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Test::DBIC::SQLite - Connect to and deploy a DBIx::Class::Schema on SQLite


The preferred way:

#! perl -w
use Test::More;
use Test::DBIC::SQLite;

my $t = Test::DBIC::SQLite->new(
    schema_class    => 'My::Schema',
    pre_deploy_hook => \&define_functions,
my $schema = $t->connect_dbic_ok();

my $thing = $schema->resultset('MyTable')->search(
    { name    => 'Anything' },
    { columns => [ { ul_name   => \'uc_last(name)' } ] }
   "SELECT uc_last(name) AS ul_name FROM ...; works!"

# select uc_last('Stupid'); -- stupiD
# these functions will only exist within this database connection
sub define_functions {
    my ($schema) = @_;
    my $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh;
        sub { my ($str) = @_; $str =~ s{(.*)(.)$}{\L$1\U$2}; return $str },

The compatible with v0.01 way:

#! perl -w
use Test::More;
use Test::DBIC::SQLite;
my $schema = connect_dbic_sqlite_ok('My::Schema');


This is a re-implementation of Test::DBIC::SQLite v0.01 that uses the Moo::Role: Test::DBIC::DBDConnector.

It will import() warnings and strict for you.


    my $t = Test::DBIC::SQLite->new(%parameters);
    my $schema = $t->connect_dbic_ok();


Named, list:

  • schema_class => $schema_class (Required)
    The class name of the DBIx::Class::Schema to use for the database connection.

  • dbi_connect_info => $sqlite_dbname (Optional, :memory:)
    The default is :memory: which will create a temporary in-memory database. One can also pass a file name for a database on disk. See MyDBD_connection_parameters.

  • pre_deploy_hook => $pre_deploy_hook (Optional)
    This is an optional CodeRef that will be executed right after the connection is established but before $schema->deploy is called. The CodeRef will only be called if deploy is also needed. See MyDBD_check_wants_deploy.

  • post_connect_hook => $post_connect_hook (Optional)
    This is an optional CodeRef that will be executed right after deploy (if any) and just before returning the schema instance. Useful for populating the database.


An initialised instance of Test::DBIC::SQLite.


This method is inherited from Test::DBIC::DBDConnector.


An initialised instance of $schema_class.


This method implements rm $dbname, in order not to litter your test directory with left over test databases.

NOTE: Make sure you called $schema->storage->disconnect() first.

NOTE: If the test-object goes out of scope without calling $td->drop_dbic_ok(), the destructor will try to remove the file. Use $Test::DBIC::SQLite::LeaveCreatedDatabases = 1 to keep the file for debugging.


Create a SQLite3 database and deploy a dbic_schema. This function is provided for compatibility with v0.01 of this module.

See Test::DBIC::SQLite->new for further information, although only these 3 arguments are supported.



  1. $schema_class (Required)
    The class name of the DBIx::Class::Schema to use for the database connection.

  2. $sqlite_dbname (Optional, :memory:)
    The default is :memory: which will create a temporary in-memory database. One can also pass a file name for a database on disk. See MyDBD_connection_parameters.

  3. $post_connect_hook (Optional)
    This is an optional CodeRef that will be executed right after deploy (if any) and just before returning the schema instance. Useful for populating the database.


An initialised instance of $schema_class.


This function uses the cached information of the call to connect_dbic_sqlite_ok() and clears it after the database is dropped, using another temporary connection to the template database.

See the drop_dbic_ok() method.

Implementation of MyDBD_connection_parameters

The value of the dbi_connect_info parameter to the `new()` constructor, is passed to this method. For this SQLite3 implementation this is a single string that should contain the name of the database on disk, that can be accessed with sqlite3 (1). By default we use the "special" value of :memory: to create a temporary in-memory database.

This method returns a list of parameters to be passed to DBIx::Class::Schema->connect(). Keep in mind that the last argument (options-hash) will always be augmented with key-value pair: ignore_version => 1.


At this moment we do not support the uri=file:$db_file_name?mode=rwc style of dsn, only the dbname=$db_file_name style, as we only support $sqlite_dbname as a single parameter.

Implementation of MyDBD_check_wants_deploy

For in-memory databases this will always return true. For databases on disk this will return true if the file does not exist and false if it does.


Moo::Role for writing Test::DBIC::yourDBD implementations


    package Test::DBIC::SQLite;
    use Moo;
    with 'Test::DBIC::DBDConnector';

    sub MyDBD_connection_parameters {
        my $class = shift;
        my ($db_name) = @_;

        $db_name //= ':memory:';
        return [ "dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db_name" ];

    sub MyDBD_check_wants_deploy {
        my $class = shift;
        my ($connection_params) = @_;

        my ($db_name) = $connection_params->[0] =~ m{dbname=(.+)(?:;|$)};
        my $wants_deploy = $db_name eq ':memory:'
            ? 1
            : ((not -f $db_name) ? 1 : 0);

        return $wants_deploy;
    use namespace::autoclean 0.16;

This could be used as:

    #! perl -w
    use Test::More;
    use Test::DBIC::SQLite;

    my $t = Test::DBIC::SQLite->new(schema_class => 'My::Schema');
    my $schema = $t->connect_dbic_ok();



This Moo::Role is for Tester-modules that implement the connection-test function for the combination of any DBIx::Class::Schema and a specific database-engine (DBD::yourDBD).


The connection test does these steps:

  • create connection_parameters (MyDBD_connection_parameters)
  • create a database connection (DBIx::Class::AnySchema->connect())
  • check the need for a fresh deployment of the schema (wants_deploy)
  • if wants_deploy, run the provided pre-deploy-hook (if any)
  • if wants_deploy, run $schema->deploy
  • run the post-connect-hook (if any)

Your implementation will only be able to "shape" the dbi_connect_info parameter ($dbi_connect_info).



  • schema_class => $dbic_schema_class (Required)
    This is the name of the DBIx::Class::Schema subclass of the ORM that the user who is writing the tests must provide.

  • dbic_connect_info => $your_dbd_connect_info (Optional)
    This parameter will contain the information that your MyDBD_connection_parameters() method implementation needs to return an ArrayRef of parameters for DBIx::Class::Schema->connect().
    This is the only parameter your Test::DBIC::yourDBD must take care of in order to provide a successful connection/deploy for the user's test databases. This is done by implementing the two required methods MyDBD_connection_parameters and MyDBD_check_wants_deploy.

  • pre_deploy_hook => $pre_deploy_hook (Optional)
    A CodeRef to execute before $schema->deploy is called if wants_deploy.
    This CodeRef might be provided by the user who is writing the tests and is called with an instantiated $your_schema_class object as argument.

  • post_connect_hook => $post_connect_hook (Optional)
    A CodeRef to execute after $schema->deploy (if at all) is called.
    This CodeRef might be provided by the user who is writing the tests and is called with an instantiated $your_schema_class object as argument.

The connect_dbic_ok method

This is the base connection test for all Test::DBIC::<yourDBD> implementations and probably shouldn't be overridden.

The method can serve as a instance method as well as a class method.


In both cases it returns an instantiated DBIx::Class::Schema object one wants to test.






As a class method it takes the same parameters as the new method.

Required: MyDBD_connection_parameters($your_dbd_connect_info)

Your class will have to implement this method in a way that is appropriate for yourDBD.

For DBD::SQLite one could use a single argument for the filename and choose :memory: when not defined.

Other database drivers may need a lot more more information and you could use an ArrayRef or HashRef to make sure the correct information can be returned for the connection.



  1. $your_dbd_connect_info (unknown type)
    What the exact content of this parameter is, will depend on the database driver and the interface one creates for the tester module.


This method should return an ArrayRef with the 4 elements supported by DBI->connect() and DBIx::Class::Schema->connect().

  1. dsn like dbi:yourDBD:dbname=blah;...

  2. username

  3. password

  4. options A HashRef with extra option.


This Moo::Role augments this method (via around) in order to always make sure that the options HashRef gets the key-pair ignore_version => 1, one can examine this option from within the DBIx::Class::Schema->connect() method to ignore a check for software and database versions.

Required: MyDBD_check_wants_deploy($your_dbd_connection_parameters)

Your class will have to implement this method in a way that is appropriate for yourDBD.

This method gets the result of MyDBD_connection_parameters passed. You will have to define a way to determine on what criteria you're going to have the code invoke the $schema->deploy method.



  1. $your_dbd_connection_parameters (ArrayRef)
    This is the ArrayRef that was returned by your implementation of MyDBD_connection_parameters.


The response of this method is interpreted as a perl boolean.


© MMXXI - Abe Timmerman


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.








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