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CRAN status Lifecycle: experimental

Nepalwildlife package brings together a list of wild animals and plants found in Nepal. It contains 1 tibble named nepal_wildlife.


You can install the released version of Nepalwildlife from Github with:



How many species fall under different taxonomic groups in Nepal? Let’s solve it using the dataset:


nepal_wildlife %>% 
  count (`Taxonomic Group`)
#> # A tibble: 8 x 2
#>   `Taxonomic Group`        n
#>   <chr>                <int>
#> 1 Amphibians              58
#> 2 Birds                  852
#> 3 Butterflies             26
#> 4 Conifers                23
#> 5 Mammals                217
#> 6 Reptiles                44
#> 7 Sphingid moths         174
#> 8 Turtles (non-marine)    15

Steps used to Build the package:

Initial setup:

  1. Load devtools using library(devtools)
  2. Use create_package(pathname/Nepalwildlife). This created a folder named Nepalwildlife with skeleton for the package contents such as DESCRIPTION and an R project file.
  3. In the new Rstudio session that is opened, load usethis package using library(usethis)
  4. Set up git repo using use_git(). Perform initial commit and restart RStudio to activate the Git pane.

Place the dataset:

  1. Create a directory for raw data using use_data_raw()
  2. Add the dataset downloaded from the Map of Life in .csv form into the newly created data-raw folder.
  3. Add a R script titled nepal_wildlife.R in the folder, which converts the csv to a tibble in the .R file.
    • Include usethis::use_data() at the bottom of this R script to create a .rda data object in the data folder
  4. Check to data folder in the root directory to see if nepal_wildlife.rda object exists.

Create documentation:

  1. Create a new R script called nepal_wildlife.R in the R folder in the root directory.
  2. Create roxygen style documentation in it, ending with the line "nepal_wildlife"
    • There is not need to use @export tag because I am not creating any function and it was advised in class not to do so.
  3. Run document()

Tests for package:

  1. use_testthat() to create a tests folder in the root directory
  2. use_test("nepal_wildlife") creates an R file with my tests in it.
  3. Write test codes using expect_ statements to check if:
    • the variable names of the dataset are as expected.
    • dataset is stored as a tibble
    • the the dataset has expected number of observations.
  4. Check if tests pass using test()

Update DESCRIPTION file:

  1. Open DESCRIPTION file in a code editor
  2. Edit the Title, Authors and Description fields as necessary.
  3. Add license info using usethis::use_mit_license("Abhinab Kadel")
  4. Add dependencies using use_package(). The following packages are listed under the @import option:
    • Package tests specified above use dplyr and tibble packages.
    • Vignette uses stringr and ggplot2

Add README and vignette:

  1. Create readme using use_readme_rmd( ) and build it using build_readme( ).
  2. Create vignette using use_vignette("nepal_wildlife") and build it using build_vignette().

Install package:

Use devtools::install()

Linking local repository to a remote repository

  1. Create a remote repository on Github called Nepalwildlife
  2. Push package contents from local repo to remote repo using the instructions provided in Github.

For optional tasks:

  1. Run usethis::use_code_of_conduct() to create a code of conduct text. Then, paste it to the README file (see below)
  2. Create a file using use_news_md()
  3. Run usethis::use_version() and select minor increment to set the package version to 0.1.0
    • This adds a new heading in the file with the package name and version nr.
  4. Update information to the file.
  5. Build the website:
    • Activate pkgdown using usethis::use_pkgdown()
    • Build website using pkgdown::build_site()
    • Push the contents of root/docs folder to the remote repository
    • Activate Github Pages through repository settings and select master/docs as website source.
    • Website can be found here

Rerun install() to install the package with the necessary changes.

Note: In between these steps, I performed check() statements to see if there were any errors.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the Nepalwildlife project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


Contains data for wildlife found in Nepal



Unknown, MIT licenses found

Licenses found


Code of conduct





No packages published
