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Data for Board Meeting

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312 lines (256 loc) · 13.6 KB

Data for Board Meeting Presentation

Introduction :

Maven Fuzzy Factory is a fictitious and forward-thinking online retailer that has embarked on its e-commerce Journey. It is driven by a desire to bring novel and exciting products to the market, leveraging the power of e-commerce to reach a wide audience.

Refer to the situation below.

Introduction Situation

Database Schema:

We will be using the following tables for analysis.


Table Creation:

The table is a very long one and hence unable to upload here.

Scenarios and their respective codes:

1. Gsearch seems to be the biggest driver of our business. Could you pull monthly trends for gsearch sessions and orders so that we can showcase the growth there?

Insight & Output:
The order and session volume are increasing month on month. The sessions and order volume has increased substantially from the first month with around 60 orders and has increased close to 370 orders by the time of the request. That is a pretty good start for any company!
Click here for the output.
YEAR(ws.created_at) AS Year,
MONTH(ws.created_at) AS Month,
COUNT(DISTINCT ws.website_session_id) AS sessions,
COUNT(DISTINCT o.order_id) AS orders
website_sessions AS ws
orders AS o
ON ws.website_session_id = o.website_session_id
WHERE ws.created_at < '2012-11-27'
AND ws.utm_source = 'gsearch'
GROUP BY Year, Month;

2. Next, it would be great to see a similar monthly trend for Gsearch, but this time splitting out nonbrand and brand campaigns separately. I am wondering if brand is picking up at all. If so, this is a good story to tell.

Insight & Output:
The brand is picking up pretty well and it is a positive sign. Hence yes, it is a good story for the investors!
Click here for the output.
YEAR(ws.created_at) AS yr,
MONTH(ws.created_at) AS mon,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN utm_campaign = 'brand' THEN ws.website_session_id ELSE NULL END) AS brand_sessions,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN utm_campaign = 'brand' THEN o.order_id ELSE NULL END) AS brand_orders,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN utm_campaign = 'nonbrand' THEN ws.website_session_id ELSE NULL END) AS nonbrand_sessions,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN utm_campaign = 'nonbrand' THEN o.order_id ELSE NULL END) AS nonbrand_orders
website_sessions AS ws
orders AS o
ON ws.website_session_id = o.website_session_id
WHERE ws.created_at < '2012-11-27'
AND ws.utm_source = 'gsearch'
GROUP BY yr, mon;

3. While we’re on Gsearch, could you dive into nonbrand, and pull monthly sessions and orders split by device type? I want to flex our analytical muscles a little and show the board we really know our traffic sources.

Insight & Output:
The desktop orders have increased by a large difference compared to mobile since the start. This split up based on device type gives insights on a granular level and proves the analytical skills!
Click here for the output.
	YEAR(ws.created_at) AS yr, 
    MONTH(ws.created_at) AS mon, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN device_type = 'desktop' THEN ws.website_session_id ELSE NULL END) AS desktop_sessions, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN device_type = 'desktop' THEN o.order_id ELSE NULL END) AS desktop_orders,
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN device_type = 'mobile' THEN ws.website_session_id ELSE NULL END) AS mobile_sessions, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN device_type = 'mobile' THEN o.order_id ELSE NULL END) AS mobile_orders
FROM website_sessions AS ws
	LEFT JOIN orders AS o
		ON ws.website_session_id = o.website_session_id
WHERE ws.created_at < '2012-11-27'
	AND ws.utm_source = 'gsearch'
    AND ws.utm_campaign = 'nonbrand'
GROUP BY yr,mon;

4. I’m worried that one of our more pessimistic board members may be concerned about the large % of traffic from Gsearch. Can you pull monthly trends for Gsearch, alongside monthly trends for each of our other channels?

Insight & Output:
Overall all the channels are building up, with gsearch showing huge growth. However, with gsearch and bsearch being paid ones, we should also note that organic and direct-type in channels which does not have any additional marketing costs are showing increasing growth, which is a positive sign.
Click here for the output.
	YEAR(ws.created_at) AS yr, 
    MONTH(ws.created_at) AS mon, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN utm_source = 'gsearch' THEN ws.website_session_id ELSE NULL END) AS gsearch_sessions,
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN utm_source = 'bsearch' THEN ws.website_session_id ELSE NULL END) AS bsearch_sessions,
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN utm_source IS NULL AND http_referer IS NOT NULL THEN ws.website_session_id ELSE NULL END) AS organic_sessions,
    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN utm_source IS NULL AND http_referer IS NULL THEN ws.website_session_id ELSE NULL END) AS direct_type_in_sessions
FROM website_sessions AS ws
	LEFT JOIN orders AS o
		ON ws.website_session_id = o.website_session_id
WHERE ws.created_at < '2012-11-27'
GROUP BY yr,mon;

5. I’d like to tell the story of our website performance improvements over the course of the first 8 months. Could you pull session to order conversion rates, by month?

Insight & Output:
The conversion rate has increased since the start of the business. It was roughly around 3.2% / 2.6% for initial 3 months. However as months passed by we were able to see steady growth!
Click here for the output.
	YEAR(ws.created_at) AS yr, 
    MONTH(ws.created_at) AS mon, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT ws.website_session_id) AS sessions, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT o.order_id) AS orders, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT o.order_id)/COUNT(DISTINCT ws.website_session_id) AS conversion_rate    
FROM website_sessions AS ws
	LEFT JOIN orders AS o
		ON ws.website_session_id = o.website_session_id
WHERE ws.created_at < '2012-11-27'
GROUP BY yr,mon

6. For the gsearch lander test, please estimate the revenue that test earned us (Hint: Look at the increase in CVR from the test (Jun 19 – Jul 28), and use nonbrand sessions and revenue since then to calculate incremental value).

Insight & Output:
Compared to home page, the /lander page had a 0.0087 conversion rate additional per session. After the last session being re-routed from /home page, there were roughly 50 extra orders per month. This is a good increase in orders comparatively!
Click here for the output.
	MIN(website_pageview_id) AS first_test_pageview
FROM website_pageviews
WHERE pageview_url = '/lander-1';
-- The result is 23504

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE first_test_pageviews
    MIN(wp.website_pageview_id) AS min_pageview_id
FROM website_pageviews AS wp
	INNER JOIN website_sessions AS ws
		ON ws.website_session_id = wp.website_session_id
		AND ws.created_at < '2012-07-28'
		AND wp.website_pageview_id >= 23504
        AND utm_source = 'gsearch'
        AND utm_campaign = 'nonbrand'

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nonbrand_test_sessions_landing_pages
    wp.pageview_url AS landing_page
FROM first_test_pageviews AS ftp
	LEFT JOIN website_pageviews AS wp
		ON wp.website_pageview_id = ftp.min_pageview_id
WHERE wp.pageview_url IN ('/home','/lander-1'); 

-- connecting orders

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE nonbrand_test_sessions_with_orders
    orders.order_id AS order_id

FROM nonbrand_test_sessions_landing_pages
LEFT JOIN orders 
	ON orders.website_session_id = nonbrand_test_sessions_landing_pages.website_session_id;

-- Finding CVR
    COUNT(DISTINCT website_session_id) AS sessions, 
    COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS orders,
    COUNT(DISTINCT order_id)/COUNT(DISTINCT website_session_id) AS conv_rate
FROM nonbrand_test_sessions_with_orders
GROUP BY landing_page; 

-- .0319 for /home
-- .0406 for /lander-1  - comparatively which is an additional .0087 per session

-- finding the most recent pageview for gsearch nonbrand where the traffic was sent to /home . This is the last session where it is was routed to home and then on, it is routed somewhere else.
	MAX(ws.website_session_id) AS most_recent_gsearch_nonbrand_home_pageview 
FROM website_sessions AS ws
	LEFT JOIN website_pageviews AS wp
		ON wp.website_session_id = ws.website_session_id
WHERE utm_source = 'gsearch'
	AND utm_campaign = 'nonbrand'
    AND pageview_url = '/home'
    AND ws.created_at < '2012-11-27'

-- Max session - 17145

	COUNT(website_session_id) AS sessions_since_test
FROM website_sessions
WHERE created_at < '2012-11-27' -- the date of the request
	AND website_session_id > 17145 -- this restricts post the home reroute.
	AND utm_source = 'gsearch'
	AND utm_campaign = 'nonbrand'
-- 22,972 website sessions since the test

-- X .0087 incremental conversion = 199 incremental orders since 7/29
	-- roughly 4 months, so roughly 50 extra orders per month.

7. For the landing page test you analyzed previously, it would be great to show a full conversion funnel from each of the two pages to orders. You can use the same time period you analyzed last time (Jun 19 – Jul 28).

Insight & Output:
The full conversion funnel along with the click through rates can be seen in the output. As already said the custom lander page is performing well compared to the home page.
Click here for the output.
WITH session_page_flags AS (
        MAX(CASE WHEN wp.pageview_url = '/home' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS saw_homepage,
        MAX(CASE WHEN wp.pageview_url = '/lander-1' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS saw_custom_lander,
        MAX(CASE WHEN wp.pageview_url = '/products' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS product_made_it,
        MAX(CASE WHEN wp.pageview_url = '/the-original-mr-fuzzy' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS mrfuzzy_made_it,
        MAX(CASE WHEN wp.pageview_url = '/cart' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS cart_made_it,
        MAX(CASE WHEN wp.pageview_url = '/shipping' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS shipping_made_it,
        MAX(CASE WHEN wp.pageview_url = '/billing' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS billing_made_it,
        MAX(CASE WHEN wp.pageview_url = '/thank-you-for-your-order' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS thankyou_made_it
    FROM website_sessions ws
    LEFT JOIN website_pageviews wp ON ws.website_session_id = wp.website_session_id
    WHERE ws.utm_source = 'gsearch' 
        AND ws.utm_campaign = 'nonbrand' 
        AND ws.created_at < '2012-07-28'
        AND ws.created_at > '2012-06-19'
    GROUP BY ws.website_session_id

        WHEN saw_homepage = 1 THEN 'saw_homepage'
        WHEN saw_custom_lander = 1 THEN 'saw_custom_lander'
        ELSE 'uh oh... check logic' 
    END AS segment,
    COUNT(*) AS sessions,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN product_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END) AS to_products,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN mrfuzzy_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END) AS to_mrfuzzy,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN cart_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END) AS to_cart,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN shipping_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END) AS to_shipping,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN billing_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END) AS to_billing,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN thankyou_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END) AS to_thankyou,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN product_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END) / COUNT(DISTINCT website_session_id) AS lander_click_rt,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN mrfuzzy_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END) / NULLIF(COUNT(CASE WHEN product_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END), 0) AS products_click_rt,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN cart_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END) / NULLIF(COUNT(CASE WHEN mrfuzzy_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END), 0) AS mrfuzzy_click_rt,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN shipping_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END) / NULLIF(COUNT(CASE WHEN cart_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END), 0) AS cart_click_rt,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN billing_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END) / NULLIF(COUNT(CASE WHEN shipping_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END), 0) AS shipping_click_rt,
    COUNT(CASE WHEN thankyou_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END) / NULLIF(COUNT(CASE WHEN billing_made_it = 1 THEN 1 END), 0) AS billing_click_rt
FROM session_page_flags
GROUP BY segment;

8. I’d love for you to quantify the impact of our billing test, as well. Please analyze the lift generated from the test (Sep 10 – Nov 10), in terms of revenue per billing page session, and then pull the number of billing page sessions for the past month to understand monthly impact.

Insight & Output:
The /billing-2 has been performing very well. There is a $8.51 lift per billing session since the launch of the billing-2 test. The value of billing page sessions over the last month is $10,160.
Click here for the output.
WITH billing_data AS (
        wp.pageview_url AS billing_version_seen,
    FROM website_pageviews wp
    LEFT JOIN orders o ON o.website_session_id = wp.website_session_id
    WHERE wp.pageview_url IN ('/billing','/billing-2')
      AND wp.created_at BETWEEN '2012-09-10' AND '2012-11-10'
), monthly_billing_sessions AS (
        COUNT(DISTINCT website_session_id) AS billing_sessions_past_month
    FROM website_pageviews
    WHERE pageview_url IN ('/billing','/billing-2') 
      AND created_at BETWEEN '2012-10-27' AND '2012-11-27'

    COUNT(DISTINCT bd.website_session_id) AS sessions, 
    SUM(bd.price_usd) / COUNT(DISTINCT bd.website_session_id) AS revenue_per_billing_page_seen,
FROM billing_data bd, monthly_billing_sessions mbs
GROUP BY bd.billing_version_seen, mbs.billing_sessions_past_month;