful to have PyQchem installed locally in your computer to prepare scripts, specially when using some advanced python editors like PyCharm, Clion, VCode, etc. PyQchem can be downloaded and installed in a MAC/Linux machine from the official python repository ( by using the command :

pip install pyqchem

In some python installations this command may need sudo permissions. If this is the case, then you can specify user's home installation path by :

pip install pyqchem --user

this way the installation will be done in your home and will not require superuser permissions.

Basic concepts

In order to perform a Q-Chem calculation, two main pieces of information are needed as input:

  1. the molecular structure
  2. the parameters of the calculation (method/basis set/etc..)

To define the molecular structure, PyQchem uses a Structure class that can be imported as:

from pyqchem import Structure

Using this class you can create an instance of this class. An instance can be understood as a variable with type Structure. To create an instance it is necessary to initialize it with the necessary parameters. In the case of Structure class these parameters are coordinates, symbols, charge and multiplicity:

from pyqchem import Structure

hydroxide = Structure(coordinates=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                   [0.0, 0.0, 0.9]],

                      symbols=['O', 'H'],

As can be seen in the example above, both coordinates and symbols are simple python lists separated by comma and limited by [ and ] characters. In the case of symbols list, its elements are character strings which are surrounded by quotes. charge and multiplicity are simple integer numbers and are optional parameters. In case of not being defined, charge will be set to 0 and multiplicity to 1.

This instance has all the methods defined for the Structure class. Methods can be understood as functions associated to a particular class instance. To access to these methods the operator '.' is used followed by the method's name. The following example shows some of the methods defined in Structure class:

# variables
ne = hydroxide.number_of_electrons
alpha = hydroxide.alpha_electrons
beta = hydroxide.beta_electrons

print('Number of electrons:', ne, '(', alpha, beta, ')')

# functions
xyz_file_txt = hydroxide.get_xyz(title='hydroxide anion')


In this example xyz_file_txt is a string that is printed on screen using print() function. You can write this string into a file using python language, for example: :


The definition of the parameters is done by the QchemInput class. Using this class we define an instance of this class as:

from pyqchem import QchemInput

oh_input = QchemInput(molecule,

In a similar way as the Structure class, to initialize a QchemInput instance several parameters are necessary. In this case the first parameter is molecule. molecule is an instance of the Structure class, like the one that we defined before (hydroxide). All the other parameters are optional and have default parameters in case of not being defined. The name of these parameters is designed to be equal or similar to the respective Q-Chem keywords. The list of available parameters is being updated continuously and can be found in:

As in the case of Structure class, several methods are defined for QchemInput. The main one is get_txt(). This method returns a string containing the input in Q-Chem format. This can be used to check the exact input that will be submitted to Q-Chem to do the calculation.

input_txt = oh_input.get_txt()

Other useful methods are get_copy() and update_input(). These methods are useful to modify already created inputs. For example, in case you want to prepare multiple different inputs with few differences you can create a general input, make multiple copies of it and modify them:

input_txt = oh_input.get_txt()

general_input = QchemInput(molecule,

input_basis_1 = general_input.get_copy()
input_basis_2 = general_input.get_copy()

input_basis_1.update_input({'basis': 'sto-3g', 'mem_total' : 2000})
input_basis_2.update_input({'basis': '6-31G', 'mem_total' : 1000})

Finally, to run the calculation get_output_from_qchem function is used. The first argument of this function is a QchemInput instance. There are several optional parameters for this function mainly related to computer stuff (which do not affect the results of the calculation). A good representative is processors, that indicate the number of processor cores to use in the calculation (in openMP compilation) or the number of MPI processes (in MPI compilation).


In ATLAS cluster Q-Chem is compiled using openMP.

from pyqchem import get_output_from_qchem

output = get_output_from_qchem(oh_input,


The output of this function is a string containing the full Q-Chem output. In this example the output is printed in the screen. Combining all these functions together we obtain a simple script that runs a single Q-Chem calculation and prints its output:

from pyqchem import Structure, QchemInput, get_output_from_qchem

hydroxide = Structure(coordinates=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                   [0.0, 0.0, 0.9]],

                      symbols=['O', 'H'],

oh_input = QchemInput(hydroxide,

output = get_output_from_qchem(oh_input,


Practical exercises

a) Use PyQchem to write a script that generates a set of Q-Chem inputs to do a HF calculation of the methane molecule using the following basis sets: STO-3G, 6-31G, DZ, cc-pVDZ and aug-cc-pVDZ. Use python's open() function to store these inputs in different files.

b) Modify the previous script to run the generated inputs using get_output_from_qchem() function to obtain the corresponding Q-Chem outputs. Store these outputs in different files.

c) [ADVANCED] Make use of python language tools such as list comprehension and for/while loops to make this exercise, obtaining a cleaner and more extendable code.

Parsing data

Being able to automatically generate Q-Chem inputs and outputs can be pretty useful. However the key feature of PyQchem is the use of parsers to extract the output information. A parser is just a function that takes a text string, finds the important data and places it in an organized structure. In the case of PyQchem this structure is a python dictionary.

Here an example of such a function:

def parser_example(output):
    data_dict = {}
    enum = output.find('Total energy in the final basis set')
    data_dict['scf_energy'] = float(output[enum: enum+100].split()[8])
    return data_dict


This function does 3 main things:

  • Define a python dictionary using {} syntax.
  • Get the location of the data that we are interested in the output, in this case the SCF energy.
  • Convert the interesting data from text format to number format using float() function and store them in the dictionary.


The use of [ini: fin] in strings to get a substring is called slicing. This is very useful in parser functions since you can divide a long output string in small strings that contain the data. On the other hand split() method divides a text in words and generates a list that can be accessed by indices. :

text = 'this may be a long text with lots of words' subtext = text[0: 11] # Result: 'this may be' words = subtext.split() # Result: ['this', 'may', 'be'] word = words[1] # Result: 'may'


In contrast to other languages like Fortran Python indices start from 0 (not 1!).

Parser functions can be explicitly written in the python script just after getting the Q-Chem output:

def parser_example(output):
    data_dict = {}
    enum = output.find('Total energy in the final basis set')
    data_dict['scf_energy'] = float(output[enum: enum+100].split()[8])
    return data_dict


output = get_output_from_qchem(oh_input)

parsed_data = parser_example(output)
print(parsed_data)  # Result: {'scf_energy': 1.234567}

The above example will print a dictionary with a single item with key 'scf_energy' and the energy as a value. A python dictionary works in a similar way as list/vectors, but instead of accessing the elements with an integer index we use a key string.

energy = parser_data['scf_energy']
print ('The energy is ', energy)

As may be expected, a dictionary can contain multiple items so accessing them via keys is a basic functionality. The values of a dictionary can be almost anything: strings, numbers, lists ... and even other dictionaries. This generates a very common structure of dictionaries inside dictionaries used to organize the data in a tree-like structure.

sub_dict = {}
dict = {}

sub_dict['inside'] = [4, 3, 5]
dict['outside'] = sub_dict

print(dict['outside']['inside'])  # Result: [4, 3, 5]
print(dict['outside']['inside'][2])  # Result: 5


Technically a dictionary key can be other objects aside from strings but to make it simple we will use strings.

The use of parsers in PyQchem is kind of a basic feature, for this reason get_output_from_qchem() function has an optional argument that requires a parser function:

def parser_example(output):
    data_dict = {}
    enum = output.find('Total energy in the final basis set')
    data_dict['scf_energy'] = float(output[enum: enum+100].split()[8])
    return data_dict


parsed_data = get_output_from_qchem(oh_input, parser=parser_example)

print(parsed_data)  # Result: {'scf_energy': 1.234567}

As can be observed in the example above, using parser argument transforms the output of get_output_from_qchem into a dictionary with the parsed output. This makes the script shorter and cleaner. PyQchem package includes parsers written for the most common types of calculations. These can be found in the parsers folder: ( To use them, you just need to use import statement:

from pyqchem.parsers.basic import basic_parser_qchem


parsed_data = get_output_from_qchem(oh_input,

Practical exercises

a) Create a parser function to get the following properties from a HF calculation: Sum of atomic charges & Sum of spin charges. You can use the same system as in the fist example (methane with STO-3G basis set) to test it.

b) Use the basic parser included in PyQchem (basic_parser_qchem) to write a script that calculates and the orbital energies of methane molecule.

c) [ADVANCED] Use a loop (for/while) to calculate the scf energy of the hydrogen molecule at different geometries (bond length) to study the dissociation of hydrogen molecule. Print the results as two columns (bond length and scf energy)


During the execution a calculation_data.pkl file is generated. This stores data of previous calculations (see manual for more information). Modifying the parser may make this data obsolete, if something unexpected happens modifying the parser try removing this file. Also, see force_recalculation=True argument of get_output_from_qchem() function.

Linking calculations

One of the strongest reasons to use a library like PyQchem is the ability to link different calculations together. This means prepare inputs from output data of previous calculations. A typical example is the calculation of the normal modes frequencies of a previously optimized structure. This can be done in PyQchem in the following way:

from pyqchem.parsers.parser_frequencies import basic_frequencies
from pyqchem.parsers.parser_optimization import basic_optimization


opt_input = QchemInput(molecule,

parsed_opt_data = get_output_from_qchem(opt_input, parser=basic_optimization)

opt_molecule = parsed_opt_data['optimized_molecule']

freq_input = QchemInput(opt_molecule,

parsed_data = get_output_from_qchem(freq_input, parser=basic_frequencies)


In this example, the optimized structure is obtained from the parsed output of the optimization calculation. In this parser the value of 'optimize_molecule' entry is already an instance of the Structure class so it can be used directly in the frequencies calculation input.

This script is pretty convenient but it can be done even better. In order to take maximum profit of a previous calculation, the already optimized electronic structure (molecular orbitals) can be used as a initial guess in the frequencies calculation. To do this, it is necessary to get the orbitals coefficients, which are not present in the usual output. PyQchem obtains the electronic structure data from the FChk file. The request of the FChk generation is done directly in the get_output_from_qchem function by using the argument return_electronic_structure=True. This modifies the output of this function returning two pieces of data (a list of two elements): the parsed output & the parsed FChK data:

from pyqchem.parsers.parser_frequencies import basic_frequencies
from pyqchem.parsers.parser_optimization import basic_optimization


parsed_opt_data, electronic_structure = get_output_from_qchem(opt_input,


if you print electronic_structure you will notice that it is a dictionary containing the entries of a usual FChk file. Due to the standard format of this file all data is parsed so it is not necessary to indicate a parser. The format of this dictionary is designed for inter-operation with the different functions of PyQchem. A simple example is the use of the molecular orbitals coefficients as an initial guess:

mo_coefficients = electronic_structure['coefficients']

freq_input = QchemInput(opt_molecule,

In this case, electronic_structure['coefficients'] contains a NxN square matrix with the coefficients of the molecular orbitals where each row corresponds to a molecular orbital.

Practical exercises

a) Use PyQchem to optimize the water molecule (H2O) using HF and minimum basis set (STO-3G). From the optimized structure perform 3 additional optimizations using larger 3 different basis sets: SV, DZ & TZ. Get the scf_energies from each optimization and store the optimized structures in XYZ files.

b) (ADVANCED) Perform a frequencies calculation of the methane molecule (CH4) using PyQchem (with HF/STO-3G) and create a movie in a XYZ file that shows the vibration of each normal mode. Print the results of the basic_frequencies parser and investigate its contents to find the necessary information (displacements). (


To create a movie in XYZ just put all the geometries (one under the other) in the same file. This will be interpreted in most molecular visualization software (Ex. VMD) as frames and you will be able to reproduce them as a movie.

HINT: In python you can combine two strings by the + operator. Ex: :

video_xyz = frame1_xyz + frame2_xyz + frame3_xyz

The cache system

PyQchem provides a cache system to avoid redundant calculations. This system works seamless in the background storing the data of previous calculations in a cache file (by default: calculation_data.db). This is an SQL database file that can be opened/edited using SQL-compatible utilities. To manually access to with this file PyQchem provides a simple ORM class. Here an example about how to use:

  1. Load the cache file
from pyqchem.cache import SqlCache

cache = SqlCache(filename='calculation_data.db')
  1. List the data


ID                      KEYWORD                    DATE

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1837001741792534522 basic_optimization 2022-09-22 17:04:17.809714 1922769254804187209 fchk 2022-09-22 17:14:42.626054 1922769254804187209 basic_parser_qchem 2022-09-22 17:14:42.628925 861204412201835456 fchk 2022-09-22 17:15:12.654232 861204412201835456 basic_parser_qchem 2022-09-22 17:15:12.657227 924488890157922159 basic_parser_qchem 2022-09-22 17:16:31.919593

where ID is a unique identifier that corresponds to a particular input, keyword is a word to identify a particular output associated to the input (usually corresponds to different parsers) and date contains the information relative to the time at which the calculation was performed.

  1. Access to the data using ID and keyword
data = cache.retrieve_calculation_data_from_id('1837001741792534522', keyword='basic_optimization')

data in general contains a Python dictonary with the parsed data.


It is important to note that PyQchem only stores data associated to a particular parser and fchk. The name of the parser is obtained from the parser function name. Using two or more parsers with the same exact name may lead to issues.

If a parser is not provided in get_output_from_qchem the full output will not be stored by default. For development purpuses it is possible to store the full output defining store_full_output=True.

full_ouput = get_output_from_qchem(opt_input, store_full_output=True)

Using this option the full output of the calculation will be stored in the database. If the calculation is repetaed using a parser, then the output data will be parsed everytime from the stored full output even if the same data has already been parsed. This can be usefull for developing parsers.


Keep in mind that using store_full_output=True may rapidly increase the size of the database file.

It is possible to change the name of the database file to be used for a particular calculation. This may be usefull to run multiple simultaneours calculations in the same directory.

from pyqchem.qchem_core import redefine_calculation_data_filename

Database corruption

Ocassionaly, running multiple simulateneous calculations using the same database file, may lead to corruption of the database file. This may also happend if the calculation cashes during the I/O access to the file. If this happends PyQchem provides a method to fix this file recovering (at least partially) the non corrupted data of the data of the file:

  1. Check the integrity of the datafile
  1. Recover the data in the correupted file and store them in a new database file