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Dynamic Config

Prototype repository for the GSoC's project New c++ Parameter API.

Dynamic Config provides methods to change and query a node configuration. A configuration is a set of parameters that define the behaviour of the node. Nodes can change and query other node's configuration as well as be notified when a change is made to the configuration.


This project is part of GSoC 2013 program. The goal of the project is to explore options to integrate dynamic_reconfigure and the current parameter system into a new brand unified API. The scope is limited to the C++ API, but having in mind that it should be easy to implement in other client libraries.


This demo was made to demonstrate certain design decisions. It is not expected to be a drop in replacement for the existing tools rosparam and dynamic_reconfire. This prototype shows a different set of choices of the current tools for some of the key trade-offs.

To show to the community the general idea of my design, the prototype implements just the basic features which I consider the most important:

  • Publish a configuration.
  • Request the configuration of a node.
  • Reconfigure the local configuration or a node's configuration.
  • Accept or reject the new configuration.
  • Notify other nodes when configuration changes.
  • Introspection of parameters in a configuration.

Strong points

My prototype has a few strong features which I think improve the current tools.

Services and topics used to publish a configuration and reconfigure the node are instantiated in the node.

Weak points

The lack of time forced me to leave out some interesting and important features. In spite of they are important, in my opinion, they are not essential to show the functionalities of this prototype.

Metadata of parameters such as description, range/domain or parameter order was discussed and implemented in early prototypes. It hasn't been included in this one because I did not considered it a basic feature. It would be a must in case this prototype evolve to become a drop in replacement for the current tools.

External tools like a general GUI or a command line tool to reconfigure parameters has not also been implemented. Again, it would be a must if the prototype evolve to become a drop in replacement. It is important to point out that the current prototype has been designed with this tools in mind. It is not necessary a big effort to develop this tools.

The prototype miss a few important features like complex parameters and hierarchies/groups of parameters. Complex parameters has not been considered. Different hierarchies and ways to group parameters have been discussed in early protypes. Finally, this prototype implements the easiest way of grouping parameters. Just an only configuration is allowed by a node.

Unfortunately, although an example of 'rosservice call' has been requested, it cannot be provided. An addicional layer over ros services and messages has been implemented to support different data types in a simple way. This decision increases the necessity of external tools early referenced to provide an easy and convenient way to reconfigure parameters.

All commented features has not been implemented or an easier solution has been implemented to simplify the prototype and make it more understandable. With or without them the prototype remains the same (conceptually). I think it is enough to clearly express my idea of how new parameter's API should be and how it would work. A lot of work is neccesary to make this prototype a serious candidate to replace the current tools.

Design decisions

This section explains the most important decisions I have made and why.

Global/Local parameters

One of the most important decisions was to use global or local parameters. Finally, local parameters have been chosen for many reasons.

A robot control system usually comprises many nodes. These nodes operate at a fine-grained scale and they work together to make more complex tasks. Nodes should be independent and they should do one thing (and do it well). With the design of this component I have tried to improve this features.

When possible local parameters should be used rather than globals because they enhance encapsulation and independence of nodes. But sometimes global parameters are useful. The current Parameter Server is used to initialize values in the configuration.

Local parameters live along with a node. If the node dies, for whatever reason, the configuration dies as well. Parameters has a name and a value. If the node crashes theres no way to recover the last configuration. A few methods are provided to let the user write the configuration to a file and read it when necessary.

Public/Private parameters

All parameters in a configuration are public. Having private parameters in a configuration is only useful for debug purposes. To keep the API simpler private parameters have been omitted.

Parameters in a configuration can be changed at any time if the node allows them.

Static/Dynamic parameters

All parameters in a configuration are dynamic. The API doesn't support static parameters. The behaviour of a static parameter can be simulated forbidding manually the change in the server callback code.

Parameter grouping

Parameters are grouped into configurations. Nodes can have just one configuration. This decision was made to strengthen the single responsibility principle. Nodes should do one thing. If a node needs two or more configurations, maybe that is a sign that the node is doing too much.

On change notifications

Nodes can request a change at any moment. The user provides a callback which is called every time a change is requested. Only the server node decides if a change is valid or not, again to encourage encapsulation.

The requester gets a true if the new configuration is accepted or a false if not, or the communication with the reconfigurable server fails.

On update notifications

Nodes can listen to changes on a configuration. The update notifications rely over ROS topics, so there's no guarantee that the change is received by all listeners. Topics are widely used in ROS systems despite of the non-guarantee delivery mechanism. Using services to implement a one-to-many delivery mechanism is quite inefficient and difficult to manage.

External configuration

External configuration is needed to document a little bit the parameters. Using the wiki or the file from github are possible solutions.


The first task was to look at the node parameterization problem's desing space, to engage the community for use cases and to review existing work on the subject:!topic/ros-sig-ng-ros/YzCmoIsN0o8

In parallel existing material was reviewed, such as @tkruse's work

To get into the development workflow and learn about the existing tools I started working on some ideas for the API given by the mentor. The result of this work is a collection of design trade-offs which were described in the wiki page

Based on this list, design decisions were taken in order to create a prototype and to deliver it to the community. I took the decisions which in my opinion were correct because consensus in open source communities can take a long time.

The workflow has been always directed and supervised by the mentor and the ROS OSRF staff with frequent communication via email and hangouts.

Add dynamic_config to your package

Download dynamic_config into your catkin workspace:

$ git clone

Add a build dependency to your package.xml


Add dynamic_config dependencies to your cmake file:

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS your_components dynamic_config)

In your source file you must include:

#include "dynamic_config/dynamic_config.h"

Running a demo

Demo running three nodes. This is an example of simple usage of the dynamic_config API.

Start the demo to see the example working. The demo.launch file launches three nodes.

$ roslaunch dynamic_config demo.launch

Reconfigurable node (server)

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include "dynamic_config/dynamic_config.h"

// Returns true if the number is even, false otherwise
bool accept_even_numbers(const config::Configuration& conf) {
  return conf.get<int>("p2")%2 == 0;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  ros::init(argc, argv, "reconfigurable_node");

  // Create the configuration.
  config::Configuration conf = config::make_builder()
    .addParameter<std::string>("p1", "Hello")
    .addParameter("p2", 100)

  // Start configuration server
  ros::NodeHandle n("~");
  config::ConfigurationServer configSrv(n, conf, accept_even_numbers);

  return 0;

A few ROS services and a topic are created to provide the reconfiguration functionalities.

$ rosservice list /reconfigurable_node | grep -v logger

$ rostopic list /reconfigurable_node

You shouldn't call this services manually!! Unstead use the dynamic_config API.

Configuation client

The client reconfigures the reconfigurable_node every two seconds.

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include "dynamic_config/dynamic_config.h"

int counter = 0;

void timerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent&, config::ConfigurationClient& client) {
  // Request the configuration
  config::Configuration conf = client.configuration();

  // Set new value for param p2
  conf.put("p2", ++counter);

  // Reconfigure the server with the new configuration
  if (client.reconfigure(conf))
    ROS_INFO("Reconfiguration succeed!");
    ROS_INFO("Reconfiguration failed");

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  ros::init(argc, argv, "client_node");

  // Start the configuration client for the reconfigurable node
  ros::NodeHandle n("reconfigurable_node");
  config::ConfigurationClient client(n);

  ros::Timer timer = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(2.), boost::bind(timerCallback, _1, client));

  return 0;

Configuration listener

This nodes is notified every time the configuration changes and prints the new configuration.

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include "dynamic_config/dynamic_config.h"

// Print parameter value independently of the type
struct PrintParameter { 
  template <typename T>
  void operator()(std::pair<std::string,T> pair) const {
    ROS_INFO_STREAM("  * " << pair.first << " = " << pair.second);

// Configuration listener callback
void configuration_listener(const config::Configuration& conf) {
  ROS_INFO("New configuration arrived");

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  ros::init(argc, argv, "listener_node");

  // Start listener on reconfigurable_node
  ros::NodeHandle n("reconfigurable_node");
  config::ConfigurationListener listener(n, configuration_listener);


  return 0;

API usage

This is a more detailed description of how to use the API.

ConfigurationBuilder class

// make_builder creates a builder in the namespace specified.
// If no namespace is specified, it uses the private namespace
// "~". 
config::ConfigurationBuilder builder = config::make_builder();

// Add parameter p1 with value 100
builder.addParameter("p1", 100)

// Add parameter with the value in parameter ~p2 of the Parameter Server,
// if the parameter doesn't exist the default value is used.
builder.addParameter("p2", "p2", std::string("default_value"));

// Build the configuration
Configuration conf =;

Configuration class

// Create an empty configuration
Configuration conf;

// Put a few parameters in conf
conf.put("p1", 100);
conf.put<std::string>("p2", "Hello World!");

// Get the value of the parameters. If the parameter doesn't exist
// or the type is wrong an error message is shown and an undefined
// value is returned.
int p1 = conf.get<int>("p1");
std::string p2 = conf.get<std::string>("p2");

// Check the existance of a parameter
bool exist = conf.has("p1");
bool no_exist = conf.has("no");

// Check type of a parameter
bool right_type = conf.isType<int>("p1");
bool wrong_type = conf.isType<double>("p1");

// Check size
int size = conf.size();

// Parameters names
std::vector<std::string> names(size);

// Apply a function to a parameter. The struct passed must match
// all available types for a parameter. The operator() methods must
// be const
struct PrintParameter { 
  template <typename T>
  void operator()(std::pair<std::string,T> pair) const {
    ROS_INFO_STREAM("  * " << pair.first << " = " << pair.second);

struct ToString {
  template <typename T>
  std::string operator()(std::pair<std::string,T> pair) const {
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << pair.second;
    return ss.str();

conf.apply("p1", PrintParameter());
int p1 = conf.apply<int>("p1", ToString());

// Apply a function to all the parameters
std::vector<std::string> strings(size);
conf.apply(ToStrings(), strings.begin());

Save configuration in file

// Create a configuration. Parameters initialized in the file
// override the current values. This is useful to recover from 
// crashes.
std::ifstream ifs("/tmp/myconf.cfg");
config::Configuration conf = config::make_builder()
    .addParameter("p1", std::string("Hello World!!"))
    .addParameter("p2", 100)
    .addParameter("p3", true)
    .addParameter("p4", 10.5f)
    .addParameter("p5", 10.6)
    .addParameter("p6", long(1000))

// Write configuration into a file
std::ofstream ofs("/tmp/myconf.cfg");
std::ostream_iterator<std::string> it(ofs, "\n");
conf.applyAll<std::string>(config::persistance::ToString(), it);

ConfiguratonServer class

// Configuration server callback
bool check_conf(const config::Configuration& conf) {
  // Check something in the new configuration
  return true; // to accept or false to reject

// Start a configuration server in the private namespace.
ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
config::ConfigurationServer server(nh, conf, check_conf);

// Accept all configurations
config::ConfigurationServer server(nh, conf);

// Reject all configurations
config::ConfigurationServer server(nh, conf, config::deny_all);

// Get current configuration
Configuration current = server.configuration();

// Set a new configuration. The new configuration must match names and
// types of the parameters.
bool success = server.reconfigure(newConf);

ConfigurationClient class

// Start a configuration client for node "/server"
ros::NodeHandle nh("server");
config::ConfigurationClient client(nh);

// Get current configuration
Configuration current  = client.configuration();

// Reconfigure the server
bool success = client.reconfigure(newConf);

ConfigurationListener class

// Configuration listener callback
void configuration_listener(const config::Configuration& conf) {
  ROS_INFO("New configuration arrived");

// Start a configuration listener
ros::NodeHandle nh("server");
config::ConfigurationListener listener(nh, configuration_listener);